module Decolmor def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end #========= Set default rounding for HSL/HSV/HSB/CMYK conversion ======== # round 1 enough for lossless conversion RGB -> HSL/HSV/HSB -> RGB # for lossless conversion HSL <==> HSV (HSB) better to use round 2 # HSX_ROUND = 1 module ClassMethods attr_writer :hsx_round def hsx_round @hsx_round ||= HSX_ROUND end #========= HEX <==> RGB(A) ============================================= def hex_to_rgb(hex, alpha_round = 3, alpha_255: false) hex = hex.gsub('#','') hex = if [3, 4].include? hex.length{ |char| char * 2 } else hex.scan(/../) end rgb = if rgb.size == 4 rgb[3] = (rgb[3] / 255.to_f).round(alpha_round) unless alpha_255 end rgb end def rgb_to_hex(rgb, alpha_255: false) if rgb.size == 3 "#%02X%02X%02X" % rgb else rgb[3] = (rgb[3] * 255).round unless alpha_255 "#%02X%02X%02X%02X" % rgb end end #======================================================================= # simple generator RGB, you can set any channel(s) def new_rgb(red: nil, green: nil, blue: nil, alpha: nil) range = 0..255 rgb = [red, green, blue].map { |channel| channel || rand(range) } alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end #========= RGB(A) to HSL/HSV/HSB ======================================= def rgb_to_hsl(rgb_arr, rounding = hsx_round) # scaling RGB values into range 0..1 red, green, blue, alpha = { |color| color / 255.to_f } # calculation intermediate values cmin, cmax, chroma = get_min_max_chroma(red, green, blue) # calculation HSL values hue = get_hue(red, green, blue) lightness = (cmax + cmin) / 2 saturation = chroma == 0 ? 0 : chroma / (1 - (2 * lightness - 1).abs) # scaling values to fill 0..100 interval saturation *= 100 lightness *= 100 # rounding, drop Alpha if not set (nil) hsl = [hue, saturation, lightness].map { |x| x.round(rounding) } alpha.nil? ? hsl : hsl + [alpha * 255] end def rgb_to_hsv(rgb_arr, rounding = hsx_round) # scaling RGB values into range 0..1 red, green, blue, alpha = { |color| color / 255.to_f } # calculation intermediate values _cmin, cmax, chroma = get_min_max_chroma(red, green, blue) # calculation HSV values hue = get_hue(red, green, blue) saturation = chroma == 0 ? 0 : chroma / cmax value = cmax # scaling values into range 0..100 saturation *= 100 value *= 100 # rounding hsv = [hue, saturation, value].map { |x| x.round(rounding) } alpha.nil? ? hsv : hsv + [alpha * 255] end alias_method :rgb_to_hsb, :rgb_to_hsv #========= HSL/HSV/HSB to RGB(A) ======================================= def hsl_to_rgb(hsl_arr) hue, saturation, lightness, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 lightness /= 100 # calculation intermediate values a = saturation * [lightness, 1 - lightness].min # calculation rgb & scaling into range 0..255 rgb = [0, 8, 4]! do |channel| k = (channel + hue / 30) % 12 channel = lightness - a * [-1, [k - 3, 9 - k, 1].min].max (channel * 255).round end alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end def hsv_to_rgb(hsv_arr) hue, saturation, value, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 value /= 100 # calculation rgb & scaling into range 0..255 rgb = [5, 3, 1]! do |channel| k = (channel + hue / 60) % 6 channel = value - value * saturation * [0, [k, 4 - k, 1].min].max (channel * 255).round end alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end alias_method :hsb_to_rgb, :hsv_to_rgb #========= Alternative implementation HSL/HSV/HSB to RGB(A) ============ def hsl_to_rgb_alt(hsl_arr) hue, saturation, lightness, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 lightness /= 100 # calculation chroma & intermediate values hue = (hue % 360) / 60 chroma = (1 - (2 * lightness - 1).abs) * saturation x = chroma * (1 - (hue % 2 - 1).abs) point = get_rgb_point(hue, chroma, x) # calculation rgb & scaling into range 0..255 m = lightness - chroma / 2 rgb = { |channel| ((channel + m) * 255).round } alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end def hsv_to_rgb_alt(hsv_arr) hue, saturation, value, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 value /= 100 # calculation chroma & intermediate values hue = (hue % 360) / 60 chroma = value * saturation x = chroma * (1 - (hue % 2 - 1).abs) point = get_rgb_point(hue, chroma, x) # calculation rgb & scaling into range 0..255 m = value - chroma rgb = { |channel| ((channel + m) * 255).round } alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end alias_method :hsb_to_rgb_alt, :hsv_to_rgb_alt #========= RGB <==> HSI ================================================ def rgb_to_hsi(rgb_arr, rounding = hsx_round) # scaling RGB values into range 0..1 rgb = rgb_arr[0..2].map { |color| color / 255.to_f } alpha = rgb_arr[3] # calculation HSI values hue = get_hue(*rgb) intensity = rgb.sum / 3 saturation = ? 0 : 1 - rgb.min / intensity # scaling values to fill 0..100 interval saturation *= 100 intensity *= 100 # rounding, drop Alpha if not set (nil) hsi = [hue, saturation, intensity].map { |x| x.round(rounding) } alpha.nil? ? hsi : hsi + [alpha] end def hsi_to_rgb(hsi_arr) hue, saturation, intensity, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 intensity /= 100 # calculation chroma & intermediate values # # as 360/60 does not get_rgb_point in any of the ranges 0...1 or 5...6 # so in the method we use (hue % 360) # at the same time solving if hue is not in the 0..360 range hue = (hue % 360) / 60 z = 1 - (hue % 2 - 1).abs chroma = (3 * intensity * saturation) / (1 + z) x = chroma * z point = get_rgb_point(hue, chroma, x) # calculation rgb m = intensity * (1 - saturation) rgb = { |channel| channel + m } # checking rgb on overrange 0..1 rgb = fix_overrange_rgb(rgb) # scaling into range 0..255 & rounding! { |channel| (channel * 255).round } alpha.nil? ? rgb : rgb + [alpha] end #========= HSL <==> HSV (HSB) ========================================== def hsl_to_hsv(hsl_arr, rounding = hsx_round) hue, saturation, lightness, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 lightness /= 100 # calculation value & saturation HSV value = lightness + saturation * [lightness, 1 - lightness].min saturation_hsv = lightness == 0 ? 0 : 2 * (1 - lightness / value) # scaling HSV values & rounding hsv = [hue, saturation_hsv * 100, value * 100].map { |x| x.round(rounding) } alpha.nil? ? hsv : hsv + [alpha] end alias_method :hsl_to_hsb, :hsl_to_hsv def hsv_to_hsl(hsv_arr, rounding = hsx_round) hue, saturation, value, alpha = # scaling values into range 0..1 saturation /= 100 value /= 100 # calculation lightness & saturation HSL lightness = value * (1 - saturation / 2) saturation_hsl = if [0, 1].any? { |v| v == lightness } 0 else (value - lightness) / [lightness, 1 - lightness].min end # scaling HSL values & rounding hsl = [hue, saturation_hsl * 100, lightness * 100].map { |x| x.round(rounding) } alpha.nil? ? hsl : hsl + [alpha] end alias_method :hsb_to_hsl, :hsv_to_hsl #========= RGB(A) <==> CMYK ============================================ def rgb_to_cmyk(rgb_arr, rounding = hsx_round) # scaling RGB values into range 0..1 rgb = rgb_arr[0..2].map { |color| color / 255.to_f } k = 1 - rgb.max converter = proc do |color| (1 - k) == 0 ? 0 : (1 - color - k) / (1 - k) end # calculation CMYK & scaling into percentages & rounding c, m, y = { |color| || 0 } cmyk = [c, m, y, k].map { |x| (x * 100).round(rounding) } rgb_arr.size == 4 ? cmyk + [rgb_arr.last] : cmyk end def cmyk_to_rgb(cmyk_arr) c, m, y, k = cmyk_arr[0..3].map { |color| color / 100.to_f } converter = proc do |channel| 255 * (1 - channel) * (1 - k) end # calculation RGB & rounding rgb = [c, m, y].map { |channel| } cmyk_arr.size == 5 ? rgb + [cmyk_arr.last] : rgb end #========= HEX <==> HSL/HSV/HSB/HSI ======================================== def hex_to_hsl(hex, rounding = hsx_round, alpha_255: false) rgb = hex_to_rgb(hex, alpha_255: alpha_255) rgb_to_hsl(rgb, rounding) end def hsl_to_hex(hsl_arr, alpha_255: false) rgb = hsl_to_rgb(hsl_arr) rgb_to_hex(rgb, alpha_255: alpha_255) end def hex_to_hsv(hex, rounding = hsx_round, alpha_255: false) rgb = hex_to_rgb(hex, alpha_255: alpha_255) rgb_to_hsv(rgb, rounding) end def hsv_to_hex(hsv_arr, alpha_255: false) rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv_arr) rgb_to_hex(rgb, alpha_255: alpha_255) end alias_method :hex_to_hsb, :hex_to_hsv alias_method :hsb_to_hex, :hsv_to_hex def hex_to_hsi(hex, rounding = hsx_round, alpha_255: false) rgb = hex_to_rgb(hex, alpha_255: alpha_255) rgb_to_hsi(rgb, rounding) end def hsi_to_hex(hsi_arr, alpha_255: false) rgb = hsi_to_rgb(hsi_arr) rgb_to_hex(rgb, alpha_255: alpha_255) end def hex_to_cmyk(hex, rounding = hsx_round, alpha_255: false) rgb = hex_to_rgb(hex, alpha_255: alpha_255) rgb_to_cmyk(rgb, rounding) end def cmyk_to_hex(cmyk_arr, alpha_255: false) rgb = cmyk_to_rgb(cmyk_arr) rgb_to_hex(rgb, alpha_255: alpha_255) end private #========= helper methods ============================================== # find greatest and smallest channel values and chroma from RGB def get_min_max_chroma(red, green, blue) cmin = [red, green, blue].min cmax = [red, green, blue].max # calculation chroma chroma = cmax - cmin [cmin, cmax, chroma] end # calculation HUE from RGB def get_hue(red, green, blue) _cmin, cmax, chroma = get_min_max_chroma(red, green, blue) hue = if chroma == 0 0 elsif cmax == red # red is max ((green - blue) / chroma) % 6 elsif cmax == green # green is max (blue - red) / chroma + 2 else # blue is max (red - green) / chroma + 4 end hue * 60 # HUE will never leave the 0..360 range when RGB is within 0..255 # make negative HUEs positive # 0 <= hue ? hue : hue + 360 end # possible RGB points # point selection based on entering HUE input in range def get_rgb_point(hue, chroma, x) case hue when 0...1 then [chroma, x, 0] when 1...2 then [x, chroma, 0] when 2...3 then [0, chroma, x] when 3...4 then [0, x, chroma] when 4...5 then [x, 0, chroma] when 5...6 then [chroma, 0, x] # HUE will never leave the 0..359 range because we use (hue % 360) # else [0, 0, 0] end end # checking rgb on overrange 0..1 def fix_overrange_rgb(rgb) max = rgb.max # so we keep HUE # if we had just used clipping [[value, 255].min, 0].max # we would have changed HUE # # Thx to Rotem & Giacomo Catenazzi from stackoverflow max > 1 ? { |channel| channel / max } : rgb end end extend ClassMethods end