<%= image_tag 'mno_enterprise/main-logo.png' %>

Redirecting to {{appInstance.name}}

You will be automatically redirected in {{redirectionCounter}}s (or click the link below)

Go to my app now!

{{appInstance.name}} is getting configured

Don't worry, it should be available in a few seconds.

<%= image_tag 'mno_enterprise/loader-32x32-bg-inverse.gif' %>

{{appInstance.name}} is loading

{{appInstance.name}} has been idle for a long time. We are currently loading it. It should be available soon!

{{appInstance.name}} is getting setup

{{appInstance.name}} is preparing for the first use. It should be available soon!

{{appInstance.name}} has been deleted

{{appInstance.name}} has been removed by your administrator and is no more accessible.

{{appInstance.name}} is idle

Unfortunately we cannot switch this app ON for you:

  • {{error}}

Application not found

The app you requested does not seem to be managed by us.
Are you sure you typed the right url?

<%= javascript_include_tag "mno_enterprise/application" %>