Feature: Offering a web-application on a LocalWebServer Web-Applications can be mounted on a specified path on a LocalWebServer. Scenario: Run hello-world on a localwebserver on "/" Given a testbed with a "LocalWebServer" application And a "HelloWorld" application in it And I create a "hello" instance on the "HelloWorld" http-application When the "hello" instance of "HelloWorld" is offered on path "/" on the "LocalWebServer" application And a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/" Then the resulting html page contains "Hello World" When a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/schlumpf" Then it is given an error Scenario: Run hello-world on a localwebserver on "/schlumpf" Given a testbed with a "LocalWebServer" application And a "HelloWorld" application in it And I create a "hello" instance on the "HelloWorld" http-application When the "hello" instance of "HelloWorld" is offered on path "/schlumpf" on the "LocalWebServer" application And a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/schlumpf" Then the resulting html page contains "Hello World" When a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/" Then it is given an error Scenario: Distinguishing between several instances Given a testbed with a "LocalWebServer" application And a "HelloWorld" application in it And I create a "Tree" instance on the "HelloWorld" http-application And I create a "Bush" instance on the "HelloWorld" http-application When the "Tree" instance of "HelloWorld" is offered on path "/tree" on the "LocalWebServer" application And the "Bush" instance of "HelloWorld" is offered on path "/bush" on the "LocalWebServer" application And a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/tree" Then the resulting html page contains "Tree" When a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/bush" Then the resulting html page contains "Bush" Scenario: Mounting on local path leads to global Given a testbed with a "LocalWebServer" application And a "HelloWorld" application in it And I create a "hello" instance on the "HelloWorld" http-application When the "hello" instance of "HelloWorld" is offered on path "muh" on the "LocalWebServer" application And a client accesses the "LocalWebServer" on "/muh" Then the resulting html page contains "Hello World"