# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # Measure distributed under NREL Copyright terms, see LICENSE.md file. # Author: Karl Heine # Date: June 2019 - July 2020 # Additional Code Added to Test Ice Performance for Demand Response Events: September 2019 # Revised February 2020 # References: # => ASHRAE Handbook, HVAC Systems and Equipment, Chapter 51: Thermal storage, 2016 # => ASHRAE Design Guide for Cool Thermal Storage, 2nd Edition, January 2019 # => Manufacturer marketing materials, available online # load OpenStudio measure libraries require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/OsLib_Schedules" # start the measure class AddIceStorageToPlantLoopForLoadFlexibility < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # human readable name def name # Measure name should be the title case of the class name. 'Add Ice Storage Tank' end # human readable description def description 'This measure adds an ice storage tank to a chilled water loop for the purpose of thermal energy storage.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description 'This measure adds the necessary components and performs required model articulations to add an ice ' \ 'thermal storage tank (ITS) to an existing chilled water loop. Special consideration is given to ' \ 'implementing configuration and control options. Refer to the ASHRAE CTES Design Guide or manufacturer ' \ 'applications guides for detailed implementation info. A user guide document is included in the docs ' \ 'folder of this measure to help translate design objectives into measure argument input values.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # Make choice argument for energy storage objective objective = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('objective', ['Full Storage', 'Partial Storage'], true) objective.setDisplayName('Select Energy Storage Objective:') objective.setDefaultValue('Partial Storage') args << objective # Make choice argument for component layout upstream = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('upstream', ['Chiller', 'Storage']) upstream.setDisplayName('Select Upstream Device:') upstream.setDescription('Partial Storage Only. See documentation for control implementation.') upstream.setDefaultValue('Chiller') args << upstream # Make double argument for thermal energy storage capacity storage_capacity = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('storage_capacity', true) storage_capacity.setDisplayName('Enter Thermal Energy Storage Capacity for Ice Tank [ton-hours]:') storage_capacity.setDefaultValue(2000) args << storage_capacity # Make choice argument for ice melt process indicator melt_indicator = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('melt_indicator', ['InsideMelt', 'OutsideMelt'], true) melt_indicator.setDisplayName('Select Thaw Process Indicator for Ice Storage:') melt_indicator.setDescription('') melt_indicator.setDefaultValue('InsideMelt') args << melt_indicator # Make list of chilled water loop(s) from which user can select plant_loops = model.getPlantLoops loop_choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new plant_loops.each do |loop| if loop.sizingPlant.loopType.to_s == 'Cooling' loop_choices << loop.name.to_s end end # Make choice argument for loop selection selected_loop = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('selected_loop', loop_choices, true) selected_loop.setDisplayName('Select Loop:') selected_loop.setDescription('This is the cooling loop on which the ice tank will be added.') if loop_choices.include?('Chilled Water Loop') selected_loop.setDefaultValue('Chilled Water Loop') else selected_loop.setDescription('Error: No Cooling Loop Found') end args << selected_loop # Make list of available chillers from which the user can select chillers = model.getChillerElectricEIRs chillers += model.getChillerAbsorptions chillers += model.getChillerAbsorptionIndirects chiller_choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new chillers.each do |chill| chiller_choices << chill.name.to_s end # Make choice argument for chiller selection selected_chiller = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('selected_chiller', chiller_choices, true) selected_chiller.setDisplayName('Select Chiller:') selected_chiller.setDescription('The ice tank will be placed in series with this chiller.') if !chillers.empty? selected_chiller.setDefaultValue(chiller_choices[0]) else selected_chiller.setDescription('Error: No Chiller Found') end args << selected_chiller # Make double argument for ice chiller resizing factor - relative to selected chiller capacity chiller_resize_factor = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('chiller_resize_factor', false) chiller_resize_factor.setDisplayName('Enter Chiller Sizing Factor:') chiller_resize_factor.setDefaultValue(0.75) args << chiller_resize_factor # Make double argument for chiller max capacity limit during ice discharge chiller_limit = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('chiller_limit', false) chiller_limit.setDisplayName('Enter Chiller Max Capacity Limit During Ice Discharge:') chiller_limit.setDescription('Enter as a fraction of chiller capacity (0.0 - 1.0).') chiller_limit.setDefaultValue(1.0) args << chiller_limit # Make choice argument for schedule options old = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('old', false) old.setDisplayName('Use Existing (Pre-Defined) Temperature Control Schedules') old.setDescription('Use drop-down selections below.') old.setDefaultValue(false) args << old # Find All Existing Schedules with Type Limits of "Temperature" sched_options = [] sched_options2 = [] all_scheds = model.getSchedules all_scheds.each do |sched| sched.to_ScheduleBase.get unless sched.scheduleTypeLimits.empty? if sched.scheduleTypeLimits.get.unitType.to_s == 'Temperature' sched_options << sched.name.to_s elsif sched.scheduleTypeLimits.get.unitType.to_s == 'Availability' || sched.scheduleTypeLimits.get.unitType.to_s == 'OnOff' sched_options2 << sched.name.to_s end end end sched_options = ['N/A'] + sched_options.sort sched_options2 = ['N/A'] + sched_options2.sort # Create choice argument for ice availability schedule (old = true) ctes_av = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('ctes_av', sched_options2, false) ctes_av.setDisplayName('Select Pre-Defined Ice Availability Schedule') if sched_options2.empty? ctes_av.setDescription('Warning: No availability schedules found') end ctes_av.setDefaultValue('N/A') args << ctes_av # Create choice argument for ice tank component setpoint sched (old = true) ctes_sch = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('ctes_sch', sched_options, false) ctes_sch.setDisplayName('Select Pre-Defined Ice Tank Component Setpoint Schedule') if sched_options.empty? ctes_sch.setDescription('Warning: No temperature setpoint schedules found') end ctes_sch.setDefaultValue('N/A') args << ctes_sch # Create choice argument for chiller component setpoint sched (old = true) chill_sch = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('chill_sch', sched_options, false) chill_sch.setDisplayName('Select Pre-Defined Chiller Component Setpoint Schedule') if sched_options.empty? chill_sch.setDescription('Warning: No temperature setpoint schedules found') end chill_sch.setDefaultValue('N/A') args << chill_sch # Make bool argument for creating new schedules new = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('new', false) new.setDisplayName('Create New (Simple) Temperature Control Schedules') new.setDescription('Use entry fields below. If Pre-Defined is also selected, these new schedules will be created' \ ' but not applied.') new.setDefaultValue(true) args << new # Make double argument for loop setpoint temperature loop_sp = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('loop_sp', true) loop_sp.setDisplayName('Loop Setpoint Temperature F:') loop_sp.setDescription('This value replaces the existing loop temperature setpoint manager; the old manager will ' \ 'be disconnected but not deleted from the model.') loop_sp.setDefaultValue(44) args << loop_sp # Make double argument for ice chiller outlet temp during partial storage operation inter_sp = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('inter_sp', false) inter_sp.setDisplayName('Enter Intermediate Setpoint for Upstream Cooling Device During Ice Discharge F:') inter_sp.setDescription('Partial storage only') inter_sp.setDefaultValue(47) args << inter_sp # Make double argument for loop temperature for ice charging chg_sp = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('chg_sp', true) chg_sp.setDisplayName('Ice Charging Setpoint Temperature F:') chg_sp.setDefaultValue(25) args << chg_sp # Make double argument for loop design delta T delta_t = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('delta_t', true) delta_t.setDisplayName('Loop Design Temperature Difference F:') delta_t.setDescription('Enter numeric value to adjust selected loop settings.') delta_t.setDefaultValue('Use Existing Loop Value') args << delta_t # Make string argument for ctes seasonal availabilty ctes_season = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('ctes_season', true) ctes_season.setDisplayName('Enter Seasonal Availabity of Ice Storage:') ctes_season.setDescription('Use MM/DD-MM/DD format') ctes_season.setDefaultValue('01/01-12/31') args << ctes_season # Make string arguments for ctes discharge times discharge_start = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('discharge_start', true) discharge_start.setDisplayName('Enter Starting Time for Ice Discharge:') discharge_start.setDescription('Use 24 hour format (HR:MM)') discharge_start.setDefaultValue('08:00') args << discharge_start discharge_end = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('discharge_end', true) discharge_end.setDisplayName('Enter End Time for Ice Discharge:') discharge_end.setDescription('Use 24 hour format (HR:MM)') discharge_end.setDefaultValue('21:00') args << discharge_end # Make string arguments for ctes charge times charge_start = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('charge_start', true) charge_start.setDisplayName('Enter Starting Time for Ice charge:') charge_start.setDescription('Use 24 hour format (HR:MM)') charge_start.setDefaultValue('23:00') args << charge_start charge_end = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('charge_end', true) charge_end.setDisplayName('Enter End Time for Ice charge:') charge_end.setDescription('Use 24 hour format (HR:MM)') charge_end.setDefaultValue('07:00') args << charge_end # Make boolean arguments for ctes dischage days wknds = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('wknds', true) wknds.setDisplayName('Allow Ice Discharge on Weekends') wknds.setDefaultValue(false) args << wknds # Make choice argument for output variable reporting frequency report_choices = ['Detailed', 'Timestep', 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Monthly', 'RunPeriod'] report_freq = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('report_freq', report_choices, false) report_freq.setDisplayName('Select Reporting Frequency for New Output Variables') report_freq.setDescription('This will not change reporting frequency for existing output variables in the model.') report_freq.setDefaultValue('Timestep') args << report_freq ## DR TESTER INPUTS ----------------------------------------- # Make boolean argument for use of demand response event test dr = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('dr', false) dr.setDisplayName('Test Demand Reponse Event') dr.setDefaultValue(false) args << dr # Make choice argument for type of demand response event (add or shed) dr_add_shed = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('dr_add_shed', ['Add', 'Shed'], false) dr_add_shed.setDisplayName('Select if a Load Add or Load Shed Event') dr_add_shed.setDefaultValue('Shed') args << dr_add_shed # Make string argument for DR event date dr_date = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('dr_date', false) dr_date.setDisplayName('Enter date of demand response event:') dr_date.setDescription('Use MM/DD format.') dr_date.setDefaultValue('9/19') args << dr_date # Make string argument for DR Event time dr_time = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('dr_time', false) dr_time.setDisplayName('Enter start time of demand response event:') dr_time.setDescription('Use 24 hour format (HR:MM)') dr_time.setDefaultValue('11:30') args << dr_time # Make double argument for DR event duration dr_dur = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('dr_dur', false) dr_dur.setDisplayName('Enter duration of demand response event [hr]:') dr_dur.setDefaultValue(3) args << dr_dur # Make boolean argument for allowing chiller to back-up ice dr_chill = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('dr_chill', false) dr_chill.setDisplayName('Allow chiller to back-up ice during DR event') dr_chill.setDescription('Unselection may result in unmet cooling hours') dr_chill.setDefaultValue('false') args << dr_chill ## END DR TESTER INPUTS -------------------------------------- args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end ## Arguments and Declarations--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign user arguments to variables objective = runner.getStringArgumentValue('objective', user_arguments) upstream = runner.getStringArgumentValue('upstream', user_arguments) storage_capacity = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('storage_capacity', user_arguments) melt_indicator = runner.getStringArgumentValue('melt_indicator', user_arguments) selected_loop = runner.getStringArgumentValue('selected_loop', user_arguments) selected_chiller = runner.getStringArgumentValue('selected_chiller', user_arguments) chiller_resize_factor = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('chiller_resize_factor', user_arguments) chiller_limit = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('chiller_limit', user_arguments) old = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('old', user_arguments) ctes_av = runner.getStringArgumentValue('ctes_av', user_arguments) ctes_sch = runner.getStringArgumentValue('ctes_sch', user_arguments) chill_sch = runner.getStringArgumentValue('chill_sch', user_arguments) new = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('new', user_arguments) loop_sp = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('loop_sp', user_arguments) inter_sp = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('inter_sp', user_arguments) chg_sp = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('chg_sp', user_arguments) delta_t = runner.getStringArgumentValue('delta_t', user_arguments) ctes_season = runner.getStringArgumentValue('ctes_season', user_arguments) discharge_start = runner.getStringArgumentValue('discharge_start', user_arguments) discharge_end = runner.getStringArgumentValue('discharge_end', user_arguments) charge_start = runner.getStringArgumentValue('charge_start', user_arguments) charge_end = runner.getStringArgumentValue('charge_end', user_arguments) wknds = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('wknds', user_arguments) report_freq = runner.getStringArgumentValue('report_freq', user_arguments) ## DR TESTER INPUTS ---------------------------------- dr = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('dr', user_arguments) dr_add_shed = runner.getStringArgumentValue('dr_add_shed', user_arguments) (dr_mon, dr_day) = runner.getStringArgumentValue('dr_date', user_arguments).split('/') (dr_hr, dr_min) = runner.getStringArgumentValue('dr_time', user_arguments).split(':') dr_dur = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('dr_dur', user_arguments) dr_chill = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('dr_chill', user_arguments) dr_time = (dr_hr.to_f + (dr_min.to_f / 60)).round(2) ## END DR TESTER INPUTS ------------------------------ # Declare useful variables with values set within do-loops cond_loop = '' ctes_sp_sched = '' ctes_setpoint = 99.0 # This is a flag value and should be overwritten later demand_sp_mgr = '' ## Validate User Inputs--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert thermal storage capacity from ton-hours to GJ storage_capacity = 12_660_670.23144e-9 * storage_capacity # Check for existence of charging setpoint temperature, reset to default if left blank. if chg_sp.nil? || chg_sp >= 32.0 runner.registerWarning('An invalid ice charging temperature was entered. Value reset to -3.88 C (25.0 F).') chg_sp = 25.0 elsif chg_sp < 20.0 runner.registerWarning('The ice charging temperature is set below 20 F; this is atypically low. Verify input.') end # Convert setpoint temperature inputs from F to C loop_sp = (loop_sp - 32.0) / 1.8 inter_sp = (inter_sp - 32.0) / 1.8 chg_sp = (chg_sp - 32.0) / 1.8 # Check if both old and new are false, set new = true and report error if !old && !new runner.registerError('No CTES schedule option was selected; either use old schedules or the create new option. ' \ 'Measure aborted.') return false end # Locate selected chiller and verify loop connection if !model.getChillerElectricEIRByName(selected_chiller).empty? ctes_chiller = model.getChillerElectricEIRByName(selected_chiller).get elsif !model.getChillerAbsorptionByName(selected_chiller).empty? ctes_chiller = model.getChillerAbsorptionByName(selected_chiller).get elsif !model.getChillerAbsorptionIndirectByName(selected_chiller).empty? ctes_chiller = model.getChillerAbsorptionIndirectByName(selected_chiller).get end ctes_loop = model.getModelObjectByName(selected_loop).get.to_PlantLoop.get unless ctes_loop.components.include?(ctes_chiller) runner.registerError('The selected chiller is not located on the selected chilled water loop. Measure aborted.') return false end # Convert Delta T if needed from F to C (Overwrites string variables as floats) if delta_t != 'Use Existing Loop Value' && delta_t.to_f != 0.0 delta_t = delta_t.to_f / 1.8 else # Could add additional checks here for invalid (non-numerical) entries delta_t = ctes_loop.sizingPlant.loopDesignTemperatureDifference end # Check chiller limit input values if chiller_limit > 1.0 runner.registerWarning('Chiller limit must be a ratio less than 1. Limit set to 1.0.') chiller_limit = 1.0 elsif chiller_limit < 0 runner.registerWarning('Chiller limit must be a ratio greater than or equal to 0. Limit set to 0.0' \ ' (i.e. full storage).') chiller_limit = 0.0 elsif chiller_limit < 0.15 runner.registerInfo('Chiller limit is below 15%; this may be outside the reasonable part load operating " \ "window for the device. Consider increasing or setting to 0.') end # Convert chiller limit to a temperature value based on delta_t variable if != 1. Otherwise, use as flag for EMS if chiller_limit != 1.0 dt_max = chiller_limit * delta_t # degrees C runner.registerInfo("Max chiller dT during ice discharge is set to: #{dt_max.round(2)} C " \ "(#{(dt_max * 1.8).round(2)} F).") else dt_max = delta_t end # Check limits of chiller performance curves and adjust if necessary - Notify user with WARNING curve_output_check = false cap_ft = ctes_chiller.coolingCapacityFunctionOfTemperature min_x = cap_ft.minimumValueofx.to_f if min_x > chg_sp cap_ft.setMinimumValueofx(chg_sp) runner.registerWarning("VERIFY CURVE VALIDITY: The input range for the '#{cap_ft.name}' curve is too " \ 'restrictive for use with ice charging. The provided curve has been ' \ "extrapolated to a lower limit of #{chg_sp.round(2)} C for the 'x' variable.") curve_output_check = true end eir_ft = ctes_chiller.electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfTemperature min_x = eir_ft.minimumValueofx.to_f if min_x > chg_sp runner.registerWarning("VERIFY CURVE VALIDITY: The input range for the '#{eir_ft.name}' curve is too " \ 'restrictive for use with ice charging. The provided curve has been ' \ "extrapolated to a lower limit of #{chg_sp.round(2)} C for the 'x' variable.") end # Report chiller performance derate at the ice-making conditions. if curve_output_check == true derate = cap_ft.evaluate(chg_sp, ctes_chiller.referenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature) runner.registerInfo('A curve extrapolation warning was registered for the chiller capacity as a function ' \ 'of temperature curve. At normal ice making temperatures, a chiller derate to 60-70% ' \ 'of nominal capacity is expected. Using a condenser entering water temperature of ' \ "#{ctes_chiller.referenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature.round(1)} C and the ice " \ "charging temperature of #{chg_sp.round(1)} C, a derate to #{(derate * 100).round(1)}% is " \ 'returned. This value will increase with lower condenser fluid return temperatures.') end # Check to ensure schedules are selected if old = true if old if ctes_av == 'N/A' runner.registerError('Pre-Defined schedule option chosen, but no availabity schedule was selected.') runner.registerWarning('Measure terminated early; no storage was applied.') return false end if ctes_sch == 'N/A' runner.registerError('Pre-Defined schedule option chosen, but no ice tank setpoint schedule was selected.') runner.registerWarning('Measure terminated early; no storage was applied.') return false end if chill_sch == 'N/A' runner.registerError('Pre-Defined schedule option chosen, but no chiller setpoint schedule was selected.') runner.registerWarning('Measure terminated early; no storage was applied.') return false end end # Parse and verify schedule inputs # Remove potential spaces from date inputs ctes_season = ctes_season.delete(' ') # Convert HR:MM format into HR.fraction format (d_start_hr, d_start_min) = discharge_start.split(':') (d_end_hr, d_end_min) = discharge_end.split(':') (c_start_hr, c_start_min) = charge_start.split(':') (c_end_hr, c_end_min) = charge_end.split(':') # Store re-formatted time values in shorthand variables for use in schedule # building ds = (d_start_hr.to_f + d_start_min.to_f / 60).round(2) de = (d_end_hr.to_f + d_end_min.to_f / 60).round(2) cs = (c_start_hr.to_f + c_start_min.to_f / 60).round(2) ce = (c_end_hr.to_f + c_end_min.to_f / 60).round(2) # Verify that input times make sense if ds > de runner.registerWarning('Dischage start time is later than discharge ' \ 'end time (your ice will discharge overnight). ' \ 'Verify schedule inputs.') end if cs.between?(ds - 0.01, de + 0.01) || ce.between?(ds - 0.01, de + 0.01) runner.registerWarning('The tank charge and discharge periods overlap. ' \ 'Examine results for unexpected operation; ' \ 'verify schedule inputs.') end if [ds, de, cs, ce].any? { |i| i > 24 } runner.registerError('One of you time enteries exceeds 24:00, ' \ 'resulting in a schedule error. Measure aborted.') return false end ## Report Initial Condition of the Model---------------------------------------------------------------------------- total_storage = model.getThermalStorageIceDetaileds.size runner.registerInitialCondition("The model started with #{total_storage} ice storage device(s).") runner.registerInfo("Chiller '#{selected_chiller}' on Loop '#{selected_loop}' was selected for the addition " \ "of a #{storage_capacity.round(2)} GJ (#{(storage_capacity / 12_660_670.23144e-9).round(0)} " \ 'ton-hours) ice thermal energy storage object.') ## Modify Chiller Settings------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adjust ctes chiller minimum outlet temperature ctes_chiller.setLeavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimit(chg_sp) runner.registerInfo("Selected chiller minimum setpoint temperature was adjusted to #{chg_sp.round(2)} C " \ "(#{(chg_sp * 1.8) + 32} F).") # Adjust ctes chiller sizing factor based on user input if ctes_chiller.isReferenceCapacityAutosized ctes_chiller.setSizingFactor(chiller_resize_factor) runner.registerInfo("Selected chiller has been resized to #{chiller_resize_factor * 100}% of autosized " \ 'capacity.') else ctes_chiller.setReferenceCapacity( chiller_resize_factor * ctes_chiller.referenceCapacity.to_f ) runner.registerInfo("Selected chiller has been resized to #{chiller_resize_factor * 100}% of original " \ '(hardsized) capacity.') end ## Modify Loop Settings--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adjust minimum loop temperature ctes_loop.setMinimumLoopTemperature(chg_sp) runner.registerInfo("Selected loop minimum temperature was adjusted to #{chg_sp.round(2)} C " \ "(#{(chg_sp * 1.8) + 32} F).") # Adjust plant load distribution scheme if ctes_loop.loadDistributionScheme != 'SequentialLoad' ctes_loop.setLoadDistributionScheme('SequentialLoad') runner.registerInfo("Selected loop load distribution scheme was set to 'SequentialLoad'.") end # Adjust loop design temperature difference if ctes_loop.sizingPlant.loopDesignTemperatureDifference.to_f != delta_t ctes_loop.sizingPlant.setLoopDesignTemperatureDifference(delta_t) runner.registerInfo("Selected loop design temperature difference was adjusted to #{delta_t.round(2)} C " \ "(#{(delta_t * 1.8)} F).") end # Adjust loop gylcol solution percentage and set glycol - if necessary if ctes_loop.fluidType == 'Water' ctes_loop.setFluidType('EthyleneGlycol') ctes_loop.setGlycolConcentration(25) runner.registerInfo('Selected loop working fluid changed to ethylene glycol at a 25% concentration.') elsif ctes_loop.glycolConcentration < 25 runner.registerInfo('Selected loop gylycol concentration is less than 25%. Consider increasing to 25-30%.') end # Adjust loop to two-way common pipe simulation - if necessary if ctes_loop.commonPipeSimulation != 'TwoWayCommonPipe' ctes_loop.setCommonPipeSimulation('TwoWayCommonPipe') runner.registerInfo("Selected loop common pipe simulation changed to 'TwoWayCommonPipe'.") # Add setpoint manager at inlet of demand loop (req'd for two-way common pipe sim.) if old # Only applies if old curves are used, regardless of whether new curves are created (old takes precedence) loop_sp_node = ctes_loop.loopTemperatureSetpointNode loop_sp_mgrs = loop_sp_node.setpointManagers loop_sp_mgrs.each do |spm| if spm.controlVariable == 'Temperature' demand_sp_mgr = spm.clone.to_SetpointManagerScheduled.get end end demand_sp_mgr.addToNode(ctes_loop.demandInletNode) runner.registerInfo('Original loop temperature setpoint manager duplicated and added to demand loop inlet node.') end end ## Create CTES Hardware--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create ice tank (aka ctes) ctes = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalStorageIceDetailed.new(model) ctes.setCapacity(storage_capacity) ctes.setThawProcessIndicator(melt_indicator) # Add ice tank to loop based on user-selected objective option and upstream device if objective == 'Full Storage' # Full storage places the ice tank upstream of the chiller with no user option to change. ctes.addToNode(ctes_chiller.supplyInletModelObject.get.to_Node.get) elsif objective == 'Partial Storage' && upstream == 'Storage' ctes.addToNode(ctes_chiller.supplyInletModelObject.get.to_Node.get) elsif objective == 'Partial Storage' && upstream == 'Chiller' ctes.addToNode(ctes_chiller.supplyOutletModelObject.get.to_Node.get) end ## Create New Schedules if Necessary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if new ## Check for Schedule Type Limits and Create if Needed------------------------------------------------------------ if model.getModelObjectByName('OnOff').get.initialized sched_limits_onoff = model.getModelObjectByName('OnOff').get.to_ScheduleTypeLimits.get else sched_limits_onoff = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleTypeLimits.new(model) sched_limits_onoff.setName('OnOff') sched_limits_onoff.setNumericType('Discrete') sched_limits_onoff.setUnitType('Availability') sched_limits_onoff.setLowerLimitValue(0.0) sched_limits_onoff.setUpperLimitValue(1.0) end if model.getModelObjectByName('Temperature').get.initialized sched_limits_temp = model.getModelObjectByName('Temperature').get.to_ScheduleTypeLimits.get if sched_limits_temp.lowerLimitValue.to_f > chg_sp sched_limits_temp.setLowerLimitValue(chg_sp) end else sched_limits_temp = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleTypeLimits.new(model) sched_limits_temp.setName('Temperature') sched_limits_temp.setNumericType('Continuous') sched_limits_temp.setUnitType('Temperature') end ## Create Schedules----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create key-value sets based on user inputs for charge/discharge times # cs = charge start, ce = charge end, ds = discharge start, de = discharge end # Set chiller and ice discharge setpoints for partial storage configs if objective == 'Full Storage' chiller_setpoint = loop_sp ctes_setpoint = loop_sp elsif objective == 'Partial Storage' if upstream == 'Chiller' chiller_setpoint = inter_sp ctes_setpoint = loop_sp elsif upstream == 'Storage' chiller_setpoint = loop_sp ctes_setpoint = inter_sp end end # Handle overnight charging and discharging if ce < cs midnight_av = [24, 1] midnight_chiller = [24, chg_sp] midnight_ctes = [24, loop_sp] elsif de < ds midnight_av = [24, 1] midnight_chiller = [24, chiller_setpoint] midnight_ctes = [24, ctes_setpoint] else midnight_av = [24, 0] midnight_chiller = [24, loop_sp] midnight_ctes = [24, 99] end # Availablity k-v sets for CTES wk_av = [[cs, 0], [ce, 1], [ds, 0], [de, 1], midnight_av].sort wknd_av = [[cs, 0], [ce, 1], midnight_av].sort # Temperature k-v sets for CTES wk_ctes = [[cs, 99], [ce, loop_sp], [ds, 99], [de, ctes_setpoint], midnight_ctes].sort wknd_ctes = [[cs, 99], [ce, loop_sp], midnight_ctes].sort # Temperature k-v set for Chiller wk_chiller = [[cs, loop_sp], [ce, chg_sp], [ds, loop_sp], [de, chiller_setpoint], midnight_chiller].sort wknd_chiller = [[cs, loop_sp], [ce, chg_sp], midnight_chiller].sort # Apply weekends modifer if necessary if wknds wknd_av = wk_av wknd_ctes = wk_ctes wknd_chiller = wk_chiller end # Create ice availability schedule ruleset_name = 'Ice Availability Schedule (New)' winter_design_day = [[24, 0]] summer_design_day = wk_av default_day = ['AllDays'] + [[24, 0]] rules = [] rules << ['Weekend', ctes_season, 'Sat/Sun'] + wknd_av rules << ['Summer Weekday', ctes_season, 'Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri'] + wk_av options_ctes = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } ctes_av_new = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options_ctes) ctes_av_new.setScheduleTypeLimits(sched_limits_onoff) # Create ctes setpoint temperature schedule ruleset_name = "#{ctes.name} Setpoint Schedule (New)" winter_design_day = [[24, 99]] summer_design_day = wk_ctes default_day = ['AllDays'] + [[24, 99]] rules = [] rules << ['Weekend', ctes_season, 'Sat/Sun'] + wknd_ctes rules << ['Summer Weekday', ctes_season, 'Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri'] + wk_ctes options_ctes_ctes = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } ctes_sch_new = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options_ctes_ctes) ctes_sch_new.setScheduleTypeLimits(sched_limits_temp) # Create chiller setpoint temperature schedule ruleset_name = "#{ctes_chiller.name} Setpoint Schedule (New)" winter_design_day = [[24, loop_sp]] summer_design_day = wk_chiller default_day = ['AllDays'] + [[24, loop_sp]] rules = [] rules << ['Weekend', ctes_season, 'Sat/Sun'] + wknd_chiller rules << ['Summer Weekday', ctes_season, 'Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri'] + wk_chiller options_ctes_chiller = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } chill_sch_new = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options_ctes_chiller) chill_sch_new.setScheduleTypeLimits(sched_limits_temp) # Create loop setpoint temperature schedule - if new = true if new ruleset_name = "#{ctes_loop.name} Setpoint Schedule (New)" options_ctes_loop = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winterTimeValuePairs' => [[24, loop_sp]], 'summerTimeValuePairs' => [[24, loop_sp]], 'defaultTimeValuePairs' => [[24, loop_sp]] } loop_sch_new = OsLib_Schedules.createSimpleSchedule(model, options_ctes_loop) loop_sch_new.setScheduleTypeLimits(sched_limits_temp) end # Register info about new schedule objects runner.registerInfo("The following schedules were added to the model:\n" \ " * #{ctes_av_new.name}\n" \ " * #{ctes_sch_new.name}\n" \ " * #{chill_sch_new.name}\n" \ " * #{loop_sch_new.name}") if old runner.registerInfo('However, these schedules are not used in favor of those pre-defined by the user.') end end # end of new schedule build----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Component Setpoint Objects-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if old ctes_avail_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(ctes_av).get ctes_temp_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(ctes_sch).get chill_temp_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(chill_sch).get elsif new ctes_avail_sched = ctes_av_new ctes_temp_sched = ctes_sch_new chill_temp_sched = chill_sch_new end # Apply ice availability schedule ctes.setAvailabilitySchedule(ctes_avail_sched) # Add component setpoint manager for ice tank ctes_sp_mgr = OpenStudio::Model::SetpointManagerScheduled.new(model, ctes_temp_sched) ctes_sp_mgr.addToNode(ctes.outletModelObject.get.to_Node.get) ctes_sp_mgr.setName("#{ctes.name} Setpoint Manager") # Add component setpoint manager for ctes chiller chill_sp_mgr = OpenStudio::Model::SetpointManagerScheduled.new(model, chill_temp_sched) chill_sp_mgr.addToNode(ctes_chiller.supplyOutletModelObject.get.to_Node.get) chill_sp_mgr.setName("#{ctes_chiller.name} Setpoint Manager") # Replace existing loop setpoint manager - if new = true and old = false if new && !old loop_sp_node = ctes_loop.loopTemperatureSetpointNode loop_sp_mgrs = loop_sp_node.setpointManagers loop_sp_mgrs.each do |spm| next unless ['Temperature', 'MinimumTemperature', 'MaximumTemperature'].include?(spm.controlVariable) spm.disconnect runner.registerInfo("Selected loop temperature setpoint manager '#{spm.name}' " \ "with control variable '#{spm.controlVariable}' was disconnected.") end loop_sp_mgr = OpenStudio::Model::SetpointManagerScheduled.new(model, loop_sch_new) loop_sp_mgr.addToNode(loop_sp_node) loop_sp_mgr.setName("#{ctes_loop.name} Setpoint Manager (New)") demand_sp_mgr = loop_sp_mgr.clone.to_SetpointManagerScheduled.get demand_sp_mgr.addToNode(ctes_loop.demandInletNode) demand_sp_mgr.setName("#{ctes_loop.name} Demand Side Setpoint Manager (New)") end # Register info about new schedule objects runner.registerInfo('The following component temperature setpoint managers were added to the ' \ "model:\n" \ " * #{ctes_sp_mgr.name}\n" \ " * #{chill_sp_mgr.name}") if old # Old Schedules always take precedence, even if new ones are also created runner.registerInfo("The following schedules ared used in the model:\n" \ " * #{ctes_avail_sched.name}\n" \ " * #{ctes_temp_sched.name}\n" \ " * #{chill_temp_sched.name}") runner.registerInfo('The following loop temperature setpoint manager was added to the ' \ "model:\n" \ " * #{demand_sp_mgr.name}") elsif new && !old runner.registerInfo('The following loop temperature setpoint managers were added to the ' \ "model:\n" \ " * #{loop_sp_mgr.name}\n" \ " * #{demand_sp_mgr.name}") end ## Create General EMS Variables for Chiller and TES Capacities------------------------------------------------------ # Chiller Nominal Capacity Internal Variable evar_chiller_cap = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemInternalVariable.new(model, 'Chiller Nominal Capacity') evar_chiller_cap.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(ctes_chiller.name.to_s) evar_chiller_cap.setName('CTES_Chiller_Capacity') # Ice Tank thermal storage capacity - Empty Global Variable evar_tes_cap = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable.new(model, 'TES_Cap') # Set TES Capacity from User Inputs set_tes_cap = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgram.new(model) set_tes_cap.setName('Set_TES_Cap') body = <<-EMS SET TES_Cap = #{storage_capacity} EMS set_tes_cap.setBody(body) set_tes_cap_pcm = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager.new(model) set_tes_cap_pcm.setName('Set_TES_Cap_CallMgr') set_tes_cap_pcm.setCallingPoint('BeginNewEnvironment') set_tes_cap_pcm.addProgram(set_tes_cap) ## Create EMS Components to Control Load on Upstream (Priority) Device---------------------------------------------- # Flag value indicating that a chiller limiter is required or DR Test is Activated if chiller_limit != 1.0 || dr == true # Set up EMS output output_ems = model.getOutputEnergyManagementSystem output_ems.setActuatorAvailabilityDictionaryReporting('Verbose') output_ems.setInternalVariableAvailabilityDictionaryReporting('Verbose') output_ems.setEMSRuntimeLanguageDebugOutputLevel('None') runner.registerInfo("A #{(chiller_limit * 100).round(2)}% capacity limit has been placed on the chiller " \ 'during ice discharge. EMS scripting is employed to actuate this control via chiller ' \ 'outlet setpoint. ') # Internal and Global Variable(s) # Chiller Limited Capacity for Ice Discharge Period - Empty Global Variable evar_chiller_limit = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable.new(model, 'Chiller_Limited_Capacity') # Instances of Chiller Limit Application - Empty Global Variable evar_limit_counter = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable.new(model, 'Limit_Counter') # Max Delta-T for Chiller De-Rate - Empty Global Variable dt_ems = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable.new(model, 'DT_Max') # DR In-Progress Flag - Empty Global Variable dr_flag = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable.new(model, 'DR_Flag') # Sensor(s) # Evaporator Entering Water Temperature eewt = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature') eewt.setName('EEWT') eewt.setKeyName(ctes_chiller.name.to_s) # Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature elwt = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature') elwt.setName('ELWT') elwt.setKeyName(ctes_chiller.name.to_s) # Evaporator Leave Water Temperature Setpoint elwt_sp = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'Schedule Value') elwt_sp.setName('SP') elwt_sp.setKeyName(chill_temp_sched.name.to_s) # Supply Water Temperature Setpoint swt_sp = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'System Node Setpoint Temperature') swt_sp.setName('SWT_SP') swt_sp.setKeyName(ctes_loop.supplyOutletNode.name.to_s) # Ice Tank Availability Schedule av_sp = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'Schedule Value') av_sp.setName('ICE_AV') av_sp.setKeyName(ctes.availabilitySchedule.get.name.to_s) # Ice Tank Leaving Water Temperature ilwt = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'System Node Temperature') ilwt.setName('ILWT') ilwt.setKeyName(ctes.outletModelObject.get.name.to_s) # Ice Tank State of Charge soc = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemSensor.new(model, 'Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction') soc.setName('SOC') soc.setKeyName(ctes.name.to_s) # Actuator(s) # Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Septoint Node Actuator elwt = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemActuator.new(ctes_chiller.supplyOutletModelObject.get, 'System Node Setpoint', 'Temperature Setpoint') elwt.setName('ELWT_SP') end if chiller_limit != 1 # Program(s) # Apply Chiller Capacity Limit During Ice Discharge chiller_limit_program = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgram.new(model) chiller_limit_program.setName('Chiller_Limiter') body = <<-EMS IF ( ICE_AV == 1 ) && ( SP >= SWT_SP ) && ( DR_Flag <> 1 ) IF ( EEWT - SP ) > DT_Max SET ELWT_SP = ( EEWT - DT_Max ) SET Limit_Counter = ( Limit_Counter + ( SystemTimeStep / ZoneTimeStep ) ) ELSE SET ELWT_SP = SP ENDIF ELSE SET ELWT_SP = SP ENDIF EMS chiller_limit_program.setBody(body) # Determine Capacity Limit of the Chiller in Watts (Also initializes limit counter) chiller_limit_calculation = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgram.new(model) chiller_limit_calculation.setName('Chiller_Limit_Calc') body = <<-EMS SET Chiller_Limited_Capacity = ( #{chiller_limit} * CTES_Chiller_Capacity ) SET Limit_Counter = 0 SET DR_Flag = 0 SET DT_Max = #{dt_max} EMS chiller_limit_calculation.setBody(body) # Program Calling Manager(s) chiller_limit_pcm = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager.new(model) chiller_limit_pcm.setName('Chiller_Limiter_CallMgr') chiller_limit_pcm.setCallingPoint('InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop') chiller_limit_pcm.addProgram(chiller_limit_program) chiller_limit_calc_pcm = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager.new(model) chiller_limit_calc_pcm.setName('Chiller_Limit_Calc_CallMgr') chiller_limit_calc_pcm.setCallingPoint('BeginNewEnvironment') chiller_limit_calc_pcm.addProgram(chiller_limit_calculation) # EMS Output Variable(s) - Chiller Limiter Dependent eout_chiller_limit = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable.new(model, evar_chiller_limit) eout_chiller_limit.setName('Chiller Limited Capacity') eout_limit_counter = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable.new(model, evar_limit_counter) eout_limit_counter.setName('Chiller Limit Counter') end ## DR EVENT TESTER EMS -------------------------- ## Add Demand Response Event Tester if Applicable (EMS Controller Override)----------------------------------------- if dr # Create EMS Script that: # => 1. Determines if DR Event has been triggered (inspects date/time) # => 2. Actuates full storage if in a Load Shed DR event # => 3. Actuates ice charging/chiller @ max if in a Load Add DR event # => 4. Allows staged chiller ramp if ice runs out (if selected by user) # Create DR EMS Program dr_program = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgram.new(model) dr_program.setName('Demand_Response_Pgm') # Define Program Script Based on Permission of Chiller to Operate to Meet Load if dr_chill && dr_add_shed == 'Shed' # Chiller is permitted to pick up unmet load body = <<-EMS IF ( Month == #{dr_mon} ) && ( DayOfMonth == #{dr_day} ) IF ( CurrentTime > #{dr_time} ) && ( CurrentTime <= #{dr_time + dr_dur} ) SET DR_Flag = 1 IF ( ILWT - SWT_SP < 0.05 ) SET ELWT_SP = EEWT ELSEIF ( ILWT - SWT_SP <= 0.33 * DT_Max ) SET ELWT_SP = EEWT - ( 0.33 * DT_Max ) ELSEIF ( ILWT - SWT_SP <= 0.67 * DT_Max ) SET ELWT_SP = EEWT - ( 0.67 * DT_Max ) ELSE SET ELWT_SP = ( EEWT - DT_Max ) SET Limit_Counter = ( Limit_Counter + ( SystemTimeStep / ZoneTimeStep ) ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( DR_Flag == 1 ) SET DR_Flag = 0 SET ELWT_SP = SP ENDIF ENDIF EMS dr_program.setBody(body) elsif !dr_chill && dr_add_shed == 'Shed' # Chiller is not permitted to pick up unmet load when ice is deficient body = <<-EMS IF ( Month == #{dr_mon} ) && ( DayOfMonth == #{dr_day} ) IF ( CurrentTime > #{dr_time} ) && ( CurrentTime <= #{dr_time + dr_dur} ) SET DR_Flag = 1 SET ELWT_SP = EEWT + 10.0 ELSEIF ( DR_Flag == 1 ) SET DR_Flag = 0 ENDIF ENDIF EMS dr_program.setBody(body) elsif dr_add_shed == 'Add' body = <<-EMS IF ( Month == #{dr_mon} ) && ( DayOfMonth == #{dr_day} ) IF ( CurrentTime > #{dr_time} ) && ( CurrentTime <= #{dr_time + dr_dur} ) SET DR_Flag = 1 IF ( SOC < 0.99 ) && ( ICE_AV == 1 ) SET ELWT_SP = #{chg_sp} ELSEIF SOC > 0.95 SET ELWT_SP = SWT_SP ENDIF ELSEIF ( DR_Flag == 1 ) SET DR_Flag = 0 ENDIF ENDIF EMS dr_program.setBody(body) end # Create DR EMS Program Calling Manager dr_pcm = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager.new(model) dr_pcm.setName('Demand_Response_PCM') dr_pcm.setCallingPoint('InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop') dr_pcm.addProgram(dr_program) # EMS Output Variable(s) eout_drflag = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable.new(model, dr_flag) eout_drflag.setName('Demand Response Flag') end ## END DR EVENT TESTER EMS --------------------- ## Add Output Variables and Meters---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EMS Output Variable(s) - Chiller Limit Independent eout_chiller_cap = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable.new(model, evar_chiller_cap) eout_chiller_cap.setName('Chiller Nominal Capacity') eout_tes_cap = OpenStudio::Model::EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable.new(model, evar_tes_cap) eout_tes_cap.setName('Ice Thermal Storage Capacity') # Identify existing output variables vars = model.getOutputVariables var_names = [] vars.each do |v| var_names << v.variableName end # List names of desired output variables ovar_names = ['Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Charge Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Discharge Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Charge Energy', 'Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Discharge Energy', 'Ice Thermal Storage Cooling Discharge Energy', 'Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction', 'Ice Thermal Storage On Coil Fraction', 'Ice Thermal Storage Mass Flow Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Tank Mass Flow Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Bypass Mass Flow Rate', 'Ice Thermal Storage Fluid Inlet Temperature', 'Ice Thermal Storage Tank Outlet Temperature', 'Ice Thermal Storage Blended Outlet Temperature', 'Ice Thermal Storage Ancillary Electric Power', 'Ice Thermal Storage Ancillary Electric Energy', 'Chiller COP', 'Chiller Cycling Ratio', 'Chiller Part Load Ratio', 'Chiller Electric Power', 'Chiller Electric Energy', 'Chiller Evaporator Cooling Rate', 'Chiller Evaporator Cooling Energy', 'Chiller Condenser Heat Transfer Rate', 'Chiller Condenser Heat Transfer Energy', 'Chiller False Load Heat Transfer Rate', 'Chiller False Load Heat Transfer Energy', 'Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature', 'Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature', 'Chiller Evaporator Mass Flow Rate', 'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature', 'Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature'] # Create new output variables if they do not already exist ovars = [] ovar_names.each do |nm| # if !var_names.include?(nm) ovars << OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(nm, model) # end end # Create output variable for loop demand inlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_loop.demandInletNode.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for loop demand outlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_loop.demandOutletNode.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for loop supply inlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_loop.supplyInletNode.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for loop supply outlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_loop.supplyOutletNode.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for chiller inlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_chiller.supplyInletModelObject.get.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for chiller outlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_chiller.supplyOutletModelObject.get.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for ice tank inlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.inletModelObject.get.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for ice tank outlet temperature v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('System Node Temperature', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.outletModelObject.get.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variables for the new operating schedules v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Schedule Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_avail_sched.name.to_s) ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Schedule Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_temp_sched.name.to_s) ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Schedule Value', model) v.setKeyValue(chill_temp_sched.name.to_s) ovars << v # Create output variable for plant loop setpoint temperature - if new = true if new v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Schedule Value', model) v.setKeyValue(loop_sch_new.name.to_s) ovars << v end # Create output variables for ice discharge performance curve v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Input Variable 1 Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.dischargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Discharge Curve Input Value 1') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Input Variable 2 Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.dischargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Discharge Curve Input Value 2') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Output Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.dischargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Discharge Curve Output Value') ovars << v # Create output variables for ice charge performance curve v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Input Variable 1 Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.chargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Input Value 1') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Input Variable 2 Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.chargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Input Value 2') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Output Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes.chargingCurve.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Output Value') ovars << v # Create output variables for chiller performance v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Output Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_chiller.coolingCapacityFunctionOfTemperature.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Output Value') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Output Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_chiller.electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfTemperature.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Output Value') ovars << v v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new('Performance Curve Output Value', model) v.setKeyValue(ctes_chiller.electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfPLR.name.to_s) v.setName('Charge Curve Output Value') ovars << v if chiller_limit != 1.0 # flag for EMS use, following EMS vars only exist if previous script ran # Create output variable for chiller limited capacity (from EMS Output Variable) v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(eout_chiller_limit.name.to_s, model) v.setName("#{ctes_chiller.name} Limited Capacity") v.setVariableName('Chiller Limited Capacity') ovars << v # Create output variable for chiller limit counter (from EMS Output Variable) v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(eout_limit_counter.name.to_s, model) v.setName("#{ctes_chiller.name} Limit Counter [Zone Timesteps]") v.setVariableName('Chiller Limit Counter') ovars << v end # Create output variable for Demand Response Flag (from EMS Output Variable) if dr v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(eout_drflag.name.to_s, model) v.setName('Demand Response Event Flag') v.setVariableName('Demand Response Flag') ovars << v end # Create output variable for TES Capacity (from EMS Global Variable) v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(eout_tes_cap.name.to_s, model) v.setName("#{ctes.name} Ice Thermal Storage Capacity [GJ]") v.setVariableName('Ice Thermal Storage Capacity') ovars << v # Create output variable for chiller nominal capacity (from EMS Output Variable) v = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(eout_chiller_cap.name.to_s, model) v.setName("#{ctes_chiller.name} Nominal Capacity [W]") v.setVariableName('Chiller Nominal Capacity') ovars << v # Set variable reporting frequency for newly created output variables ovars.each do |var| var.setReportingFrequency(report_freq) end # Register info about new output variables runner.registerInfo("#{ovars.size} chiller and ice storage output variables were added to the model.") # Create new energy/specific end use meters omet_names = ['Pumps:Electricity', 'Fans:Electricity', 'Cooling:Electricity', 'Electricity:HVAC', 'Electricity:Plant', 'Electricity:Building', 'Electricity:Facility'] omet_names.each do |nm| omet = OpenStudio::Model::OutputMeter.new(model) omet.setName(nm) omet.setReportingFrequency(report_freq) omet.setMeterFileOnly(false) omet.setCumulative(false) end # Register info about new output meters runner.registerInfo("#{omet_names.size} output meters were added to the model.") ## Report Final Condition of Model---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total_storage = model.getThermalStorageIceDetaileds.size runner.registerFinalCondition("The model finished with #{total_storage} ice energy storage device(s).") true end end # register the measure to be used by the application AddIceStorageToPlantLoopForLoadFlexibility.new.registerWithApplication