module Pkg::Nuget class << self def ship(packages) # # Support shipping of Nuget style packages to an Artifactory based nuget feed # Using curl to submit the packages rather than windows based choco/mono. # This approach gives more flexibility and fits in with the current Puppet # release automation practices using linux/mac systems. # Sanity checks fail "NUGET_HOST is not defined" if Pkg::Config.nuget_host.empty? fail "NUGET_REPO is not defined" if Pkg::Config.nuget_repo_path.to_s.empty? # Retrieve password without revealing it puts "Obtaining credentials to ship to nuget feed #{Pkg::Config.nuget_repo_path} on #{Pkg::Config.nuget_host}" print "Username please: " username = Pkg::Util.get_input(true) print "Password please: " password = Pkg::Util.get_input(false) authentication = Pkg::Util.base64_encode("#{username}:#{password}") uri = "#{Pkg::Config.nuget_host}#{Pkg::Config.nuget_repo_path}" form_data = ["-H 'Authorization: Basic #{authentication}'", "-f"] packages.each do |pkg| puts "Working on package #{pkg}" projname, version = File.basename(pkg).match(/^(.*)-([\d+\.]+)\.nupkg$/).captures package_form_data = ["--upload-file #{pkg}"] package_path = "#{projname}/#{version}/#{File.basename(pkg)}" stdout = '' retval = '' Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do stdout, retval = Pkg::Util::Net.curl_form_data("#{uri}/#{package_path}", form_data + package_form_data) end fail "The Package upload (curl) failed with error #{retval}" unless Pkg::Util::Execution.success?(retval) stdout end end end end