# frozen_string_literal: true require 'avm/launcher/context' require 'avm/launcher/stereotype' RSpec.describe Avm::Launcher::Context do describe '#instances' do it 'returns all stub instances' do is = described_class.current.instances.map(&:name) expect(is).to contain_exactly('/avm-tools_stub', '/ruby_gem_stub') end end describe '#instance' do it 'returns with slash on begin' do expect(described_class.current.instance('/avm-tools_stub')) .to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) end context 'when the subinstance is mylib' do let(:mylib_repos) do r = init_remote('mylib_repos') wc = init_git('mylib_wc') touch_commit(wc, 'app.gemspec') wc.execute!('remote', 'add', 'origin', r) wc.execute!('push', 'origin', 'master') r end before do temp_context(File.join(__dir__, 'context_spec.yml')) mylib_repos end context 'when sub is a GitSubrepo' do let(:sub) { described_class.current.instance('/app/sub1') } let(:instance) { described_class.current.instance('/app/sub1/mylib') } before do app = init_git('app') touch_commit(app, 'sub1/app.gemspec') app.execute!('subrepo', 'clone', mylib_repos, 'sub1/mylib') end it { expect(sub).to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) } it do Avm::Launcher::Stereotype.git_stereotypes .each { |s| expect(sub.stereotypes).not_to include(s) } end it { expect(instance).to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) } it { expect(instance.stereotypes).to include(Avm::Git::LauncherStereotypes::GitSubrepo) } end context 'when sub is a GitSubtree' do let(:sub) { described_class.current.instance('/app/sub1') } let(:instance) { described_class.current.instance('/app/sub1/mylib') } before do app = init_git('app') touch_commit(app, 'sub1/app.gemspec') app.execute!('subtree', 'add', '-P', 'sub1/mylib', mylib_repos, 'master') app.execute!('remote', 'add', 'mylib', mylib_repos) end it { expect(sub).to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) } it do Avm::Launcher::Stereotype.git_stereotypes .each { |s| expect(sub.stereotypes).not_to include(s) } end it { expect(instance).to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) } it { expect(instance.stereotypes).to include(Avm::Git::LauncherStereotypes::GitSubtree) } end context 'when subtree is present' do before do app = init_git('subtree_main_app') touch_commit(app, 'file1') app.execute!('subtree', 'add', '-P', 'mylib', mylib_repos, 'master') app.execute!('remote', 'add', 'mylib', mylib_repos) end it 'recognizes subtree instance' do # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleExpectations i = described_class.current.instance('/subtree_main_app/mylib') expect(i).to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) expect(i.stereotypes).to include(Avm::Git::LauncherStereotypes::GitSubtree) end end context 'when subinstance in HEAD and not in git_current_revision' do it 'does not return subinstance' do app = init_git('app') # HEAD: master touch_commit(app, 'file2') app.execute!('checkout', '-b', 'not_master') # HEAD: not_master app.execute!('subrepo', 'clone', mylib_repos, 'mylib') expect(described_class.current.instance('/app/mylib')).to be_nil end end context 'when subinstances in/not in HEAD and not in/in git_current_revision' do context 'when subinstance in HEAD and not in git_current_revision' do it 'does not return subinstance' do app = init_git('app') # HEAD: master touch_commit(app, 'file2') app.execute!('checkout', '-b', 'not_master') # HEAD: not_master app.execute!('subrepo', 'clone', mylib_repos, 'mylib') expect(described_class.current.instance('/app/mylib')).to be_nil end end context 'when subinstance not in HEAD and in git_current_revision' do it 'returns subinstance' do # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExampleLength app = init_git('app') # HEAD: master touch_commit(app, 'file3') app.execute!('branch', '-f', 'not_master') app.execute!('subrepo', 'clone', mylib_repos, 'mylib') app.execute!('checkout', 'not_master') # HEAD: not_master expect(described_class.current.instance('/app/mylib')) .to be_a(Avm::Launcher::Instances::Base) end end end end end end