module WebsocketRails # Provides a DSL for mapping client events to controller actions. # # == Example events.rb file # # located in config/initializers/events.rb # WebsocketRails::EventMap.describe do # subscribe :client_connected, to: ChatController, with_method: :client_connected # end # # A single event can be mapped to any number of controller actions. # # subscribe :new_message, :to => ChatController, :with_method => :rebroadcast_message # subscribe :new_message, :to => LogController, :with_method => :log_message # # Events can be nested underneath namesapces. # # namespace :product do # subscribe :new, :to => ProductController, :with_method => :new # end class EventMap def self.describe(&block) WebsocketRails.route_block = block end attr_reader :namespace def initialize(dispatcher) @dispatcher = dispatcher @namespace = WebsocketRails.route_block @namespace =,@namespace).evaluate end def routes_for(event, &block) @namespace.routes_for event, &block end # Proxy the reload_controllers! method to the global namespace. def reload_controllers! @namespace.reload_controllers! end # Provides the DSL methods available to the Event routes file class DSL def initialize(dispatcher,namespace=nil) if namespace @namespace = namespace else @namespace = :global, dispatcher end end def evaluate(route_block) instance_eval &route_block unless route_block.nil? @namespace end def subscribe(event_name,options) event_name, options end def namespace(new_namespace,&block) @namespace = @namespace.find_or_create new_namespace instance_eval &block if block.present? @namespace = @namespace.parent end def private_channel(channel) WebsocketRails[channel].make_private end end # Stores route map for nested namespaces class Namespace include Logging attr_reader :name, :controllers, :actions, :namespaces, :parent def initialize(name,dispatcher,parent=nil) @name = name @parent = parent @dispatcher = dispatcher @actions = {|h,k| h[k] =} @controllers = @namespaces = end def find_or_create(namespace) unless child = namespaces[namespace] child = namespace, @dispatcher, self namespaces[namespace] = child end child end # Stores controller/action pairs for events subscribed under # this namespace. def store(event_name,options) klass = options[:to] || raise("Must specify a class for to: option in event route") action = options[:with_method] || raise("Must specify a method for with_method: option in event route") create_controller_instance_for klass if controllers[klass].nil? actions[event_name] << [klass,action] end # Reloads the controller instances stored in the event map # collection, picking up code changes in development. def reload_controllers! return unless defined?(Rails) and Rails.env.development? or Rails.env.test? controllers.each_key do |klass| data_store = controllers[klass].data_store class_name = filename = class_name.underscore load "#{filename}.rb" new_class = class_name.safe_constantize controller = controller.instance_variable_set(:@_dispatcher,@dispatcher) controller.instance_variable_set(:@data_store,data_store) controller.send :initialize_session if controller.respond_to?(:initialize_session) controllers[klass] = controller end unless namespaces.empty? namespaces.each_value { |ns| ns.reload_controllers! unless == :websocket_rails } end end # Iterates through the namespace tree and yields all # controller/action pairs stored for the target event. def routes_for(event,event_namespace=nil,&block) # Grab the first level namespace from the namespace array # and remove it from the copy. event_namespace = copy_event_namespace( event, event_namespace ) || return namespace = event_namespace.shift # If the namespace matches the current namespace and we are # at the last namespace level, yield any controller/action # pairs for this event. # # If the namespace does not match, search the list of child # namespaces stored at this level for a match and delegate # to it's #routes_for method, passing along the current # copy of the event's namespace array. if namespace == @name and event_namespace.empty? actions[].each do |klass,action| controller = controllers[klass] controller, action end else child_namespace = event_namespace.first child = namespaces[child_namespace] child.routes_for event, event_namespace, &block unless child.nil? end end private def create_controller_instance_for(klass) controller = controllers[klass] = controller controller.instance_variable_set(:@_dispatcher,@dispatcher) controller.send :initialize_session if controller.respond_to?(:initialize_session) end def copy_event_namespace(event,namespace=nil) namespace = event.namespace.dup if namespace.nil? namespace end end end end