# JsRoutes [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/railsware/js-routes.png)](https://travis-ci.org/railsware/js-routes) Generates javascript file that defines all Rails named routes as javascript helpers ## Intallation Your Rails Gemfile: ``` ruby gem "js-routes" ``` ### Basic Setup (Asset Pipeline) Require js routes file in `application.js` or other bundle ``` js /* = require js-routes */ ``` Also in order to flush asset pipeline cache sometimes you might need to run: ``` sh rake tmp:cache:clear ``` This cache is not flushed on server restart in development environment. **Important:** If routes.js file is not updated after some configuration change you need to run this rake task again. ### Advanced Setup If you need to customize routes file create initializer, like `config/initializers/jsroutes.rb`: ``` ruby JsRoutes.setup do |config| config.option = value end ``` Available options: * `default_url_options` - default parameters to be used to generate url * Note that currently only optional parameters (like `:format`) can be defaulted. * Example: {:format => "json"} * Default: {} * `exclude` - Array of regexps to exclude from js routes. * Default: [] * The regexp applies only to the name before the `_path` suffix, eg: you want to match exactly `settings_path`, the regexp should be `/^settings$/` * `include` - Array of regexps to include in js routes. * Default: [] * The regexp applies only to the name before the `_path` suffix, eg: you want to match exactly `settings_path`, the regexp should be `/^settings$/` * `namespace` - global object used to access routes. * Supports nested namespace like `MyProject.routes` * Default: `Routes` * `prefix` - String representing a url path to prepend to all paths. * Example: `http://yourdomain.com`. This will cause route helpers to generate full path only. * Default: blank * `camel_case` (version >= 0.8.8) - Generate camel case route names. * Default: false * `url_links` (version >= 0.8.9) - Generate additional url links, where url_links value is beginning of url routes (ex: http[s]://example.com). * Default: false You can generate routes files on the application side like this: ``` ruby JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/app_routes.js", :namespace => "AppRoutes", :exclude => [/^admin_/, /^api_/]) JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/adm_routes.js", :namespace => "AdmRoutes", :include => /^admin_/) JsRoutes.generate!("#{path}/api_routes.js", :namespace => "ApiRoutes", :include => /^api_/, :default_url_options => {:format => "json"}) ``` In order to generate javascript to string and manipulate them yourself use: Like: ``` ruby routes_js = JsRoutes.generate(options) ``` ## Usage Configuration above will create a nice javascript file with `Routes` object that has all the rails routes available: ``` js Routes.users_path() // => "/users" Routes.user_path(1) // => "/users/1" Routes.user_path(1, {format: 'json'}) // => "/users/1.json" Routes.new_user_project_path(1, {format: 'json'}) // => "/users/1/projects/new.json" Routes.user_project_path(1,2, {q: 'hello', custom: true}) // => "/users/1/projects/2?q=hello&custom=true" Routes.user_project_path(1,2, {hello: ['world', 'mars']}) // => "/users/1/projects/2?hello%5B%5D=world&hello%5B%5D=mars" ``` Using serialized object as route function arguments: ``` js var google = {id: 1, name: "Google"}; Routes.company_path(google) // => "/companies/1" var google = {id: 1, name: "Google", to_param: "google"}; Routes.company_path(google) // => "/companies/google" ``` In order to make routes helpers available globally: ``` js jQuery.extend(window, Routes) ``` ## What about security? js-routes itself do not have security holes. It makes URLs without access protection more reachable by potential attacker. In order to prevent this use `:exclude` option for sensitive urls like `/admin_/` ## Spork When using Spork and `Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application::RoutesReloader, :reload!)` you should also do: ``` ruby Spork.trap_method(JsRoutes, :generate!) ``` ## Advantages over alternatives There are some alternatives available. Most of them has only basic feature and don't reach the level of quality I accept. Advantages of this one are: * Rails3 support * Rich options set * Support Rails `#to_param` convention for seo optimized paths * Well tested #### Thanks to [Contributors](https://github.com/railsware/js-routes/contributors) #### Have fun