" }); // // example: // Place a new DIV in the BODY, with no attributes set // | var n = dojo.create("div", null, dojo.body()); // // example: // Create an UL, and populate it with LI's. Place the list as the first-child of a // node with id="someId": // | var ul = dojo.create("ul", null, "someId", "first"); // | var items = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]; // | dojo.forEach(items, function(data){ // | dojo.create("li", { innerHTML: data }, ul); // | }); // // example: // Create an anchor, with an href. Place in BODY: // | dojo.create("a", { href:"foo.html", title:"Goto FOO!" }, dojo.body()); // // example: // Create a `dojo.NodeList` from a new element (for syntatic sugar): // | dojo.query(dojo.create('div')) // | .addClass("newDiv") // | .onclick(function(e){ }) // | .place("#someNode"); // redundant, but cleaner. var doc = d.doc; if(refNode){ refNode = d.byId(refNode); doc = refNode.ownerDocument; } if(d.isString(tag)){ tag = doc.createElement(tag); } if(attrs){ d.attr(tag, attrs); } if(refNode){ d.place(tag, refNode, pos); } return tag; // DomNode } /*===== dojo.empty = function(node){ // summary: // safely removes all children of the node. // node: DOMNode|String // a reference to a DOM node or an id. // example: // Destroy node's children byId: // | dojo.empty("someId"); // // example: // Destroy all nodes' children in a list by reference: // | dojo.query(".someNode").forEach(dojo.empty); } =====*/ d.empty = d.isIE ? function(node){ node = d.byId(node); for(var c; c = node.lastChild;){ // intentional assignment d.destroy(c); } } : function(node){ d.byId(node).innerHTML = ""; }; /*===== dojo._toDom = function(frag, doc){ // summary: // instantiates an HTML fragment returning the corresponding DOM. // frag: String // the HTML fragment // doc: DocumentNode? // optional document to use when creating DOM nodes, defaults to // dojo.doc if not specified. // returns: DocumentFragment // // example: // Create a table row: // | var tr = dojo._toDom("