You can create a delete list for sensible cinema to use against whatever DVD you want A delete list (currently) lists sections you want muted or skipped. Here is an example "mutes" => [ "02:02:15.0" , "02:02:25", "a muted demo section", ], "blank_outs" => [ "02:02:00.0" , "02:02:10", "blanked out demo section", ], "name" => "Greatest Story Ever Told", You can see more examples in the "edit decision list/dvds" folder: There are a few more specs not mentioned above, that you can have in there. To create a new one, for a DVD, the steps typically look like this: open Sensible cinema (with "advanced--edit create mode...bat") insert your DVD, click "Create new delete list for DVD" button Now detect timestamps for questionable content (some buttons may help you here), add timestamps to this file, save it, and then test them to make sure they're accurate, using the various buttons. Note that you can also add timestamps then click "Watch DVD on computer realtime" to avoid having to rip it to your hard drive ever. This is slightly less accurate, but can be reasonably accurate. See also the "pointers" section, below. A big helper is the "parse subtitle" button. Basically download a subtitle file for your DVD from Then check that its timestamp matches (Watch full DVD unedited mplayer button, compare with "V: 3600" type output with your .srt file) Then parse it for known profanities (parse a subtitle... button) and copy and paste the appropriate entries to your EDL. For the rest of the buttons, just "mouse over"/"hover over" them for full descriptions of their potential uses. After you're done, you can submit your new delete list to the project (so others can use it later) by using the Upload button and sending it as an attachment. Note also that if you know how, you could fork the code from github, commit changes, and submit a pull request, as well (for example more delete lists, code changes, etc.) Email is probably easier though :) A few pointers: You can make several different "delete lists" per DVD, using different filenames. For example one might take out all profanity, and a second take out profanity and also remove all violence, or whatever. Basically different levels :) You can also just watch a DVD (using any DVD player), and get timestamps that way, before creating a delete list. You'll have to convert them using the "convert timestamp" button. A good computer program for this is "smplayer" (the [ and ] keys control playback speed, and right and left, page up and page down buttons control seeking), and you can also turn on subtitles to help locate profanity. See also the "tooltip" for the "convert timestamp" button. Also note that you can rewatch the whole thing when you're done, just to double check and see if you got all time signatures right (using "create DVD file on local hard drive" button). Also note that you could also add your timing information to IMDB's parental guide wiki pages about movies. This can help users of other than sensible cinema with editing their movies, or at least knowing the content. You can even add timestamps there. Also note that you don't need to "grab" the DVD to your hard drive to edit. You can just watch it in smplayer with 'on-screen-display' enabled (o key), then convert the timestamps to 29.97 with the "convert timestamp" button (or watch it in a hardware DVD player with the same effect). You could also get a similar effect by setting up your EDL with its mplayer_dvd_splits , then use math and smplayer's timestamps to get the right timestamps. See also the tooltip to the "convert timestamp" button. You could also edit the "video file" in basically any professional editor--they are usually pretty accurate to 29.97 fps, to get the edit timestamps. Microsoft's editor actually doesn't work. PowerProducer (part of the powerdvd suite) does. AVS Editor does. You could use avidemux (set frame settings manually to "video" 24 fps if necessary) though video will be off, audio will be on. You could ask on the mailing list if somebody else could do the EDL for you, or offer to pay somebody there, I guess.