module Plezi module_function ####################### ## Services pooling and calling # DANGER ZONE - Plezi Engine. the services store SERVICES = {} # DANGER ZONE - Plezi Engine. the services mutex S_LOCKER = # public API to add a service to the framework. # accepts: # port:: port number # parameters:: a hash of paramaters that are passed on to the service for handling (and from there, service dependent, to the protocol and/or handler). # # parameters are any of the following: # host:: the host name. defaults to any host not explicitly defined (a catch-all). # alias:: a String or an Array of Strings which represent alternative host names (i.e. `alias: ["", ""]`). # root:: the public root folder. if this is defined, static files will be served from the location. # assets:: the assets root folder. defaults to nil (no assets support). if the path is defined, assets will be served from `/assets/...` (or the public_asset path defined) before any static files. assets will not be served if the file in the /public/assets folder if up to date (a rendering attempt will be made for systems that allow file writing). # assets_public:: the assets public uri location (uri format, NOT a file path). defaults to `/assets`. assets will be saved (or rendered) to the assets public folder and served as static files. # assets_callback:: a method that accepts one parameters: `request` and renders any custom assets. the method should return `false` unless it has created a response object (`response =`) and sent a response to the client using `response.finish`. # save_assets:: saves the rendered assets to the filesystem, under the public folder. defaults to false. # templates:: the templates root folder. defaults to nil (no template support). templates can be rendered by a Controller class, using the `render` method. # ssl:: if true, an SSL service will be attempted. if no certificate is defined, an attempt will be made to create a self signed certificate. # ssl_key:: the public key for the SSL service. # ssl_cert:: the certificate for the SSL service. # # # assets: # # assets support will render `.sass`, `.scss` and `.coffee` and save them as local files (`.css`, `.css`, and `.js` respectively) before sending them as static files. if it is impossible to write the files, they will be rendered dynamically for every request (it would be better to render them before-hand). # # templates: # # templates can be either an ERB file on a Haml file. # def add_service port, paramaters = {} paramaters[:port] ||= port paramaters[:service_type] ||= ( paramaters[:ssl] ? SSLService : BasicService) service = nil service = paramaters[:service_type].create_service(port, paramaters) unless ( defined?(BUILDING_PLEZI_TEMPLATE) || defined?(PLEZI_ON_RACK) ) S_LOCKER.synchronize {SERVICES[service] = paramaters} info "Started listening on port #{port}." true end # Plezi Engine, DO NOT CALL. stops all services - active connection will remain open until completion. def stop_services info 'Stopping services' S_LOCKER.synchronize {SERVICES.each {|s, p| s.close rescue true; info "Stoped listening on port #{p[:port]}"}; SERVICES.clear } end end