module H # Allow declaration of H conversion for Model attributes like this: # # date_h :start # number_h :speed, :precision=>3 # # The first argumet to each declaration is the attribute name; the rest of parameters are passed to the H conversion methods module ActiveRecordExtensions # Generic H field declarator def _h(prefix, attr, *args) options = args.extract_options! actual_attr = options.delete(:attribute) || attr args << options unless options.empty? instance_variable_set :"@#{attr}_h_options", args class_eval do validates_each actual_attr do |record, attr_name, value| if attr_name.to_s==actual_attr.to_s && record.send(:"#{attr}_h_invalid?") record.errors.add :"#{attr}_h" end end if attr != actual_attr define_method :"#{attr}" do self.send :"#{actual_attr}" end define_method :"#{attr}=" do |v| self.send :"#{actual_attr}=", v end end if method_defined?(:"#{actual_attr}=") define_method :"#{actual_attr}_with_#{prefix}_h=" do |v| send :"#{actual_attr}_without_#{prefix}_h=", v instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h", nil end alias_method_chain :"#{actual_attr}=", :"#{prefix}_h" else define_method :"#{actual_attr}=" do |v| write_attribute actual_attr, v instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h", nil end end # attr_h define_method :"#{attr}_h" do unless (instance_variable_defined? "@#{attr}_h") && (h=instance_variable_get("@#{attr}_h")) && instance_variable_get("@#{attr}_h_locale")==I18n.locale h = H.send(:"#{prefix}_to", send(attr), *self.class.instance_variable_get(:"@#{attr}_h_options")) instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h", h instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h_locale", I18n.locale end h end # attr_h=(txt) define_method :"#{attr}_h=" do |txt| instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h_invalid", false unless txt.blank? begin v = H.send(:"#{prefix}_from", txt, *self.class.instance_variable_get(:"@#{attr}_h_options")) rescue v = nil end instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h_invalid", true if v.nil? end send :"#{attr}=", v instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h", txt instance_variable_set "@#{attr}_h_locale", I18n.locale end # attr_h? (returns true if it is valid and not blank) define_method :"#{attr}_h?" do !instance_variable_get("@#{attr}_h_invalid") && send(:"#{attr}_h") end # attr_h_invalid? define_method :"#{attr}_h_invalid?" do instance_variable_get "@#{attr}_h_invalid" end # attr_h_valid? define_method :"#{attr}_h_valid?" do !instance_variable_get "@#{attr}_h_invalid" end end end [:number, :integer, :date, :logical, :time, :datetime, :dms].each do |prefix| define_method :"#{prefix}_h" do |attr, *options| _h prefix, attr, *options end end def longitude_h(attr, *args) options = args.extract_options! options[:longitude] = true _h prefix, attr, *(args<<options) end def latitude_h(attr, *args) options = args.extract_options! options[:latitude] = true _h prefix, attr, *(args<<options) end # TODO: support special suffix form of units, e.g. _m2 for m^2, for attribute names def units_h(name, units, options={}) norm_units = H::Units.normalize_units(units) raise ArgumentError, "invalid units #{units}" unless norm_units options[:units] = norm_units _h :magnitude, name, options short_name = name.to_s.chomp("_#{units}") class_eval do define_method :"#{short_name}_measure" do # ::Units::Measure[send(name), units.to_s] v = send(name) v && v*::Units.u(norm_units) end define_method :"#{short_name}_measure=" do |v| # Units::Measure[send(name), units.to_s] send :"#{name}=", v && end end end end end