module ForemanOpenscap class LookupKeyOverrider def initialize(policy) @policy = policy @name_service = end def override return unless @policy.deploy_by && Policy.deploy_by_variants.include?(@policy.deploy_by) config = @name_service.config_for @policy.deploy_by.to_sym unless config.available? @policy.errors[:deploy_by] << _("%{type} was selected to deploy policy to clients, but %{type} is not available. Are you missing a plugin?") % { :type => config.type.to_s.camelize } return end return unless config.managed_overrides? override_required_params config end private def override_required_params(config) item = config.find_config_item unless item err = _("Required %{msg_name} %{class} was not found, please ensure it is imported first.") % { :class => config.config_item_name, :msg_name => config.msg_name } @policy.errors[:base] << err return end override_params item.public_send(config.override_method_name), config end def override_params(lookup_keys, config) policies_param = lookup_keys.find_by :key => config.policies_param port_param = lookup_keys.find_by :key => config.port_param server_param = lookup_keys.find_by :key => config.server_param return unless all_lookup_keys_present?(config, config.policies_param => policies_param, config.port_param => port_param, config.server_param => server_param) override_policies_param(policies_param, config) override_port_param(port_param, config) override_server_param(server_param, config) end def all_lookup_keys_present?(config, hash) unless hash.values.all? names = hash.reduce([]) do |memo, (key, value)| memo << key if value.blank? memo end err = _("The following %{key_name} were missing for %{item_name}: %{key_names}. Make sure they are imported before proceeding.") % { :key_name => config.lookup_key_plural_name, :key_names => names.compact.join(', '), :item_name => config.config_item_name } @policy.errors[:base] << err return false end true end def override_policies_param(parameter, config) override_param(config.policies_param, parameter, config) do |param| param.key_type = 'array' param.default_value = '<%= @host.policies_enc %>' end end def override_port_param(param, config) override_param config.port_param, param, config end def override_server_param(param, config) override_param config.server_param, param, config end def override_param(param_name, param, config) param.override = true param.hidden_value = false yield param if block_given? if param.changed? && ! @policy.errors[:base] << _('Failed to save when overriding parameters for %{config_tool}, cause: %{errors}') % { :config_tool => config.type, :errors => param.errors.full_messages.join(', ') } end end end end