/* // Custom JS | written by https://github.com/wdzajicek // © 2020 Kankakee Community College // =================================================== */ // 1. Execute Google API call to grab Google Sheet data from: // https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1plXBiZY5pVbhNT-mszxEuqCl4zy8wMnz9gXXbbT_yLs/edit#gid=0 // 2. Build & inject the alert message into the page // 3. Run the `tabLink.js` module after alert has painted into DOM (and altered documents hight) // 4. Cache the API response in sessionStorage // =================================================== // import setSheetParameters from './simpleSetSheetParameters.js'; import createAlertsHtml from './createAlertsHtml.js'; import makeTabsLinkable from './tabLink.js'; import cacheResponse from './cacheResponse.js'; const SHEET_KEY = '1plXBiZY5pVbhNT-mszxEuqCl4zy8wMnz9gXXbbT_yLs'; const SHEET_TAB_NAME = 'Alerts'; const EMERGENCY_ALERT_DIV_ID = 'emergencyAlerts' const SHEET_PARAMS = setSheetParameters(SHEET_KEY, SHEET_TAB_NAME); const PARAMS = { // This is configuration for API call with spreadsheets that are setup as readonly 'apiKey': 'AIzaSyCEBsbXfFcdbkASlg-PodD1rT_Fe3Nw62A', 'discoveryDocs': ['https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/sheets/v4/rest'] }; function init() { gapi.client.init(PARAMS).then(function() { // Executes an API request, and returns a Promise. return gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.get(SHEET_PARAMS) .then((response) => { createAlertsHtml(response); // Build the html & inject it into the DOM return response; }).then((response) => { makeTabsLinkable(); // Handle hash & query URI's to target accordion and tabbed-nav content cacheResponse(response); // Cache the Google API response for subsequent page loads in the site }, function(err) { console.error("Execute error", err); makeTabsLinkable(); }); }); } function start() { if ( ! document.getElementById(EMERGENCY_ALERT_DIV_ID) ) return makeTabsLinkable(); init(); //var t1 = performance.now(); //console.info("Call to 'init' took " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds."); } // Loads the JavaScript client library and invokes `start` afterwards. // Usage: // gapi.load('client', start); export default start;