module Lanes::Concerns # @see ClassMethods module AttrAccessorWithDefault extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # defines a attr_accessor with a default value # @param name [ Symbol ] name of the attribute # @param default [ Object, lambda, Proc ] if a value is given, be aware that it will be shared between instances # @example # # Shared = # class AttrTestClass # include AttrAccessorWithDefault # attr_accessor_with_default :non_copying, ->{"a default string") } # attr_accessor_with_default :shared,"a default string") # end # a = # b = # a.non_copying.str #=> "a default string" # a.non_copying.str = "new_string" #=> "new string" # b.non_copying.str #=> "a default string" # # a.shared.str #=> "a default string" # b.shared.str #=> "a default string" # a.shared.str = "new string" #=> "new string" # b.shared.str #=> "new string" def attr_accessor_with_default( name, default=nil ) attr_writer name attr_add_default_setting_method(name) attr_reader_with_default( name, default ) end def attr_add_default_setting_method(name) module_eval do define_singleton_method(name) do | value | attr_reader_with_default( name, value ) end end end def attr_reader_with_default( name, default ) module_eval do define_method( name ) do class << self; self; end.class_eval do attr_reader( name ) end instance_var = "@#{name.to_s}".to_sym if instance_variable_defined?(instance_var) instance_variable_get(instance_var) else instance_variable_set(instance_var, default.is_a?(Proc) ? : default ) end end end end end end end