Feature: Basics Scenario: No arguments should show help When I run `hobo` Then the output should contain "Usage:" Scenario: -v should show version When I run `hobo -v` Then the output should contain "Hobo version" Scenario: --version should show version When I run `hobo --version` Then the output should contain "Hobo version" Scenario: An invalid command should fail gracefully When I run `hobo jibberjabber` Then the output should contain "Invalid command or option" And the exit status should be 4 Scenario: An invalid option should fail gracefully When I run `hobo --jibberjabber` Then the output should contain "Invalid command or option" And the exit status should be 4 Scenario: --debug should display backtraces When I run `hobo jibberjabber --debug` Then the output should contain "Hobo::InvalidCommandOrOpt" Scenario: --no-ansi should disable ansi output When I run `hobo --no-ansi` Then the output should not contain "33m" Scenario: --non-interactive should cause default options to be used When I run `hobo test non-interactive --non-interactive` Then the output should contain "Used defaults"