require "json" require "fileutils" require "time" class Supernova::SolrIndexer attr_accessor :options, :db, :ids, :max_rows_to_direct_index, :local_solr attr_writer :index_file_path, :debug MAX_ROWS_TO_DIRECT_INDEX = 100 include Supernova::Solr class << self def field_definitions @field_definitions ||= {} end def select_fields do |key, attributes| attributes[:virtual] != true ? key : nil end.compact end def has(key, attributes) field_definitions[key] = attributes.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes : { :type => attributes } end def clazz(class_name =:only_return) @clazz = class_name if class_name != :only_return @clazz end def table_name(name = :only_return) @table_name = name if name != :only_return @table_name end def method_missing(*args) if search_scope.respond_to?(args.first) search_scope.send(*args) else super end end def search_scope end end FIELD_SUFFIX_MAPPING = { :raw => nil, :string => :s, :text => :t, :int => :i, :integer => :i, :sint => :si, :float => :f, :date => :dt, :boolean => :b, :location => :p, :double => :d } def initialize(options = {}) options.each do |key, value| self.send(:"#{key}=", value) if self.respond_to?(:"#{key}=") end self.max_rows_to_direct_index ||= MAX_ROWS_TO_DIRECT_INDEX self.options = options self.ids ||= :all end def ids=(new_ids) @ids = new_ids @cached = {} end def cached @cached ||= {} end def debug(message) response = true time = Benchmark.realtime do response = yield if block_given? end if @debug == true message.gsub!("%COUNT%", response.count.to_s) if message.include?("%COUNT%") && response.respond_to?(:count) message.gsub!("%TIME%", "%.3f" % time) if message.include?("%TIME%") puts "%s: %s" % [, message] end response end def index! index_query(query_to_index) end def map_for_solr(row) map_hash_keys_to_solr( if self.respond_to?(:extra_attributes_from_record) && self.class.clazz row.merge(self.extra_attributes_from_record(Supernova.build_ar_like_record(self.class.clazz, row)).stringify_keys) elsif self.respond_to?(:row_to_solr) puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: use before_index instead of row_to_solr! in #{caller.first}" self.row_to_solr(row) else self.before_index(row) end ) end def before_index(row) row end def map_hash_keys_to_solr(hash) @indexed_at ||= if hash["id"] && self.table_name hash["record_id_i"] = hash["id"] hash["id"] = [self.table_name, hash["id"]].compact.join("/") end hash["indexed_at_dt"] = @indexed_at self.class.field_definitions.each do |field, options| if hash.has_key?(field.to_s) value = hash.delete(field.to_s) if options[:type] == :date if value.is_a?(Date) value = "#{value}T00:00:00Z" elsif value.respond_to?(:utc) value = value.utc.iso8601 end end hash["#{field}_#{self.class.suffix_from_type(options[:type])}"] = value end end hash["type"] = self.class.clazz.to_s if self.class.clazz hash end def table_name self.class.table_name || (self.class.clazz && self.class.clazz.respond_to?(:table_name) ? self.class.clazz.table_name : nil) end def query_to_index raise "no table_name defined" if self.table_name.nil? query = "SELECT #{select_fields.join(", ")} FROM #{self.table_name}" query << " WHERE id IN (#{ids.join(", ")})" if ids_given? query end def default_fields fields = ["id"] fields << %("#{self.class.clazz}" AS type) if self.class.clazz fields end def defined_fields do |field, options| field.to_s if options[:virtual] != true end.compact end def select_fields default_fields + defined_fields end def validate_lat(lat) float_or_nil_when_abs_bigger_than(lat, 90) end def validate_lng(lng) float_or_nil_when_abs_bigger_than(lng, 180) end def float_or_nil_when_abs_bigger_than(value, border) return nil if value.to_s.strip.length == 0 value_f = value.to_f value_f.abs > border ? nil : value_f end def sql_column_from_field_and_type(field, type) return sql_date_column_from_field(field) if type == :date if suffix = self.class.suffix_from_type(type) "#{field} AS #{field}_#{suffix}" else raise "no suffix for #{type} defined" end end def self.suffix_from_type(type) FIELD_SUFFIX_MAPPING[type.to_sym] end def self.solr_field_for_field_name_and_mapping(field, mapping) [field, mapping && mapping[field.to_sym] ? suffix_from_type(mapping[field.to_sym][:type]) : nil].compact.join("_") end def sql_date_column_from_field(field) %(IF(#{field} IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT(REPLACE(#{field}, " ", "T"), "Z")) AS #{field}_dt) end def query_db(query) if db.respond_to?(:query) db.query(query, :as => :hash) else db.select_all(query) end end def rows(query = nil) debug "fetched rows in %TIME%" do query_db(query || query_to_index) end end def index_rows(rows) debug "mapped %COUNT% rows to solr in %TIME%" do! { |r| map_for_solr(r) } end if self.max_rows_to_direct_index < rows.count debug "indexed #{rows.length} rows with json in %TIME%" do index_with_json_file(rows) end else debug "indexed #{rows.length} rows directly in %TIME%" do index_directly(rows) end end end def solr_rows_to_index_for_query(query) query_db(query).map do |row| map_for_solr(row) end end def index_query(query) debug "getting rows for #{query[0,100]}" index_rows(query_db(query)) end def index_directly(rows) rows.each do |row| row = Supernova::Solr.connection.add(row) end Supernova::Solr.connection.commit if rows.any? end def index_with_json_file(rows) debug "wrote #{rows.count} rows to the json file in %TIME%" do rows.each do |row| write_to_file(row) end end finish end def ids_given? self.ids.is_a?(Array) end def index_file_path @index_file_path ||= File.expand_path("/tmp/index_file_#{}.json") end def write_to_file(to_index) prefix = ",\n" if !stream_open? index_file_stream.puts "{" prefix = nil end filtered = to_index.inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)| hash[key] = value if value.to_s.strip.length > 0 hash end index_file_stream.print(%(#{prefix}"add":#{({:doc => filtered}).to_json})) end def finish raise "nothing to index" if !stream_open? index_file_stream.puts("\}") index_file_stream.close do_index_file end def stream_open? !@index_file_stream.nil? end def index_file_stream @index_file_stream ||=, "w") end def solr_url Supernova::Solr.url.present? ? Supernova::Solr.url.to_s.gsub(/\/$/, "") : nil end def do_index_file(options = {}) raise "solr not configured" if solr_url.nil? cmd = if self.local_solr %(curl -s '#{solr_url}/update/json?commit=true\\&stream.file=#{index_file_path}') else %(cd #{File.dirname(index_file_path)} && curl -s '#{solr_url}/update/json?commit=true' --data-binary @#{File.basename(index_file_path)} -H 'Content-type:application/json') end debug "run command: #{cmd}" out = Kernel.send(:`, cmd) if !out.to_s.include?(%(0)) debug "ERROR: #{out}" raise "unable to index #{index_file_path}: #{out}" end FileUtils.rm_f(self.index_file_path) out end end