# frozen_string_literal: true require "curses" require "unicode/display_width" require "fiddle/import" module Textbringer begin # These features should be provided by curses.gem. module PDCurses extend Fiddle::Importer dlload "pdcurses.dll" extern "unsigned long PDC_get_key_modifiers(void)" extern "int PDC_save_key_modifiers(unsigned char)" extern "int PDC_return_key_modifiers(unsigned char)" KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT = 1 KEY_MODIFIER_CONTROL = 2 KEY_MODIFIER_ALT = 4 KEY_MODIFIER_NUMLOCK = 8 end rescue remove_const :PDCurses end class Window KEY_NAMES = {} Curses.constants.grep(/\AKEY_/).each do |name| KEY_NAMES[Curses.const_get(name)] = name.slice(/\AKEY_(.*)/, 1).downcase.intern end ALT_IS_FUNCTION_KEY = /mswin32|mingw32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && /PDCurses/ =~ Curses::VERSION if ALT_IS_FUNCTION_KEY KEY_OFFSET = 0xec00 ALT_0 = KEY_OFFSET + 0x97 ALT_9 = KEY_OFFSET + 0xa0 ALT_A = KEY_OFFSET + 0xa1 ALT_Z = KEY_OFFSET + 0xba ALT_NUMBER_BASE = ALT_0 - ?0.ord ALT_ALPHA_BASE = ALT_A - ?a.ord end @@windows = [] @@current = nil @@echo_area = nil def self.windows @@windows end def self.current @@current end def self.current=(window) if window.deleted? window = @@windows.first end @@current.save_point if @@current && !@@current.deleted? @@current = window @@current.restore_point Buffer.current = window.buffer end def self.delete_window if @@current.echo_area? raise EditorError, "Can't delete the echo area" end if @@windows.size == 2 raise EditorError, "Can't delete the sole window" end i = @@windows.index(@@current) if i == 0 window = @@windows[1] window.move(0, 0) else window = @@windows[i - 1] end window.resize(@@current.lines + window.lines, window.columns) @@current.delete @@windows.delete_at(i) self.current = window end def self.delete_other_windows if @@current.echo_area? raise EditorError, "Can't expand the echo area to full screen" end @@windows.delete_if do |window| if window.current? || window.echo_area? false else window.delete true end end @@current.move(0, 0) @@current.resize(Window.lines - 1, @@current.columns) end def self.other_window i = @@windows.index(@@current) begin i += 1 window = @@windows[i % @@windows.size] end while !window.active? self.current = window end def self.echo_area @@echo_area end def self.start Curses.init_screen Curses.noecho Curses.raw begin window = Textbringer::Window.new(Window.lines - 1, Window.columns, 0, 0) window.buffer = Buffer.new_buffer("*scratch*") @@windows.push(window) Window.current = window @@echo_area = Textbringer::EchoArea.new(1, Window.columns, Window.lines - 1, 0) Buffer.minibuffer.keymap = MINIBUFFER_LOCAL_MAP @@echo_area.buffer = Buffer.minibuffer @@windows.push(@@echo_area) yield ensure Curses.echo Curses.noraw Curses.close_screen end end def self.redisplay @@windows.each do |window| window.redisplay unless window.current? end current.redisplay update end def self.redraw @@windows.each do |window| window.redraw unless window.current? end current.redraw update end def self.update Curses.doupdate end def self.lines Curses.lines end def self.columns Curses.cols end def self.resize @@windows.delete_if do |window| if !window.echo_area? && window.y > Window.lines - 4 window.delete true else false end end @@windows.each_with_index do |window, i| unless window.echo_area? if i < @@windows.size - 2 window.resize(window.lines, Window.columns) else window.resize(Window.lines - 1 - window.y, Window.columns) end end end @@echo_area.move(Window.lines - 1, 0) @@echo_area.resize(1, Window.columns) end def self.beep Curses.beep end attr_reader :buffer, :lines, :columns, :y, :x def initialize(lines, columns, y, x) @lines = lines @columns = columns @y = y @x = x initialize_window(lines, columns, y, x) @window.keypad = true @window.scrollok(false) @window.idlok(true) @buffer = nil @top_of_window = nil @bottom_of_window = nil @point_mark = nil @deleted = false @key_buffer = [] end def echo_area? false end def active? true end def deleted? @deleted end def delete unless @deleted if current? Window.current = @@windows.first end delete_marks @window.close @deleted = true end end def buffer=(buffer) delete_marks @buffer = buffer @top_of_window = @buffer.new_mark(@buffer.point_min) if @buffer[:top_of_window] @top_of_window.location = @buffer[:top_of_window].location end @bottom_of_window = @buffer.new_mark(@buffer.point_min) if @buffer[:bottom_of_window] @bottom_of_window.location = @buffer[:bottom_of_window].location end @point_mark = @buffer.new_mark end def save_point @buffer[:top_of_window] ||= @buffer.new_mark @buffer[:top_of_window].location = @top_of_window.location @buffer[:bottom_of_window] ||= @buffer.new_mark @buffer[:bottom_of_window].location = @bottom_of_window.location @buffer.mark_to_point(@point_mark) end def restore_point @buffer.point_to_mark(@point_mark) end def current? self == @@current end def read_char key = get_char if key.is_a?(Integer) if ALT_IS_FUNCTION_KEY if ALT_0 <= key && key <= ALT_9 @key_buffer.push((key - ALT_NUMBER_BASE).chr) return "\e" elsif ALT_A <= key && key <= ALT_Z @key_buffer.push((key - ALT_ALPHA_BASE).chr) return "\e" end end KEY_NAMES[key] || key else key&.encode(Encoding::UTF_8)&.tr("\r", "\n") end end def read_char_nonblock @window.nodelay = true begin read_char ensure @window.nodelay = false end end def wait_input(msecs) @window.timeout = msecs begin c = @window.get_char if c Curses.unget_char(c) end c ensure @window.timeout = -1 end end def has_input? @window.nodelay = true begin c = @window.get_char if c Curses.unget_char(c) end !c.nil? ensure @window.nodelay = false end end def redisplay return if has_input? return if @buffer.nil? redisplay_mode_line @buffer.save_point do |saved| if current? point = saved else point = @point_mark @buffer.point_to_mark(@point_mark) end framer y = x = 0 @buffer.point_to_mark(@top_of_window) @window.erase @window.setpos(0, 0) if current? && @buffer.visible_mark && @buffer.point_after_mark?(@buffer.visible_mark) @window.attron(Curses::A_REVERSE) end while !@buffer.end_of_buffer? if @buffer.point_at_mark?(point) y, x = @window.cury, @window.curx if current? && @buffer.visible_mark if @buffer.point_after_mark?(@buffer.visible_mark) @window.attroff(Curses::A_REVERSE) elsif @buffer.point_before_mark?(@buffer.visible_mark) @window.attron(Curses::A_REVERSE) end end end if current? && @buffer.visible_mark && @buffer.point_at_mark?(@buffer.visible_mark) if @buffer.point_after_mark?(point) @window.attroff(Curses::A_REVERSE) elsif @buffer.point_before_mark?(point) @window.attron(Curses::A_REVERSE) end end c = @buffer.char_after if c == "\n" @window.clrtoeol break if @window.cury == lines - 2 # lines include mode line elsif c == "\t" n = calc_tab_width(@window.curx) c = " " * n else c = escape(c) end @window.addstr(c) break if @window.cury == lines - 2 && # lines include mode line @window.curx == columns @buffer.forward_char end if current? && @buffer.visible_mark @window.attroff(Curses::A_REVERSE) end @buffer.mark_to_point(@bottom_of_window) if @buffer.point_at_mark?(point) y, x = @window.cury, @window.curx end if x == columns - 1 c = @buffer.char_after(point.location) if c && Buffer.display_width(c) > 1 y += 1 x = 0 end end @window.setpos(y, x) @window.noutrefresh end end def redraw @window.redraw @mode_line.redraw end def move(y, x) @y = y @x = x @window.move(y, x) @mode_line.move(y + @window.maxy, x) end def resize(lines, columns) @lines = lines @columns = columns @window.resize(lines - 1, columns) @mode_line.move(@y + lines - 1, @x) @mode_line.resize(1, columns) end def recenter @buffer.save_point do |saved| max = (lines - 1) / 2 count = beginning_of_line_and_count(max) while count < max break if @buffer.point == 0 @buffer.backward_char count += beginning_of_line_and_count(max - count - 1) + 1 end @buffer.mark_to_point(@top_of_window) end end def recenter_if_needed if @buffer.point_before_mark?(@top_of_window) || @buffer.point_after_mark?(@bottom_of_window) recenter end end def scroll_up @buffer.point_to_mark(@bottom_of_window) @buffer.previous_line @buffer.beginning_of_line @buffer.mark_to_point(@top_of_window) end def scroll_down @buffer.point_to_mark(@top_of_window) @buffer.next_line @buffer.beginning_of_line @top_of_window.location = 0 end def split if lines < 6 raise EditorError, "Window too small" end old_lines = lines new_lines = (old_lines / 2.0).ceil resize(new_lines, columns) new_window = Window.new(old_lines - new_lines, columns, y + new_lines, x) new_window.buffer = buffer i = @@windows.index(self) @@windows.insert(i + 1, new_window) end private def initialize_window(num_lines, num_columns, y, x) @window = Curses::Window.new(num_lines - 1, num_columns, y, x) @mode_line = Curses::Window.new(1, num_columns, y + num_lines - 1, x) end def framer @buffer.save_point do |saved| max = lines - 1 # lines include mode line count = beginning_of_line_and_count(max) new_start_loc = @buffer.point if @buffer.point_before_mark?(@top_of_window) @buffer.mark_to_point(@top_of_window) return end while count < max break if @buffer.point_at_mark?(@top_of_window) break if @buffer.point == 0 new_start_loc = @buffer.point @buffer.backward_char count += beginning_of_line_and_count(max - count - 1) + 1 end if count >= lines - 1 # lines include mode line @top_of_window.location = new_start_loc end end end def redisplay_mode_line @mode_line.erase @mode_line.setpos(0, 0) @mode_line.attron(Curses::A_REVERSE) @mode_line.addstr("#{@buffer.name} ") @mode_line.addstr("[+]") if @buffer.modified? @mode_line.addstr("[RO]") if @buffer.read_only? @mode_line.addstr("[#{@buffer.file_encoding.name}/") @mode_line.addstr("#{@buffer.file_format}] ") if current? || @buffer.point_at_mark?(@point_mark) c = @buffer.char_after line = @buffer.current_line column = @buffer.current_column else c = @buffer.char_after(@point_mark.location) line, column = @buffer.get_line_and_column(@point_mark.location) end @mode_line.addstr(unicode_codepoint(c)) @mode_line.addstr(" #{line},#{column}") @mode_line.addstr(" (#{@buffer.mode&.name || 'None'})") @mode_line.addstr(" " * (@mode_line.maxx - @mode_line.curx)) @mode_line.attroff(Curses::A_REVERSE) @mode_line.noutrefresh end def unicode_codepoint(c) if c.nil? "" else "U+%04X" % c.ord end end def escape(s) if @buffer.binary? s.gsub(/[\0-\b\v-\x1f]/) { |c| "^" + (c.ord ^ 0x40).chr }.gsub(/[\x80-\xff]/n) { |c| "<%02X>" % c.ord } else s.gsub(/[\0-\b\v-\x1f]/) { |c| "^" + (c.ord ^ 0x40).chr } end end def calc_tab_width(column) tw = @buffer[:tab_width] n = tw - column % tw n.nonzero? || tw end def beginning_of_line_and_count(max_lines) e = @buffer.point @buffer.beginning_of_line if e - @buffer.point < @columns return 0 end s = @buffer.substring(@buffer.point, e) bols = [@buffer.point] column = 0 while @buffer.point < e c = @buffer.char_after if c == ?\t n = calc_tab_width(column) str = " " * n else str = escape(c) end column += Buffer.display_width(str) if column > @columns # Don't forward_char if column > @window.columns # to handle multibyte characters across the end of lines. bols.push(@buffer.point) column = 0 else @buffer.forward_char if column == @columns bols.push(@buffer.point) column = 0 end end end if bols.size > max_lines @buffer.goto_char(bols[-max_lines]) max_lines else @buffer.goto_char(bols.first) bols.size - 1 end end def delete_marks if @top_of_window @top_of_window.delete @top_of_window = nil end if @bottom_of_window @bottom_of_window.delete @bottom_of_window = nil end if @point_mark @point_mark.delete @point_mark = nil end end def get_char if @key_buffer.empty? PDCurses.PDC_save_key_modifiers(1) if defined?(PDCurses) need_retry = false begin key = @window.get_char if defined?(PDCurses) mods = PDCurses.PDC_get_key_modifiers if key.is_a?(String) && key.ascii_only? if (mods & PDCurses::KEY_MODIFIER_CONTROL) != 0 key = key == ?? ? "\x7f" : (key.ord & 0x9f).chr end if (mods & PDCurses::KEY_MODIFIER_ALT) != 0 if key == "\0" # Alt + `, Alt + < etc. return NUL, so ignore it. need_retry = true else @key_buffer.push(key) key = "\e" end end end end end while need_retry key else @key_buffer.shift end end end class EchoArea < Window attr_accessor :prompt attr_writer :active def initialize(*args) super @message = nil @prompt = "" @active = false end def echo_area? true end def active? @active end def clear @buffer.clear @message = nil @prompt = "" end def clear_message @message = nil end def show(message) @message = message end def redisplay return if @buffer.nil? @buffer.save_point do |saved| @window.erase @window.setpos(0, 0) if @message @window.addstr(escape(@message)) else @window.addstr(escape(@prompt)) @buffer.beginning_of_line while !@buffer.end_of_buffer? if @buffer.point_at_mark?(saved) y, x = @window.cury, @window.curx end c = @buffer.char_after if c == "\n" break end @window.addstr(escape(c)) @buffer.forward_char end if @buffer.point_at_mark?(saved) y, x = @window.cury, @window.curx end @window.setpos(y, x) end @window.noutrefresh end end def redraw @window.redraw end def move(y, x) @y = y @x = x @window.move(y, x) end def resize(lines, columns) @lines = lines @columns = columns @window.resize(lines, columns) end private def initialize_window(num_lines, num_columns, y, x) @window = Curses::Window.new(num_lines, num_columns, y, x) end end end