Sequel.require %w'shared/mysql utils/stored_procedures', 'adapters' module Sequel module MySQL # This module is used by the mysql and mysql2 adapters to support # prepared statements and stored procedures. module PreparedStatements module DatabaseMethods disconnect_errors = <<-END.split("\n").map(&:strip) Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket MySQL server has gone away Lost connection to MySQL server during query This connection is still waiting for a result, try again once you have the result closed MySQL connection END # Error messages for mysql and mysql2 that indicate the current connection should be disconnected MYSQL_DATABASE_DISCONNECT_ERRORS = /\A#{Regexp.union(disconnect_errors)}/o # Support stored procedures on MySQL def call_sproc(name, opts=OPTS, &block) args = opts[:args] || [] execute("CALL #{name}#{args.empty? ? '()' : literal(args)}", opts.merge(:sproc=>false), &block) end # Executes the given SQL using an available connection, yielding the # connection if the block is given. def execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block) if opts[:sproc] call_sproc(sql, opts, &block) elsif sql.is_a?(Symbol) execute_prepared_statement(sql, opts, &block) else synchronize(opts[:server]){|conn| _execute(conn, sql, opts, &block)} end end private def add_prepared_statements_cache(conn) class << conn attr_accessor :prepared_statements end conn.prepared_statements = {} end # Stupid MySQL doesn't use SQLState error codes correctly, mapping # all constraint violations to 23000 even though it recognizes # different types. def database_specific_error_class(exception, opts) case exception.errno when 1048 NotNullConstraintViolation when 1062 UniqueConstraintViolation when 1451, 1452 ForeignKeyConstraintViolation else super end end # Executes a prepared statement on an available connection. If the # prepared statement already exists for the connection and has the same # SQL, reuse it, otherwise, prepare the new statement. Because of the # usual MySQL stupidity, we are forced to name arguments via separate # SET queries. Use @sequel_arg_N (for N starting at 1) for these # arguments. def execute_prepared_statement(ps_name, opts, &block) args = opts[:arguments] ps = prepared_statement(ps_name) sql = ps.prepared_sql synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| unless conn.prepared_statements[ps_name] == sql _execute(conn, "PREPARE #{ps_name} FROM #{literal(sql)}", opts) conn.prepared_statements[ps_name] = sql end i = 0 _execute(conn, "SET " + {|arg| "@sequel_arg_#{i+=1} = #{literal(arg)}"}.join(", "), opts) unless args.empty? opts = opts.merge(:log_sql=>" (#{sql})") if ps.log_sql _execute(conn, "EXECUTE #{ps_name}#{" USING #{(1..i).map{|j| "@sequel_arg_#{j}"}.join(', ')}" unless i == 0}", opts, &block) end end end module DatasetMethods include Sequel::Dataset::StoredProcedures # Methods to add to MySQL prepared statement calls without using a # real database prepared statement and bound variables. module CallableStatementMethods # Extend given dataset with this module so subselects inside subselects in # prepared statements work. def subselect_sql_append(sql, ds) ps = ds.to_prepared_statement(:select).clone(:append_sql => sql) ps.extend(CallableStatementMethods) ps = ps.bind(@opts[:bind_vars]) if @opts[:bind_vars] ps.prepared_args = prepared_args ps.prepared_sql end end PreparedStatementMethods = Sequel::Dataset.send(:prepared_statements_module, :prepare_bind, Sequel::Dataset::UnnumberedArgumentMapper) do # Raise a more obvious error if you attempt to call a unnamed prepared statement. def call(*) raise Error, "Cannot call prepared statement without a name" if prepared_statement_name.nil? super end end StoredProcedureMethods = Sequel::Dataset.send(:prepared_statements_module, "sql = @sproc_name; opts = Hash[opts]; opts[:args] = @sproc_args; opts[:sproc] = true", Sequel::Dataset::StoredProcedureMethods, %w'execute execute_dui') # MySQL is different in that it supports prepared statements but not bound # variables outside of prepared statements. The default implementation # breaks the use of subselects in prepared statements, so extend the # temporary prepared statement that this creates with a module that # fixes it. def call(type, bind_arguments={}, *values, &block) ps = to_prepared_statement(type, values) ps.extend(CallableStatementMethods), &block) end # Store the given type of prepared statement in the associated database # with the given name. def prepare(type, name=nil, *values) ps = to_prepared_statement(type, values) ps.extend(PreparedStatementMethods) if name ps.prepared_statement_name = name db.set_prepared_statement(name, ps) end ps end private # Extend the dataset with the MySQL stored procedure methods. def prepare_extend_sproc(ds) ds.extend(StoredProcedureMethods) end end end end end