require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' module GEPUB # Holds one metadata with refine meta elements. class Meta attr_accessor :content attr_reader :name def initialize(name, content, parent, attributes= {}, refiners = {}) @parent = parent @name = name @content = content @attributes = attributes @refiners = refiners @parent.register_meta(self) unless @parent.nil? end def [](x) @attributes[x] end def []=(x,y) @attributes[x] = y end def refiner_list(name) return @refiners[name].dup end def refiner_clear(name) if !@refiners[name].nil? @refiners[name].each { |refiner| @parent.unregister_meta(refiner) } end @refiners[name]= [] end def refiner(name) refiner = @refiners[name] if refiner.nil? || refiner.size == 0 nil else refiner[0] end end # add a refiner. def add_refiner(property, content, attributes = {}) (@refiners[property] ||= []) << refiner ='meta', content, @parent, { 'property' => property }.merge(attributes)) unless content.nil? self end # set a 'unique' refiner. all other refiners with same property will be removed. def refine(property, content, attributes = {}) if !content.nil? refiner_clear(property) add_refiner(property, content, attributes) end self end ['title-type', 'identifier-type', 'display-seq', 'file-as', 'group-position'].each { |name| methodbase = name.sub('-','_') define_method(methodbase + '=') { |val| refine(name, val); } define_method('set_' + methodbase) { |val| refine(name, val); } define_method(methodbase) { refiner(name) } } # add alternate script refiner. def add_alternates(alternates = {}) alternates.each { |locale, content| add_refiner('alternate-script', content, { 'xml:lang' => locale }) } self end def to_xml(builder, id_pool, ns = nil, additional_attr = {}, opf_version = '3.0') additional_attr ||= {} if @refiners.size > 0 && opf_version.to_f >= 3.0 @attributes['id'] = id_pool.generate_key(:prefix => name) if @attributes['id'].nil? end # using eval to parametarize Namespace and content. eval "builder#{ ns.nil? || @name == 'meta' ? '' : '[ns]'}.#{@name}(@attributes.reject{|k,v| v.nil?}.merge(additional_attr)#{@content.nil? ? '' : ', @content'})" if @refiners.size > 0 && opf_version.to_f >= 3.0 additional_attr['refines'] = "##{@attributes['id']}" @refiners.each { |k, ref_list| ref_list.each { |ref| ref.to_xml(builder, id_pool, nil, additional_attr) } } end end def to_s(locale=nil) localized = nil if !locale.nil? prefix = locale.sub(/^(.+?)-.*/, '\1') regex ="^((" + locale.split('-').join(')?-?(') + ")?)") candidates = @refiners['alternate-script'].select { |refiner| refiner['xml:lang'] =~ /^#{prefix}-?.*/ }.sort_by { |x| x['xml:lang'] =~ regex; $1.size }.reverse localized = candidates[0].content if candidates.size > 0 end (localized || @content || super).to_s end end end