h1. html-template-pro h2. What A Ruby port of HTML::Template::Pro (template engine originally written in Perl and XS). h2. Installing
sudo gem install html-template-pro
h2. The basics h2. Demonstration of usage <% if rubyforge_project_id %> * rubyforge: "http://rubyforge.org/scm/?group_id=<%= rubyforge_project_id %>":http://rubyforge.org/scm/?group_id=<%= rubyforge_project_id %>
git clone git://rubyforge.org/tmplpro.git
<% else %> * rubyforge: MISSING IN ACTION TODO - You can not created a RubyForge project, OR have not run rubyforge config yet to refresh your local rubyforge data with this projects' id information. When you do this, this message will magically disappear! Or you can hack website/index.txt and make it all go away!! <% end %> * github: "http://github.com/tom-lpsd/ruby-html-template-pro/tree/master":http://github.com/tom-lpsd/ruby-html-template-pro/tree/master
git clone git://github.com/tom-lpsd/ruby-html-template-pro.git
h3. Build and test instructions
cd tmplpro
rake test
rake install_gem
h2. License LGPL h2. Contact Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Tom Tsuruhara":mailto:tom.lpsd@gmail.com