# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef-dk/policyfile/cookbook_sources' require 'chef-dk/policyfile/cookbook_spec' module ChefDK module Policyfile class DSL attr_reader :errors attr_reader :run_list attr_reader :default_source attr_reader :policyfile_cookbook_specs attr_accessor :policyfile_filename def initialize @errors = [] @run_list = [] @default_source = NullCookbookSource.new @policyfile_cookbook_specs = {} @policyfile_filename = nil end def run_list(*run_list_items) run_list_items = run_list_items.flatten @run_list = run_list_items unless run_list_items.empty? @run_list end def default_source(source_type = nil, source_uri = nil) return @default_source if source_type.nil? case source_type when :community set_default_community_source(source_uri) when :chef_server set_default_chef_server_source(source_uri) else @errors << "Invalid default_source type '#{source_type.inspect}'" end end def cookbook(name, *version_and_source_opts) source_options = if version_and_source_opts.last.is_a?(Hash) version_and_source_opts.pop else {} end constraint = version_and_source_opts.first || ">= 0.0.0" spec = CookbookSpec.new(name, constraint, source_options, policyfile_filename) if existing_source = @policyfile_cookbook_specs[name] err = "Cookbook '#{name}' assigned to conflicting sources\n\n" err << "Previous source: #{existing_source.source_options.inspect}\n" err << "Conflicts with: #{source_options.inspect}\n" @errors << err else @policyfile_cookbook_specs[name] = spec end end def eval_policyfile(policyfile_string, policyfile_filename) @policyfile_filename = policyfile_filename instance_eval(policyfile_string, policyfile_filename) validate! self rescue SyntaxError => e @errors << "Invalid ruby syntax in policyfile '#{policyfile_filename}':\n\n#{e.message}" rescue SignalException, SystemExit # allow signal from kill, ctrl-C, etc. to bubble up: raise rescue Exception => e error_message = "Evaluation of policyfile '#{policyfile_filename}' raised an exception\n" error_message << " Exception: #{e.class.name} \"#{e.to_s}\"\n\n" trace = filtered_bt(policyfile_filename, e) error_message << " Relevant Code:\n" error_message << " #{error_context(policyfile_string, policyfile_filename, e)}\n\n" unless trace.empty? error_message << " Backtrace:\n" error_message << filtered_bt(policyfile_filename, e).inject("") { |formatted_trace, line| formatted_trace << " #{line}" } error_message << "\n" end @errors << error_message end private def set_default_community_source(source_uri) @default_source = CommunityCookbookSource.new(source_uri) end def set_default_chef_server_source(source_uri) if source_uri.nil? @errors << "You must specify the server's URI when using a default_source :chef_server" else @default_source = ChefServerCookbookSource.new(source_uri) end end def validate! if @run_list.empty? @errors << "Invalid run_list. run_list cannot be empty" end end def error_context(policyfile_string, policyfile_filename, exception) if line_number_to_show = culprit_line_number(policyfile_filename, exception) code = policyfile_string.lines.to_a[line_number_to_show - 1].strip "#{line_number_to_show}: #{code}" else "Could not find relevant code from backtrace" end end def culprit_line_number(policyfile_filename, exception) if most_proximate_backtrace_line = filtered_bt(policyfile_filename, exception).first most_proximate_backtrace_line[/^(?:.\:)?[^:]+:([\d]+)/,1].to_i else nil end end def filtered_bt(policyfile_filename, exception) policyfile_filename_matcher = /^#{Regexp.escape(policyfile_filename)}/ exception.backtrace.select {|line| line =~ policyfile_filename_matcher } end end end end