package Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes; our $VERSION = '2.2207'; use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use parent 'Class::MOP::Mixin'; sub add_attribute { my $self = shift; my $attribute = blessed( $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : $self->attribute_metaclass->new(@_); ( $attribute->isa('Class::MOP::Mixin::AttributeCore') ) || $self->_throw_exception( AttributeMustBeAnClassMOPMixinAttributeCoreOrSubclass => attribute => $attribute, class_name => $self->name, ); $self->_attach_attribute($attribute); my $attr_name = $attribute->name; $self->remove_attribute($attr_name) if $self->has_attribute($attr_name); my $order = ( scalar keys %{ $self->_attribute_map } ); $attribute->_set_insertion_order($order); $self->_attribute_map->{$attr_name} = $attribute; # This method is called to allow for installing accessors. Ideally, we'd # use method overriding, but then the subclass would be responsible for # making the attribute, which would end up with lots of code # duplication. Even more ideally, we'd use augment/inner, but this is # Class::MOP! $self->_post_add_attribute($attribute) if $self->can('_post_add_attribute'); return $attribute; } sub has_attribute { my ( $self, $attribute_name ) = @_; ( defined $attribute_name ) || $self->_throw_exception( MustDefineAnAttributeName => class_name => $self->name ); exists $self->_attribute_map->{$attribute_name}; } sub get_attribute { my ( $self, $attribute_name ) = @_; ( defined $attribute_name ) || $self->_throw_exception( MustDefineAnAttributeName => class_name => $self->name ); return $self->_attribute_map->{$attribute_name}; } sub remove_attribute { my ( $self, $attribute_name ) = @_; ( defined $attribute_name ) || $self->_throw_exception( MustDefineAnAttributeName => class_name => $self->name ); my $removed_attribute = $self->_attribute_map->{$attribute_name}; return unless defined $removed_attribute; delete $self->_attribute_map->{$attribute_name}; return $removed_attribute; } sub get_attribute_list { my $self = shift; keys %{ $self->_attribute_map }; } sub _restore_metaattributes_from { my $self = shift; my ($old_meta) = @_; for my $attr (sort { $a->insertion_order <=> $b->insertion_order } map { $old_meta->get_attribute($_) } $old_meta->get_attribute_list) { $attr->_make_compatible_with($self->attribute_metaclass); $self->add_attribute($attr); } } 1; # ABSTRACT: Methods for metaclasses which have attributes __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes - Methods for metaclasses which have attributes =head1 VERSION version 2.2207 =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements methods for metaclasses which have attributes (L and L). See L for API details. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Stevan Little =item * Dave Rolsky =item * Jesse Luehrs =item * Shawn M Moore =item * יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Florian Ragwitz =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey =item * Chris Prather =item * Matt S Trout =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut