class Checkout < ActiveRecord::Base scope :not_returned, -> { where(checkin_id: nil) } scope :returned, -> { where('checkin_id IS NOT NULL') } scope :overdue, lambda {|date| where('checkin_id IS NULL AND due_date < ?', date)} scope :due_date_on, lambda {|date| where(checkin_id: nil, due_date: date.beginning_of_day .. date.end_of_day)} scope :completed, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where('checkouts.created_at >= ? AND checkouts.created_at < ?', start_date, end_date)} scope :on, lambda {|date| where('created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?', date.beginning_of_day, date.tomorrow.beginning_of_day)} belongs_to :user delegate :username, :user_number, to: :user, prefix: true belongs_to :item, touch: true belongs_to :checkin belongs_to :librarian, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :basket belongs_to :shelf belongs_to :library validates_associated :user, :item, :librarian, :checkin #, :basket # TODO: 貸出履歴を保存しない場合は、ユーザ名を削除する #validates_presence_of :user, :item, :basket validates_presence_of :item_id, :basket_id, :due_date validates_uniqueness_of :item_id, scope: [:basket_id, :user_id] validate :is_not_checked?, on: :create validate :renewable?, on: :update validates_date :due_date before_update :set_new_due_date searchable do string :username do user.try(:username) end string :user_number do user.try(:profile).try(:user_number) end string :item_identifier do item.try(:item_identifier) end time :due_date time :created_at time :checked_in_at do checkin.try(:created_at) end boolean :reserved do reserved? end end attr_accessor :operator paginates_per 10 def is_not_checked? checkout = Checkout.not_returned.where(item_id: item_id) unless checkout.empty? errors[:base] << I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.checkin.already_checked_out') end end def renewable? return nil if checkin messages = [] if !operator and overdue? messages << I18n.t('checkout.you_have_overdue_item') end if !operator and reserved? messages << I18n.t('checkout.this_item_is_reserved') end if !operator and over_checkout_renewal_limit? messages << I18n.t('checkout.excessed_renewal_limit') end if messages.empty? true else messages.each do |message| errors[:base] << message end false end end def reserved? return true if item.try(:reserved?) false end def over_checkout_renewal_limit? return nil unless item.checkout_status(user) return true if item.checkout_status(user).checkout_renewal_limit < checkout_renewal_count end def overdue? return false unless due_date if > due_date.tomorrow.beginning_of_day return true else return false end end def is_today_due_date? if == due_date.beginning_of_day return true else return false end end def set_new_due_date self.due_date = due_date.try(:end_of_day) end def get_new_due_date return nil unless user if item if checkout_renewal_count <= item.checkout_status(user).checkout_renewal_limit new_due_date = item.checkout_status(user).checkout_period).beginning_of_day else new_due_date = due_date end end end def self.manifestations_count(start_date, end_date, manifestation) self.where( self.arel_table[:created_at].gteq start_date ).where( self.arel_table[:created_at].lt end_date ) .where( item_id: manifestation.items.pluck('') ).count end def self.send_due_date_notification template = 'recall_item' queues = [] User.find_each do |user| # 未来の日時を指定する checkouts = user.checkouts.due_date_on(user.profile.user_group.number_of_day_to_notify_due_date.days.from_now.beginning_of_day) unless checkouts.empty? queues << user.send_message(template, manifestations: checkouts.collect(&:item).collect(&:manifestation)) end end queues.size end def self.send_overdue_notification template = 'recall_overdue_item' queues = [] User.find_each do |user| user.profile.user_group.number_of_time_to_notify_overdue.times do |i| checkouts = user.checkouts.due_date_on((user.profile.user_group.number_of_day_to_notify_overdue * (i + 1)).days.ago.beginning_of_day) unless checkouts.empty? queues << user.profile.user.send_message(template, manifestations: checkouts.collect(&:item).collect(&:manifestation)) end end end queues.size end def self.remove_all_history(user) user.checkouts.returned.update_all(user_id: nil) end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: checkouts # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # item_id :integer not null # checkin_id :integer # librarian_id :integer # basket_id :integer # due_date :datetime # checkout_renewal_count :integer default(0), not null # lock_version :integer default(0), not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # shelf_id :integer # library_id :integer #