# frozen_string_literal: true
shared_examples "amendment promoted event" do
include_context "when a simple event"
let(:resource) { emendation }
let(:event_name) { "decidim.events.amendments.amendment_promoted" }
it_behaves_like "a simple event"
it_behaves_like "a simple event email"
it_behaves_like "a simple event notification"
let(:emendation_author_nickname) { "@#{emendation.creator_author.nickname}" }
let(:emendation_path) { Decidim::ResourceLocatorPresenter.new(emendation).path }
let(:emendation_author_path) { Decidim::UserPresenter.new(emendation.creator_author).profile_path }
let(:amendable_path) { Decidim::ResourceLocatorPresenter.new(amendable).path }
let(:email_subject) { "An amendment from #{emendation_author_nickname} has been published as a new proposal" }
let(:email_intro) { "A rejected amendment for #{amendable_title} has been published as a new #{amendable_type}. You can see it from this page:" }
let(:email_outro) { "You have received this notification because you are following #{amendable_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link." }
# rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
let(:notification_title) { "A rejected amendment for #{amendable_title} has been published as a new #{amendable_type} by #{emendation_author_nickname}." }
# rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength