module Songkickr class Remote include HTTParty base_uri '' format :json attr_reader :api_key # Get your api_key found here def initialize(api_key = nil) @api_key = api_key @api_key ||= Songkickr.api_key self.class.default_params :apikey => @api_key end # Parameters - # # type (concert or festival) # artists (events by any of the artists, comma-separated) # artist_name # artist_id # venue_id # setlist_item_name (name of a song which was played at the event – use with artist_id or artist_name) # min_date # max_date # location - see the Songkick website for instructions on how to use the location parameter def events(query = {}) result = self.class.get('/events.json', :query => query) result end # Parameters - # # attendance (all, im_going, i_might_go) - defaults to im_going # type (concert or festival) # artists (events by any of the artists, comma-separated) # artist_name # artist_id # venue_id # setlist_item_name (name of a song which was played at the event – use with artist_id or artist_name) # min_date # max_date # location - see the Songkick website for instructions on how to use the location parameter def users_events(username, query = {}) result = self.class.get("/users/#{username}/events.json", :query => query) result end # Parameters - # # event_id def concert_setlists(event_id) result = self.class.get("/events/#{event_id}/setlists.json") result end end end