require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'ansi/code' require 'ansi/terminal' require 'universa' require 'universa_tools' require 'universa_tools/keyring' require 'facets/string/word_wrap' include Universa # Show help it nothing to do # ARGV << "-h" if ARGV == [] class Uniring include UniversaTools::Commons include UniversaTools attr :option_parser def initialize(&block) @main_password = nil @keyring_path = File.expand_path("~/.universa/main_keyring") @tasks = [] @commands = {} @term_width = ANSI::Terminal.terminal_width init_opts &block end def run run_options_parser @option_parser, tasks_before_commands: false do case ARGV.length when 0 # OK, run as usual when 1 @keyring_path = ARGV[0] else error("illegal arguments") end end end def init_opts &initializer @option_parser = { |opts| opts.banner = <<-End #{ANSI.bold { "\nUniversa KeyRing tool #{UniversaTools::VERSION}, Universa core #{Universa::VERSION}" }} End @usage = <<-End Usage: #{sample "uniring [options] command [arguments]"} #{sample "uniring -h"} #{sample "uniring help"} End opts.separator "" # opts.on("--term-with SIZE", "override terminal width to specified size when formatting output, default is taken from the terminal and is currently #@term_width.") { |size| # @term_width = size # } opts.on("--all", "allow delete/update more than one key at a time") { @allow_all = true } opts.on("-p PASSWORD", "--password PASSWORD", "specify keyring password in the command line") { |x| @password = x } opts.on("-a [TAG,]KEY_FILE", "--add [TAG,]KEYFILE", Array, "add key from a file, with optional tag", "tag could be used to select keys in extract/sign/delete operations") { |tag, file_name| task { if !file_name tag, file_name = file_name, tag end file_name, password = file_name.split(':', 2) begin # TODO: REQUIRE TAG # TODO: REQUIRE FORCE or prompt to update tag # TODO: separate tag from this parameter - too hard to use keyring.add_key load_key(file_name, password), tag puts success_style("\nKey added\n") rescue ArgumentError error "key already in ring" end } } opts.on("-d prefix", "--delete prefix", "delete key by beginning of its key address or a tag", "this method prompts confirmation works only if exactly one", "matching key exists") { |part| task { keys = keyring.matching_records(part) case keys.size when 0 error "no matching keys found" when 1 delete_keys(keys) else if @allow_all delete_keys(keys) else puts error_style("\nMore than one key matches the criteria:") keys.each { |kr| show_record kr } error "Only one key could be deleted unless --all is specified" end end } } opts.on("-l", "--list", "show keys in a ring") { task { keyring # this may ask for password so do it first puts "--" * 40 puts ANSI.yellow { "KeyRing v.#{keyring.version.to_s}: " } + ANSI.bold { @keyring_path } puts ANSI.yellow { "fingerprint: " } + ANSI.bold{ { keyring.fingerprint } } puts "--" * 40 keyring.keys.sort_by { |x| x&.tag || '' }.each(&method(:show_record)) if (keyring.keys.size > 0) puts "--" * 40 puts "#{keyring.keys.size} key(s)\n" else puts "\nno keys\n" end } } opts.on("-x", "--change-password [NEW_PASSWORD]", "change password. if the password it not specified, it ", "will be requested. Don't forget to use -- to separate", "this option from the repository name when needed") { |np| task { kr = keyring new_password = np || request_password2("enter new password") kr.change_password new_password puts "password has been changed" } } opts.on("--init", "-i", "initialize new keyring. Does not change any existing keyring") { task { @keyring =, password: @password, password_proc: ->(x) { self.request_password2 x }, generate: true, override: @force_init) puts success_style("keyring has been created") } } opts.on("--force", "with --init, deletes existing reing if exists") { @force_init = true } initializer&.call(opts) } end def keyring @keyring ||= begin print ANSI.faint { "trying to open keyring #{@keyring_path}" }, password: @password, password_proc: -> (x) { self.request_password(x) } ) rescue Farcall::RemoteError => e if e.message =~ /HMAC authentication failed/ error("wrong keyring password or broken ring") else raise e end ensure print "\r" + ' ' * 20 + "\r" end end def keyring_password @keyring_password end def request_password2(prompt) loop do psw1 = request_password prompt psw2 = request_password "please re-enter the password" return psw1 if psw1 == psw2 puts error_style("passwords do not much. try again") end ensure clearstring end def request_password(prompt) clearstring print prompt + ' ' STDIN.noecho { |x| x.gets.chomp } ensure clearstring end private def delete_keys(keys) keys.each { |kr| show_record kr print warning_style { "Are you sure to delete this key? [Ny] " } if %w[y Y].include?(STDIN.readline.chomp) print "deleting..." keyring.delete_key kr.key clearstring puts warning_style("\nkey has been deleted\n") else puts "skipped" end } end def show_record(kr) puts ANSI.bold { { kr.tag } } || ANSI.faint { "(no tag)" } puts "\t#{ANSI.bold { kr.key.short_address.to_s }}" puts "\t#{ANSI.bold { kr.key.long_address.to_s }}" if ! puts "\t#{}" end puts end def load_key(file_name, password = nil) packed = open(file_name, 'rb') { |f| } rescue open(file_name + ".private.unikey", 'rb') { |f| } # NO password? key = Universa::PrivateKey.from_packed(packed) rescue nil key and return key print ANSI.faint("decrypting the key...") if password key = Universa::PrivateKey.from_packed(packed, password: password) rescue nil clearstring() key and return key puts error_style("wrong password or corrupted key file") end while !key do password = request_password("\rPlease enter password for #{file_name}:") print ANSI.faint("\rdecrypting the key...") key = Universa::PrivateKey.from_packed(packed, password: password) rescue nil clearstring() key or puts error_style("wrong password or corrupted key file") end key end def clearstring() print "\r" + ' ' * 120 + "\r" end def task(&block) @tasks << block end def sample(text) " " + ANSI.bold { { text } } end end