# jekyll-theme-pirati Theme of Czech Pirate Party. [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-pirati) ## Installation & usage For usage see [USAGE.md](USAGE.md) ## Updating to 8.x 8.x version features a fully revamped UI based on our new [UI styleguide](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/). The theme no longer has it's own CSS styles. Instead, all the styles are being provided by the styleguide itself. Same applies to JS: whole webpack asset pipeline has been dropped which resulted in a lot simpler design. This version is a transition one before migrating to Wagtail-driven websites. No more major updates will follow, only bugfixes a maybe some minor adjustments. ### New features #### Sub links for campaigns You can now add sub link super buttons to campaign pages. To add it, provide the `subLinks` property of the particular campaign record with following shape: ``` subLinks: - title: Povolební strategie icon: ico--strategy classes: bg-grey-125 hover:bg-black hover:text-white href: / - title: Financování kampaně icon: ico--calculator classes: bg-black text-white hover:bg-grey-125 hover:text-black href: / ``` #### Transarency section in the footer Footer section listing transparent accounts and stuff can be enabled/disabled using `transparencySection: true/false` property in the `_data/menu.yml`. #### New includes - `_includes/avatar.html` - creates [avatar image](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-atoms-avatars) - `_includes/buttons/basic.html` - a [button without icon](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=atoms-button-colors) - `_includes/buttons/icon.html` - a [button with icon](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=atoms-button-colors) - `_includes/buttons/super.html` - a [super button](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-atoms-super-buttons) - `_includes/calendar.html` - a [calendar widget](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=molecules-js-calendar) - `_includes/contact-line.html` - a generic [contact line](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-atoms-contact-lines) - `_includes/countdown.html` - a [countdown widget](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-organisms-countdown) - `_includes/hero/simple.html` - a [simple hero banner](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=templates-pirate-center) - `_includes/hero/advanced.html` - a [complex hero banner](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=templates-elections) #### New pagination You should update your pagination settings to `12` instead of `11`. #### Set styleguide url in the config Add `styleguide_base_url` property pointing to styleguide version you want to use. #### New pirate-center layout Provide front matter like following: ```yaml title: ParduPiCe - Pardubické pirátské centrum shorthand: ParduPiCe openingHoursSEO: Mo-Fr 9:00-17:00 heroHeadline: Zbrusu nové krajské pirátské centrum! heroDescription: V Pardubicích jsme otevřeli nové pirátské centrum pod zkratkou ParduPiCe. img: pardupice/1.jpg address: | Pardubické pirátské centrum Budova T-STRING Masarykovo náměstí 1484 530 02 Pardubice I addressNote: Vstup do pirátského centra naleznete z boku budovy T-STRING naproti „AFI paláci“, vedle kadeřnictví. Vchod je v prostoru vjezdu na parkoviště ve vnitrobloku. contactPersons: - id: filip.varecha description: Správce coworku - id: jan.bednar description: Produkce calendarId: t60uj67580oudjh04tuh5icl8o@group.calendar.google.com calendarTitle: Kalendář akcí calendarPage: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=t60uj67580oudjh04tuh5icl8o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FPrague mapIframeLink: https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d10250.279531989467!2d15.770466!3d50.0381549!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xd4d03352a17e038b!2zUGFyZHVQaUNlIOKAkyBQYXJkdWJpY2vDqSBQaXLDoXRza8OpIGNlbnRydW0!5e0!3m2!1scs!2scz!4v1568565921492!5m2!1scs!2scz ``` If you provide `calendarId`, it will display the event list automatically. #### Display party affiliation on person page To display, add `partyUid: [party_uid]` in the page front matter. #### Use customized hero background on person page To use it fully, provide `heroImg` in the person markdown file. #### Highlight important articles These will show as the [emphasized variant in black](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-molecules-article-card). #### Organizations can personalise their onboard and donate links in header and footer Set `organization.donateLink` (defaults to dary.pirati.cz) and `organization.onboardingLink` (defaults to nalodeni.pirati.cz) in the Jekyll config. ### Backwards incompatible changes #### Candidate lists New data entity `parties` has been introduced. Needs to be added as `_data/parties.yml`. It's an array with following structure: ``` - uid: [party_id] name: [party_verbose_name] logoImg: [party_image_in_svg_format] ``` All existing candidate lists need to be updated. Specifically, `party` property has to be replaced with `partyUid` pointing to actual `uid` in `parties.yml`. #### Font awesome dropped in favor of custom iconset As the result, all the `fa*` icons won't work anymore. New icons has `ico--*` naming instead. See the [styleguide](https://styleguide.pir-test.eu/latest/?p=viewall-atoms-icons) for an overview of available icons. You will need to update your icons should you used some. Namely, icons will have to be updated in the `menu.yml`. #### Some deleted templates - `_includes/article-box/three-in-row.html` - replaced with `_includes/article-box/list.html` - `_includes/rbar/bar_photo.html` - now replaced with `bar_profile.html` that already contains a picture - `_includes/rbar/bar_person_contact.html` - now replaced with `bar_profile.html` that already contains a contact section #### Obsolete JS widgets Following widgets won't work (source kept in repository for future possible use): - Agenda - replaced with calendar from styleguide - Intention map - no replacement - Custom layer map - no replacement - Site search - no replacement, no site search available anymore ## Updating to 7.x Tag `_config.yml organization contactUid` is not used. Contacts person in bottom are popele with category `kontaktni_osoba`. ## Updating to 6.x To upgrade to v6 which features major visual upgrade, following steps are necessary: - For `_people` collection, remove `fullaname` property for every document. Instead, provide `titles` property to keep academic degrees in following format: ``` titles: before: MUDr. after: Ph.D. ``` - To make your contact page look OK, you will need to wrap it's sub-heading in following fashion: ```