# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' module Rouge module Lexers class Lasso < TemplateLexer title "Lasso" desc "The Lasso programming language (lassosoft.com)" tag 'lasso' aliases 'lassoscript' filenames '*.lasso', '*.lasso[89]' mimetypes 'text/x-lasso', 'text/html+lasso', 'application/x-httpd-lasso' option :start_inline, 'Whether to start inline instead of requiring |<(script|style).*?\2>|<(?!\?(lasso(script)?|=)))+/im) { delegate parent } end state :nosquarebrackets do rule %r/\[noprocess\]/, Comment::Preproc, :noprocess rule %r/<\?(lasso(script)?|=)/i, Comment::Preproc, :anglebrackets rule(/([^\[<]||<(script|style).*?\2>|<(?!\?(lasso(script)?|=))|\[(?!noprocess))+/im) { delegate parent } end state :noprocess do rule %r(\[/noprocess\]), Comment::Preproc, :pop! rule(%r(([^\[]|\[(?!/noprocess))+)i) { delegate parent } end state :squarebrackets do rule %r/\]/, Comment::Preproc, :pop! mixin :lasso end state :anglebrackets do rule %r/\?>/, Comment::Preproc, :pop! mixin :lasso end state :lassofile do rule %r/\]|\?>/, Comment::Preproc, :pop! mixin :lasso end state :whitespacecomments do rule %r/\s+/, Text rule %r(//.*?\n), Comment::Single rule %r(/\*\*!.*?\*/)m, Comment::Doc rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline end state :lasso do mixin :whitespacecomments # literals rule %r/\d*\.\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?/i, Num::Float rule %r/0x[\da-f]+/i, Num::Hex rule %r/\d+/, Num::Integer rule %r/(infinity|NaN)\b/i, Num rule %r/'[^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*'/m, Str::Single rule %r/"[^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*"/m, Str::Double rule %r/`[^`]*`/m, Str::Backtick # names rule %r/\$#{id}/, Name::Variable rule %r/#(#{id}|\d+\b)/, Name::Variable::Instance rule %r/(\.\s*)('#{id}')/ do groups Name::Builtin::Pseudo, Name::Variable::Class end rule %r/(self)(\s*->\s*)('#{id}')/i do groups Name::Builtin::Pseudo, Operator, Name::Variable::Class end rule %r/(\.\.?\s*)(#{id}(=(?!=))?)/ do groups Name::Builtin::Pseudo, Name::Other end rule %r/(->\\?\s*|&\s*)(#{id}(=(?!=))?)/ do groups Operator, Name::Other end rule %r/(?)(self|inherited|currentcapture|givenblock)\b/i, Name::Builtin::Pseudo rule %r/-(?!infinity)#{id}/i, Name::Attribute rule %r/::\s*#{id}/, Name::Label # definitions rule %r/(define)(\s+)(#{id})(\s*=>\s*)(type|trait|thread)\b/i do groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Class, Operator, Keyword end rule %r((define)(\s+)(#{id})(\s*->\s*)(#{id}=?|[-+*/%]))i do groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Class, Operator, Name::Function push :signature end rule %r/(define)(\s+)(#{id})/i do groups Keyword::Declaration, Text, Name::Function push :signature end rule %r((public|protected|private|provide)(\s+)((#{id}=?|[-+*/%])(?=\s*\()))i do groups Keyword, Text, Name::Function push :signature end rule %r/(public|protected|private|provide)(\s+)(#{id})/i do groups Keyword, Text, Name::Function end # keywords rule %r/(true|false|none|minimal|full|all|void)\b/i, Keyword::Constant rule %r/(local|var|variable|global|data(?=\s))\b/i, Keyword::Declaration rule %r/(#{id})(\s+)(in)\b/i do groups Name, Text, Keyword end rule %r/(let|into)(\s+)(#{id})/i do groups Keyword, Text, Name end # other rule %r/,/, Punctuation, :commamember rule %r/(and|or|not)\b/i, Operator::Word rule %r/(#{id})(\s*::\s*#{id})?(\s*=(?!=|>))/ do groups Name, Name::Label, Operator end rule %r((/?)([\w.]+)) do |m| name = m[2].downcase if m[1] != '' token Punctuation, m[1] end if name == 'namespace_using' token Keyword::Namespace, m[2] elsif self.class.keywords[:exceptions].include? name token Name::Exception, m[2] elsif self.class.keywords[:types].include? name token Keyword::Type, m[2] elsif self.class.keywords[:traits].include? name token Name::Decorator, m[2] elsif self.class.keywords[:keywords].include? name token Keyword, m[2] elsif self.class.keywords[:builtins].include? name token Name::Builtin, m[2] else token Name::Other, m[2] end end rule %r/(=)(n?bw|n?ew|n?cn|lte?|gte?|n?eq|n?rx|ft)\b/i do groups Operator, Operator::Word end rule %r(:=|[-+*/%=<>&|!?\\]+), Operator rule %r/[{}():;,@^]/, Punctuation end state :signature do rule %r/\=>/, Operator, :pop! rule %r/\)/, Punctuation, :pop! rule %r/[(,]/, Punctuation, :parameter mixin :lasso end state :parameter do rule %r/\)/, Punctuation, :pop! rule %r/-?#{id}/, Name::Attribute, :pop! rule %r/\.\.\./, Name::Builtin::Pseudo mixin :lasso end state :commamember do rule %r((#{id}=?|[-+*/%])(?=\s*(\(([^()]*\([^()]*\))*[^\)]*\)\s*)?(::[\w.\s]+)?=>)), Name::Function, :signature mixin :whitespacecomments rule %r//, Text, :pop! end end end end