def _default_stage fetch(:default_stage, 'staging') end def _default_stages fetch(:stages, %w(staging production)) end def _stages_dir fetch(:stages_dir, 'config/deploy') end def _all_stages_empty? !fetch(:all_stages, nil) end def _file_for_stage(stage_name) File.join(_stages_dir, "#{stage_name}.rb") end def _stage_file_exists?(stage_name) File.exists?(File.expand_path(_file_for_stage(stage_name))) end def _get_all_stages Dir["#{_stages_dir}/*.rb"].reduce([]) { |all_stages, file| all_stages << File.basename(file, '.rb') } end def _default_apps fetch(:hanami_apps) end def _get_all_apps apps = [] _get_all_stages.each do |stage| apps << Dir["#{_stages_dir}/#{stage}/*.rb"].reject{ |file| File.basename(file, '.rb') == stage }.reduce([]) { |all_apps, file| all_apps << File.basename(file, '.rb') } end apps.flatten.uniq end def _apps_empty? !fetch(:all_apps, nil) end def _app_file_in_stage_exists?(stage_name, app_name) File.exists?(File.join(_stages_dir, stage_name, "#{app_name}.rb")) end def _file_for_app_in_stage(stage_name, app_name) File.join(_stages_dir, stage_name, "#{app_name}.rb") end def _argument_included_in_stages?(arg) fetch(:all_stages).include?(arg) end def _argument_included_in_apps?(arg) fetch(:all_apps).include?(arg) end set :all_stages, _get_all_stages if _all_stages_empty? set :all_apps, _get_all_apps if _apps_empty? fetch(:all_stages).each do |stage_name| desc "Set the target stage to '#{stage_name}'." task(stage_name) do set :current_stage, stage_name file = "#{_stages_dir}/#{fetch(:current_stage)}.rb" load file end end fetch(:all_apps).each do |app_name| desc "Set the target app to '#{app_name}'." task(app_name) do set :current_app, app_name file = "#{_stages_dir}/#{fetch(:current_stage)}/#{fetch(:current_app)}.rb" load file end end _potential_stage = ARGV[0] if !_stage_file_exists?(_potential_stage) && _stage_file_exists?(_default_stage) set :current_app, ARGV[0] invoke _default_stage else set :current_stage, ARGV[0] set :current_app, ARGV[1] end namespace :proteus do desc 'Create stage and apps files' task :init do ensure!(:hanami_apps) FileUtils.mkdir_p _stages_dir if !File.exists? _stages_dir _default_stages.each do |stage| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(_stages_dir, stage) if !File.exists? File.join(_stages_dir, stage) stagefile = _file_for_stage(stage) if !_stage_file_exists?(stage) puts "Creating #{stagefile}", 'w') do |f| f.puts "set :hanami_env, '#{stage}'" f.puts "set :rack_env, 'fetch(:hanami_env)'" f.puts "set :domain, ''" f.puts "set :repository, ''" f.puts "set :branch, 'tree_branch'" f.puts "set :user, 'your_user'" end else puts "Skipping #{stagefile}, it already exists" end _default_apps.each do |app| appfile = _file_for_app_in_stage(stage, app) if !_app_file_in_stage_exists?(stage, app) puts " Creating #{appfile}", 'w') do |f| f.puts "set :deploy_to, '/your/remote/dir'" f.puts "set :hanami_app, '#{app}'" end else puts " Skipping #{appfile}, it already exists" end end end end end