require_relative 'allowlist_middleware' module Stitches # A middleware that requires an API key for certain transactions, and makes its id available # in the enviornment for controllers. # # This follows for use of custom authorization methods, namely # the specification of an API key. # # Apps are expected to set the Authorization header (available to Rack apps as the environment # variable HTTP_AUTHORIZATION) to # # MyInternalRealm key=<> # # where MyInternalRealm is the value returned by Stitches.configuration.custom_http_auth_scheme and # <> is the UUID provided to the caller. It's expected that there is an entry # in the API_CLIENTS table with this value for "key". # # If that is the case, env[Stitches.configuration.env_var_to_hold_api_client_primary_key] will be the primary key of the # ApiClient that it maps to. class ApiKey < Stitches::AllowlistMiddleware protected def do_call(env) authorization = env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] if authorization if authorization =~ /#{@configuration.custom_http_auth_scheme}\s+key=(.*)\s*$/ key = $1 if ApiClient.column_names.include?("enabled") client = ApiClient.where(key: key, enabled: true).first else ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('api_keys is missing "enabled" column. Run "rails g stitches:add_enabled_to_api_clients"') client = ApiClient.where(key: key).first end if client.present? env[@configuration.env_var_to_hold_api_client_primary_key] = env[@configuration.env_var_to_hold_api_client] = client else unauthorized_response("key invalid") end else unauthorized_response("bad authorization type") end else unauthorized_response("no authorization header") end end private # TODO: (jdlubrano) # Once Rails 5 support is no longer necessary, we can simply call # Rails.application.class.module_parent. The module_parent method # does not exist in Rails <= 5, though, so we need to gracefully fallback # Rails.application.class.parent for Rails versions predating Rails 6.0.0. def rails_app_module application_class = Rails.application.class parent = application_class.try(:module_parent) || application_class.parent parent.to_s end def unauthorized_response(reason) status = 401 body = "Unauthorized - #{reason}" header = { "WWW-Authenticate" => "#{@configuration.custom_http_auth_scheme} realm=#{rails_app_module}" }, status, header).finish end end end