# Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :operations: CreateUser: :input: Path: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: - User: - CreateDate: - :timestamp GetUser: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ :output: - User: - CreateDate: - :timestamp UpdateUser: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required NewPath: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ NewUserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ :output: [] DeleteUser: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] ListUsers: :input: PathPrefix: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]*/ Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - Users: - :list: member - member: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean CreateAccessKey: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ :output: - AccessKey: - CreateDate: - :timestamp UpdateAccessKey: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ AccessKeyId: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required Status: - :string - :required :output: [] DeleteAccessKey: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ AccessKeyId: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required :output: [] ListAccessKeys: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - AccessKeyMetadata: - :list: member - member: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean UploadSigningCertificate: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ CertificateBody: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ - :required :output: - Certificate: - UploadDate: - :timestamp UpdateSigningCertificate: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ CertificateId: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required Status: - :string - :required :output: [] DeleteSigningCertificate: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ CertificateId: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required :output: [] ListSigningCertificates: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - Certificates: - :list: member - member: - UploadDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean CreateGroup: :input: Path: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: - Group: - CreateDate: - :timestamp GetGroup: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - Group: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - Users: - :list: member - member: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean UpdateGroup: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required NewPath: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ NewGroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ :output: [] RemoveUserFromGroup: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] AddUserToGroup: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] DeleteGroup: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] ListGroups: :input: PathPrefix: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]*/ Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - Groups: - :list: member - member: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean ListGroupsForUser: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - Groups: - :list: member - member: - CreateDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean PutUserPolicy: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyDocument: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ - :required :output: [] PutGroupPolicy: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyDocument: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ - :required :output: [] GetUserPolicy: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] GetGroupPolicy: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] DeleteUserPolicy: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] DeleteGroupPolicy: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required PolicyName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] ListUserPolicies: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - PolicyNames: - :list: member - IsTruncated: - :boolean ListGroupPolicies: :input: GroupName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - PolicyNames: - :list: member - IsTruncated: - :boolean EnableMFADevice: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required SerialNumber: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required AuthenticationCode1: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\d]*/ - :required AuthenticationCode2: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\d]*/ - :required :output: [] ResyncMFADevice: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required SerialNumber: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required AuthenticationCode1: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\d]*/ - :required AuthenticationCode2: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\d]*/ - :required :output: [] DeactivateMFADevice: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required SerialNumber: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w]*/ - :required :output: [] ListMFADevices: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - MFADevices: - :list: member - member: - EnableDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean CreateLoginProfile: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Password: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ - :required :output: - LoginProfile: - CreateDate: - :timestamp GetLoginProfile: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: - LoginProfile: - CreateDate: - :timestamp UpdateLoginProfile: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required Password: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ :output: [] DeleteLoginProfile: :input: UserName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] UploadServerCertificate: :input: Path: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ ServerCertificateName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required CertificateBody: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]+/ - :required PrivateKey: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]*/ - :required CertificateChain: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\u00FF]*/ :output: - ServerCertificateMetadata: - UploadDate: - :timestamp GetServerCertificate: :input: ServerCertificateName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: - ServerCertificate: - ServerCertificateMetadata: - UploadDate: - :timestamp UpdateServerCertificate: :input: ServerCertificateName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required NewPath: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /(\u002F)|(\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]+\u002F)/ NewServerCertificateName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ :output: [] DeleteServerCertificate: :input: ServerCertificateName: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\w+=,.@-]*/ - :required :output: [] ListServerCertificates: :input: PathPrefix: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /\u002F[\u0021-\u007F]*/ Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - ServerCertificateMetadataList: - :list: member - member: - UploadDate: - :timestamp - IsTruncated: - :boolean GetAccountSummary: :input: {} :output: - SummaryMap: - :map: - entry - key - value - entry: - value: - :integer CreateAccountAlias: :input: AccountAlias: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$/ - :required :output: [] ListAccountAliases: :input: Marker: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /[\u0020-\u00FF]*/ MaxItems: - :integer :output: - AccountAliases: - :list: member - IsTruncated: - :boolean DeleteAccountAlias: :input: AccountAlias: - :string - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$/ - :required :output: [] :client_errors: NoSuchEntity: [] MalformedCertificate: [] LimitExceeded: [] EntityAlreadyExists: [] EntityTemporarilyUnmodifiable: [] MalformedPolicyDocument: [] DeleteConflict: [] InvalidAuthenticationCode: [] InvalidCertificate: [] DuplicateCertificate: [] KeyPairMismatch: [] NoSuchVendor: [] :server_errors: {}