== INSTALLATION Installation is simple. Follow the following steps: === Rubygems gem install libxml-ruby === Tarball/zip $ rake test $ rake install If extconf yacks up an error, follow the instructions it provides. You will need to chdir to ext/xml and run 'ruby extconf.rb' to provide options, after which you can either use Rake for everything or do with make (make && make install). Once installed, look at the test scripts (tests/*.rb), and run 'rake doc' to generate API documentation. You can find the latest documentation at: * http://libxml.rubyforge.org/doc == DEPENDENCIES libxml requires a few other libraries to be installed inorder to function properly. * libm (math routines: very standard) * libz (zlib) * libiconv * libxml2 == USAGE Basic usage for reading and writing documents. === WRITING Writing a simple document: # require 'rubygems' # if installed via Gems require 'xml/libxml' doc = XML::Document.new() doc.root = XML::Node.new('root_node') root = doc.root root << elem1 = XML::Node.new('elem1') elem1['attr1'] = 'val1' elem1['attr2'] = 'val2' root << elem2 = XML::Node.new('elem2') elem2['attr1'] = 'val1' elem2['attr2'] = 'val2' root << elem3 = XML::Node.new('elem3') elem3 << elem4 = XML::Node.new('elem4') elem3 << elem5 = XML::Node.new('elem5') elem5 << elem6 = XML::Node.new('elem6') elem6 << 'Content for element 6' elem3['attr'] = 'baz' # Namespace hack to reduce the numer of times XML:: is typed include XML root << elem7 = Node.new('foo') 1.upto(10) do |i| elem7 << n = Node.new('bar') n << i end format = true doc.save('output.xml', format) The file output.xml contains: Content for element 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 === READING Reading XML is slightly more complex and there are many more ways to perform this operation. This reads in and processes the above generated XML document, output.xml. This script assumes that the structure of the document is already known. # require 'rubygems' # if installed via Gems require 'xml/libxml' doc = XML::Document.file('output.xml') root = doc.root puts "Root element name: #{root.name}" elem3 = root.find('elem3').to_a.first puts "Elem3: #{elem3['attr']}" doc.find('//root_node/foo/bar').each do |node| puts "Node path: #{node.path} \t Contents: #{node}" end And your terminal should look like: Root element name: root_node Elem3: baz Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[1] Contents: 1 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[2] Contents: 2 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[3] Contents: 3 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[4] Contents: 4 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[5] Contents: 5 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[6] Contents: 6 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[7] Contents: 7 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[8] Contents: 8 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[9] Contents: 9 Node path: /root_node/foo/bar[10] Contents: 10 == MORE INFORMATION If you have any questions, please send email to libxml-devel@rubyforge.org. # $Id: README,v 1.5 2006/04/24 19:29:49 roscopeco Exp $