module Octopress module Ink module Filters # Returns the site's config root or '/' if the config isn't set # def root root_url =['root'] root_url.nil? ? '/' : File.join('/', root_url) end # Prepends input with a url fragment # # input - An absolute url, e.g. /images/awesome.gif # url - The fragment to prepend the input, e.g. /blog # # Returns the modified url, e.g /blog # def expand_url(input, url=nil) url ||= root if input =~ /^#{url}/ input else File.join(url, input) end end # Prevent orphans in text by inserting a non-breaking space between the two last words of a string. def unorphan(input) input.sub(/\s+(\S+)\s*$/, ' \1') end # Prepend all absolute urls with a url fragment # # input - The content of a page or post # url - The fragment to prepend absolute urls # # Returns input with modified urls # def expand_urls(input, url=nil) url ||= root input.gsub /(\s+(href|src)\s*=\s*["|']{1})(\/[^\/>]{1}[^\"'>]*)/ do $1 + expand_url($3, url) end end # Prepend all urls with the full site url # # input - The content of a page or post # # Returns input with all urls expanded to include the full site url # e.g. /images/awesome.gif => # def full_urls(input) url =['url'] if url.nil? raise "Could not expand urls: Please add your published url to your _config.yml, eg url:" else expand_urls(input, url) end end # Prepend a url with the full site url # # input - a url # # Returns input with all urls expanded to include the full site url # e.g. /images/awesome.gif => # def full_url(input) url =['url'] if url.nil? raise "Could not expand url in #{input}: Please add your site's published url to your _config.yml, eg url:" else expand_url(input, url) end end # Truncate a string at the marker # input - The content of a post or page # # Returns only the content preceeding the marker # def excerpt(input) if input.index(//i) input.split(//i)[0] else input end end # Checks for excerpt markers (helpful for template conditionals) # # input - The content of a page or post # # Returns true/false if the excerpt marker is found # def has_excerpt(input) input =~ //i ? true : false end # Escapes HTML content for XML def cdata_escape(input) input.gsub(//, ']]>') end # Returns a title cased string based on John Gruber's title case def titlecase(input) input.titlecase end # Formats a string for use as a css classname, removing illegal characters def classify(input) input.gsub(/ /,'-').gsub(/[^\w-]/,'').downcase end # Remove empty lines def compact_newlines(input) input.gsub(/\n{2,}/, "\n").gsub(/^ +\n/,"") end # Join newlines def join_lines(input, separator='') compact_newlines(input).strip.gsub(/\s*\n\s*/, separator) end module_function :root, :expand_url, :expand_urls, :full_url, :full_urls, :excerpt, :cdata_escape, :titlecase, :classify, :join_lines, :compact_newlines, :unorphan public :expand_url, :expand_urls, :full_url, :full_urls, :excerpt, :cdata_escape, :titlecase, :classify, :join_lines, :compact_newlines, :unorphan end end end