if __FILE__ == $0 puts "Run with: watchr #{__FILE__}. \n\nRequired gems: watchr rev" exit 1 end # -------------------------------------------------- # Convenience Methods # -------------------------------------------------- def run(cmd) puts(cmd) system(cmd) end def run_all_specs run "bundle exec rspec spec" end def run_single_spec *spec spec = spec.join(' ') run "bundle exec rspec #{spec}" end def run_specs_with_shared_examples(shared_example_filename, spec_path = 'spec') # Returns the names of the shared examples in filename def shared_examples(filename) lines = File.readlines(filename) lines.grep(/shared_examples_for[\s'"]+(.+)['"]\s*[do|\{]/) do |matching_line| $1 end end # Returns array with filenames of the specs using shared_example def specs_with_shared_example(shared_example, path) command = "grep -lrE 'it_behaves_like .(#{shared_example}).' #{path}" `#{command}`.split end shared_examples(shared_example_filename).each do |shared_example| specs_to_run = specs_with_shared_example(shared_example, spec_path) run_single_spec(specs_to_run) unless specs_to_run.empty? end end def run_cucumber_scenario scenario_path run "cucumber #{scenario_path}" end # -------------------------------------------------- # Watchr Rules # -------------------------------------------------- watch( '^spec/spec_helper\.rb' ) { run_all_specs } watch( '^spec/shared/.*\.rb' ) { |m| run_specs_with_shared_examples(m[0]) } watch( '^spec/.*_spec\.rb' ) { |m| run_single_spec(m[0]) } watch( '^app/(.*)\.rb' ) { |m| run_single_spec("spec/%s_spec.rb" % m[1]) } watch( '^app/views/(.*)\.haml' ) { |m| run_single_spec("spec/views/%s.haml_spec.rb" % m[1]) } watch( '^lib/(.*)\.rb' ) { |m| run_single_spec("spec/lib/%s_spec.rb" % m[1] ) } watch( '^features/.*\.feature' ) { |m| run_cucumber_scenario(m[0]) } # -------------------------------------------------- # Signal Handling # -------------------------------------------------- # Ctrl-\ Signal.trap('QUIT') do puts " --- Running all tests ---\n\n" run_all_specs end # Ctrl-C Signal.trap('INT') { abort("\n") } puts "Watching.."