require 'conjur/api' require 'conjur/cli' require 'conjur/authn' netrc = Conjur::Authn.netrc username, password = Conjur::Authn.get_credentials raise "Not logged in to Conjur" unless username && password puts "Performing acceptance tests as root-ish user '#{username}'" Aruba.configure do |config| config.exit_timeout = 30 config.io_wait_timeout = 2 end Before('@conjurapi-log') do set_env 'CONJURAPI_LOG', 'stderr' end Before do step %Q(I set the environment variable "CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN" to "#{username}") step %Q(I set the environment variable "CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY" to "#{password}") @admin_api = Conjur::Authn.connect @test_user = admin_api.create_user "admin@#{namespace}", ownerid: "#{Conjur.configuration.account}:user:#{username}" @security_admin = admin_api.create_group [ namespace, "security_admin" ].join('/') @security_admin.add_member test_user, admin_option: true JsonSpec.memorize "MY_ROLEID", %Q("#{test_user.roleid}") JsonSpec.memorize "NAMESPACE", namespace"pubkeys-1.0/key-managers").add_member @security_admin admin_api.resource('!:!:conjur').permit 'elevate', test_user, grant_option: true admin_api.resource('!:!:conjur').permit 'reveal', test_user, grant_option: true admin_api.create_user "attic@#{namespace}" # Set up the environment so the CLI will authenticate # correctly. Note that the API caches credentials, so these # variables won't have any effect on future calls to # Conjur::Authn.connect step %Q(I set the environment variable "CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN" to "#{test_user.login}") step %Q(I set the environment variable "CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY" to "#{test_user.api_key}") end After do if admin_api"pubkeys-1.0/key-managers").remove_member @security_admin admin_api = nil namespace = nil end tempfiles.each { |tempfile| File.unlink(tempfile) unless tempfile.nil? } end require 'ostruct' class MockAPI attr_reader :things def initialize @things = {} end def thing(kind, id) (@things[kind.to_sym] || []).find{|r| == id} end def thing_like(kind, id_pattern) (@things[kind.to_sym] || []).find{|r| id_pattern.match(} end def create_host(options = {}) id = options.delete(:id) if id host = thing(:host, id) else id = SecureRandom.uuid end host ||= create_thing(:host, id, options, role: true, api_key: true) end def create_user(id, options = {}) thing(:user, id) || create_thing(:user, id, options, role: true, api_key: true) end def create_variable(mime_type, kind) create_thing(:user, SecureRandom.uuid, mime_type: mime_type, kind: kind) end def create_resource(id, options = {}) resource(id).tap do |resource| resource.send(:"exists?=", true) populate_options resource, options end end def create_role(id, options = {}) role(id).tap do |role| role.send(:"exists?=", true) populate_options role, options end end [ :user, :host ].each do |kind| define_method kind do |id| thing(kind, id) end end def role(id) raise "Role id must be a string" unless id.is_a?(String) thing(:role, id) || create_thing(:role, id, { exists?: false }, role: true) end def resource(id) raise "Resource id must be a string" unless id.is_a?(String) thing(:resource, id) || create_thing(:resource, id, exists?: false) end protected def create_thing(kind, id, options, kind_options = {}) thing = kind, id: id, exists?: true) class << thing def permit(privilege, role, options = {}) (self.permissions ||= []) << privilege, role:, grant_option: !!options[:grant_option]) end end if kind_options[:api_key] thing.api_key = SecureRandom.uuid end if kind_options[:role] thing.roleid = id class << thing def can(privilege, resource, options = {}) resource.permit privilege, self, options end end end populate_options(thing, options) store_thing kind, thing thing end def populate_options(thing, options) options.each do |k,v| thing.send("#{k}=", v) end end def store_thing(kind, thing) (things[kind] ||= []) << thing end end Before("@dsl") do puts "Using MockAPI" puts "Using account 'cucumber'" require 'conjur/api' require 'conjur/config' require 'conjur/dsl/runner' Conjur.stub(:env).and_return "ci" Conjur.stub(:stack).and_return "ci" Conjur.stub(:account).and_return "cucumber" Conjur::Core::API.stub(:conjur_account).and_return 'cucumber' @mock_api ||= Conjur::DSL::Runner.any_instance.stub(:api).and_return @mock_api end