= Instalation with RubyGems 1. Download and install RubyGems: http://rubygems.rubyforge.org 2. Install the distribution: gem install og (make sure you have the latest stable versions of Ruby and RubyGems installed) When asked about the dependencies to include, only accept the dependencies for the RDBMS backends you are planning to use. 3. Set environment variable (required to load RubyGems): export RUBYOPT=-rubygems You can add this in you .bashrc in Unix. Alternatively you can run your applications with the -rubygem option: ruby -rubygem xxx.rb = Installation without RubyGems using script. Installation without RubyGems is *strongly* discouraged. However, as Og is all about freedom and possibilities, a standard installation script is provided. 1. Switch to an administrator account For example in Unix: $ su - 2. Run the installation script. $ ruby setup.rb This installation script also installs some vendor libraries that you possibly have allready installed. Use with caution. Dependencies needed: See 'ProjectInfo' file located in the current directory. Install the desired database client libraries Libraries are not required for Og to run. If you wish to use an adapter which uses one of the databases, then you'll need to install the client library Postgres, MySQL, Kirbybase = Manual installation. Uncompress your distribution (Unix example): $ cd my_dir $ tar xvfz og-x.x.x.tar.gz Put the libray dir in the Ruby path (Unix example): $ export RUBYOPT='-I path/to/og/lib' = Additional libraries Og uses a number of additional libraries. RubyGems installs most of them, but here is the complete list for your reference: * Ruby-psql http://www.postgresql.jp/interfaces/ruby/archive/ruby-postgres-0.7.1.tar.gz Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. * Ruby-mysql http://tmtm.org/ja/ruby/mysql/README_en.html Ruby interface to the MySQL RDBMS. * PostgreSQL http://www.postgres.org Used for the Database Backend. * MySQL http://www.mysql.org Used for the Database Backend.