{{ stage }}

ITU {{ doctype }}

International Telecommunications Union
{{ docnumber }} {% if edition %}
Revision {{ edition }}
{% endif %}
{{ draftinfo }}
{% if annexid %}
{% endif %}
({{ pubdate_monthyear }})
{% if bureau == "T" %}Telecommunication
Standardization Sector
of ITU{% endif %} {% if bureau == "D" %}Telecommunication
Development Sector
of ITU{% endif %} {% if bureau == "R" %}Radiocommunication
Sector of ITU{% endif %}
{% if series %}Series {{ series }}{% endif %} {{ series1 }} {% if series2 %}— {{ series2 }}{% endif %} {{ doctitle }} {% if docsubtitle %}
{{ docsubtitle }} {% if annextitle %}
{{ annextitle }} {% endif %} {% endif %}