namespace :provider_taxonomy do desc 'Import data representing provider specialties taxonomy. Result is db table with parent ids and depth for each entry.' task import: :environment do require 'csv' require 'open-uri' def download(url, dest) open(url) do |u|, 'wb') { |f| f.write( } end end table = 'taxonomy_items' $stdout.sync = true print "Truncating and resetting the " + table + " table\n" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("TRUNCATE " + table + " RESTART IDENTITY;") today = if today.month < 7 current_version = today.year.to_s[2, 2] + "0" previous_version = (today.year - 1).to_s[2, 2] + "1" else current_version = today.year.to_s[2, 2] + "1" previous_version = today.year.to_s[2, 2] + "0" end begin if Dir.exists?('db/provider_taxonomy') old_file = Dir['db/provider_taxonomy/nucc_taxonomy_*.csv'][0] File.delete(old_file) if old_file else FileUtils.mkdir_p 'db/provider_taxonomy' end taxonomy_file = "db/provider_taxonomy/nucc_taxonomy_#{current_version}.csv" download("{current_version}.csv", taxonomy_file) if File.exist?(taxonomy_file) puts "Taxonomy file downloaded: Version #{current_version}." end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError taxonomy_file = "db/rawdata/CMS_Taxonomy_Hierarchy/nucc_taxonomy_#{previous_version}.csv" download("{previous_version}.csv", taxonomy_file) if File.exist?(taxonomy_file) puts "Taxonomy file downloaded: Version #{previous_version}." end end csv_text = csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, headers: true) print "Importing provider taxonomy\n" csv.each_with_index do |row, i| print "\n" if (i % 80).zero? print "." grouping = TaxonomyItem.where(name: row['Grouping'], depth: 1).first if !grouping grouping = TaxonomyItem.create!( name: row['Grouping'], depth: 1, parent_id: nil, taxonomy_code: nil ) end if row['Specialization'].blank? classification = TaxonomyItem.where(name: row['Classification'], depth: 2, parent_id: if classification classification.update_attributes( taxonomy_code: row['Code'], definition: row['Definition'], notes: row['Notes'] ) else TaxonomyItem.create!( name: row['Classification'], depth: 2, parent_id:, taxonomy_code: row['Code'], definition: row['Definition'], notes: row['Notes'] ) end else classification = TaxonomyItem.where(name: row['Classification'], parent_id:, depth: 2).first if !classification classification = TaxonomyItem.create!( name: row['Classification'], depth: 2, parent_id:, taxonomy_code: nil, definition: nil, notes: nil ) end TaxonomyItem.create!( name: row['Specialization'], depth: 3, parent_id:, taxonomy_code: row['Code'], definition: row['Definition'], notes: row['Notes'] ).id end end print "\n" puts 'Provider taxonomy imported.' FileUtils.rm_rf 'db/provider_taxonomy' end end