require 'yaml' class RobotConfigParser ROBOT_INSTANCE_MAX = 16 LANE_INSTANCE_MAX = 99 # sprintf("%02d") maximum # parse_instances(1) == 1 # parse_instances(16) == 16 # parse_instances(0) == 1 # parse_instances(99) => RuntimeError def parse_instances(n) if n > ROBOT_INSTANCE_MAX raise RuntimeError, "TooManyInstances: #{n} > #{ROBOT_INSTANCE_MAX}" end n = 1 if n < 1 n end # parse_lanes('*') == ['*'] # parse_lanes('0') == [0] # parse_lanes('1') == [1] # parse_lanes('1-5') == [1,2,3,4,5] # parse_lanes('1,2,3') == [1,2,3] # parse_lanes('1-5,8') == [1,2,3,4,5,8] # parse_lanes('-1') == [0, 1] # parse_lanes('100') == RuntimeException def parse_lanes(lanes_spec) lanes = [] # parse each comma-seperated specification lanes_spec.split(/,/).each do |i| # this is a range element if i =~ /-/ x = i.split(/-/)[0].to_i, x[1].to_i).each do |j| lanes << j end # a wildcard elsif i == '*' lanes << '*' # simple integer else lanes << i.to_i end end # verify that lanes are all within 1 .. LANE_INSTANCE_MAX lanes.each do |j| if j.is_a?(Integer) if j > LANE_INSTANCE_MAX raise RuntimeError, "SyntaxError: Lane #{j} > #{LANE_INSTANCE_MAX}" elsif j < 0 raise RuntimeError, "SyntaxError: Lane #{j} < 0" end end end lanes end # build_queues('a','1') => ['a_01'] # build_queues('a','1,3') => ['a_01', 'a_03'] # build_queues('a','1-3') => ['a_01', 'a_02', 'a_03'] def build_queues(robot, lanes) queues = [] parse_lanes(lanes).each do |i| queues << [robot, i == '*' ? '*' : sprintf("%02d", i)].join('_') end queues end # main entry point def load(env) # read the YAML file robots_fn = File.join('config', 'environments', "robots_#{env}.yml") unless File.file?(robots_fn) raise RuntimeError, "FileNotFound: #{robots_fn}" end puts "Loading #{robots_fn}" robots = YAML.load_file(robots_fn) # puts robots # determine current host host = `hostname -s`.strip # puts host # host = 'sul-robots1-dev' # XXX unless robots.include?(host) raise RuntimeError, "HostMismatch: #{host} not defined in #{robots_fn}" end # parse YAML lines for host where i is robot[:lane[:instances]] r = [] robots[host].each do |i| robot = i.split(/:/) robot.each do |j| if j.strip == '' raise RuntimeError, "SyntaxError: #{i}" end end # add defaults if robot.size == 1 robot << '*' end if robot.size == 2 robot << '1' end # build queues for robot instances unless robot.size == 3 raise RuntimeError, "SyntaxError: #{i}" end robot[2] = parse_instances(robot[2].to_i) # puts robot.join(' : ') queues = build_queues(robot[0], robot[1]) # puts queues r << {:robot => robot[0], :queues => queues, :n => robot[2] } end r end end ROBOTS =['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT'] || 'development') # puts ROBOTS