Workarea Product Videos ================================================================================ Product Videos plugin for the Workarea platform. Allows an admin user to add videos to any product! Video embed support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This plugin supports embed codes from Vimeo and Youtube. Adding support for other video hosts would require customization of the video_embed_parser service. We do not host video content, and therefor do not offer an option to upload a video via the admin. All videos must use an embed code. Getting Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the gem to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby # ... gem 'workarea-product_videos' # ... ``` Update your application's bundle. ```bash cd path/to/application bundle ``` Display options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of the box we provide 3 options for displaying product videos on the storefront: embedded, link, and thumbnail. ### Embedded Embeds an iframe below the product description. ### Dialog Adds a link below the product description, on click the video will open in a dialog. ### Thumbnail Embeds a thumbnail image in the product alt-image array, thumbnail has a play icon svg overlayed, this is trivial to customize. When the thumbnail is clicked the video will open in a dialog Thumbnail image can be selected in the admin via an asset picker. If no thumbnail image is selected the first product image will be used as a fallback. **Caveat:** Since the thumbnail image is appended to the alt image array, the product must have more than 1 image for the video to display. This could easily be changed in implementation, but is not within the scope of this plugin. Workarea Commerce Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See []( for Workarea Commerce documentation. License -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workarea Product Videos is released under the [Business Software License](LICENSE)