Class Cms::ContentController
In: app/controllers/cms/content_controller.rb
Parent: Cms::ApplicationController


Included Modules


Public Instance methods

Used by the rendering behavior


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_controller.rb, line 25
25:   def instance_variables_for_rendering
26:     instance_variables - (@initial_ivars || []) - ["@initial_ivars"]
27:   end

—— Actions —————————————————————


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_controller.rb, line 15
15:   def show
16:     render_page_with_caching
17:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_controller.rb, line 19
19:   def show_page_route
20:     render_page_with_caching
21:   end

Protected Instance methods

This will assign the value to an instance variable


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_controller.rb, line 32
32:   def assign(key, value)
33:     instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
34:   end
