require "fileutils" module Slideoff module Utils module_function def init_directory(name) raise "Directory '#{name}' does already exist. Use another one." if Dir.exist? name FileUtils.mkdir_p name Dir.chdir(name) do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p 'main''main/', 'w') do |file| file.write <<-EOF !SLIDE title cover h #Title ##Subtitle ![Image]( !SLIDE cover w ![Image]( !SLIDE cover h ![Image]( !SLIDE cover w h ![Image]( !SLIDE # Normal list * Keep * It * Super * Simple !SLIDE chapter h # Chapter ![Image]( !SLIDE section h # Section ![Image]( !SLIDE shout up # Shout up! !SLIDE shout left # Shout left! !SLIDE shout right # Shout right! !SLIDE shout down # Shout down! !SLIDE # Bullet list * Keep * It * Super * Simple !SLIDE # Numbered list 1. Keep 1. It 1. Super 1. Simple !SLIDE small # Small slide with full of text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut. !SLIDE # Description list Ruby : Loving scripting language HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol CSS : Cascading Style Sheet REST : Representational state transfer !SLIDE # Link 1. Click on [DSIW/slideoff]( !SLIDE # Code ```sh $ gem install slideoff ``` ```ruby class World def hello puts "Hello \#{}!" end end #=> "Hello World!" ``` Note: Code `` will be evaluated. !SLIDE # Table |Left column|Centered column| Right column |-----------|:-------------:|------------: |Dataset 1 |Dataset 1 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 2 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 3 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 4 | Dataset 2 !SLIDE # Colors 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc !SLIDE # Highlighting 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc 1. abc !SLIDE # Colorize with custom markdown This is ==orange==some== __orange__super__ and _underlined_ text. !SLIDE incr-list # Incremental list * First item * Second item * Third item !SLIDE incr-code # Incremental Code ```ruby 1.class #=> Fixnum 1.1.class #=> Float "abc".clas #=> String :abc.clas #=> Symbol ``` !SLIDE typewriter # Incremental Code ```sh bundle install ``` !SLIDE incr-table # Incremental table |Left column|Centered column| Right column |-----------|:-------------:|------------: |Dataset 1 |Dataset 1 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 2 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 3 | Dataset 2 |Dataset 1 |Dataset 4 | Dataset 2 !SLIDE incremental # Content with pauses This is the first text. !PAUSE More text with hidden info! !SLIDE disabled # Hidden slide !SLIDE # Blockquote >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut. > >Athor Name !SLIDE # Box +++ +++ Box without shadow +++ Content +++ shadow +++ Box with shadow +++ Content !SLIDE # Arranged Box
aren't good
No errors
are better
!SLIDE # Box with different colors (1) +++ box-blue +++ Header +++ Content +++ box-bluegreen +++ Header +++ Content +++ box-green +++ Header +++ Content !SLIDE # Box with different colors (2) +++ box-red +++ Header +++ Content +++ box-purple +++ Header +++ Content +++ box-orange +++ Header +++ Content !SLIDE # Image ![Markdown]( !SLIDE img-place-middle # Centered Image ![Markdown]( !SLIDE section cover w # Image via Flickr API !F[22565509] !SLIDE # Placement with "place t r b l" center top top-left top-right left right bottom bottom-left bottom-right !SLIDE # Diagram with Highcharts
!SLIDE noheader cover h



![Image]( !SLIDE # Formulas

Pythagoras as inline equation: \\( a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \\)

Fibonacci as displayed equation: $$ F_n = \\begin{cases} n & \quad \\text{if } n \\leq 1 \\\\ F_{i-1} + F_{i-2} & \\quad \\text{otherwise} \\\\ \\end{cases} $$

!SLIDE # Clickbindings Click | Action ------------------------------- | ------------------------- Left click | Goto next slide Right click | Goto previous slide !SLIDE # Keybindings (1) Key | Action ------------------------------- | ------------------------- F5 / Enter | Goto slide mode Esc | Goto list mode Home | Goto first slide End | Goto last slide !SLIDE # Keybindings (2) Key | Action ------------------------------- | ------------------------- Tab / Space | Goto next slide ... with Shift | Goto previous slide PageUp / Up / Left / h / k | Goto previous slide ... with Shift | Goto previous chapter PageDown / Down / right / l / j | Goto next slide ... with Shift | Goto next chapter EOF end'presentation.json', 'w') do |file| file.write <<-EOF { "title": "#{name}", "author": "Me", "theme": "modern", "pygments_style": "github", //"duration": 20, //"flickr_api_key": "...", //"remote_host": "...", //"remote_path": "...", "sections": { "main": {"title": "Modern theme", "show_chapter": false, "show_toc": false} } } EOF end'style.css', 'w') do |file| file.write <<-EOF /* Override your theme styles */ .slide { } EOF end'script.js', 'w') do |file| file.write <<-EOF /* Write your js */ $(document).ready(function (e) { console.log("Yeah, your are using slideoff! Have fun and be creative!"); }); EOF end puts `git init` end end def install_theme(git_repository_url, theme_name) theme_name ||= git_repository_url.split('/').last.gsub(/slideoff-|theme-/, '') theme_path = File.join(CONFIG.dir, 'themes', theme_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(theme_path) `git clone #{git_repository_url} #{theme_path}` puts puts "Please make sure that '#{theme_name}' is set in your presentation.json" end def upload(options = {}) generate_static(options) path = CONFIG.remote_path mkdir_commands = parents(path).map { |path| "mkdir -vp -m 755 #{path}" } remote_cmd mkdir_commands `scp -r #{File.join(CONFIG.static_dir, "*")} #{CONFIG.remote_host}:#{path}` remote_cmd "chmod -vR o+r #{path}" end def generate_static(options = {}) fork_server(options) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(CONFIG.static_dir, verbose: true) FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir[File.join(CONFIG.static_dir, '*')], verbose: true) Dir.chdir(CONFIG.static_dir) do |dir| `wget -E -H -k -nH -p{options[:port]}/` File.write('robots.txt', "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n") end end end def serve_static(port, options = {}) Dir.chdir(CONFIG.static_dir) do puts "Listening python server on{port}" if options[:verbose] `python3 -m http.server #{port}` end end def generate_pdf_file(options = {}) pdf_file = "talk_#{convert_to_filename(CONFIG.title)}.pdf" fork_server(options) do page_width = '8000px' page_height = '6000px' page_margin = 0 source = "{options[:port]}" dest = pdf_file `wkhtmltopdf --page-width #{page_width} --page-height #{page_height} -B #{page_margin} -R #{page_margin} -L #{page_margin} -T #{page_margin} #{source} #{dest}` end pdf_file end private def self.parents(dir) splitted = dir.split(File::SEPARATOR) splitted.length.times.reduce([]) { |_parents, i| _parents << splitted[0..i].join(File::SEPARATOR) } end def self.remote_cmd(cmds) `ssh #{CONFIG.remote_host} "#{Array(cmds).join(';')}"` end def self.convert_to_filename(string) string.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9.-]/, '') end def self.fork_server(options) pid = Process.fork { } sleep 2 begin yield ensure Process.kill "QUIT", pid Process.wait pid end end end end