require 'helper' class TestFinders < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "A SugarCRM::Base instance" do should "always return an Array when :all" do users = SugarCRM::User.all(:limit => 10) assert_instance_of Array, users users = SugarCRM::User.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_name => '= admin'}) assert_instance_of Array, users assert users.length == 1 users = SugarCRM::User.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_name => '= invalid_user_123'}) assert_instance_of Array, users assert users.length == 0 end should "support finding first instance (sorted by attribute)" do account = SugarCRM::Account.first({ :order_by => 'name' }) assert_instance_of SugarCRM::Account, account end should "support finding last instance (sorted by attribute)" do expected_account = SugarCRM::Account.first({:order_by => 'name DESC'}) account = SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name'}) assert_equal, expected_account = SugarCRM::Account.first({:order_by => 'name DESC'}) account = SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name ASC'}) assert_equal, expected_account = SugarCRM::Account.first({:order_by => 'name ASC'}) account = SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name DESC'}) assert_equal, end should "support finding last instance with symbol as :order_by option" do expected_account = SugarCRM::Account.first({:order_by => 'id DESC'}) account = SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => :id}) assert_equal, end should "support finding last instance (last created)" do expected_account = SugarCRM::Account.first({:order_by => 'date_entered DESC'}) account = SugarCRM::Account.last assert_equal, end should "support returning only certain fields" do user = SugarCRM::User.first(:fields => [:first_name, :department]) assert_instance_of SugarCRM::User, user end should "raise a RuntimeError when searching for last instance with multiple order clauses" do assert_raise(RuntimeError){ SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name, id DESC'}) } end should "raise a RuntimeError when searching for last instance if order clause has weird format" do assert_raise(RuntimeError){ SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name id DESC'}) } assert_raise(RuntimeError){ SugarCRM::Account.last({:order_by => 'name DESC id'}) } end should "support searching based on conditions" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all({ :conditions => { :billing_address_postalcode => ["> '70000'", "< '79999'" ] }, :limit => 2, :order_by => 'billing_address_postalcode' }) assert_instance_of SugarCRM::Account, accounts.first end should "support searching based on SQL operators" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all({ :conditions => { :name => "LIKE '%Inc%'" } }) assert accounts assert_instance_of SugarCRM::Account, accounts.first end should "return an an instance of itself when sent #find(id)" do assert_instance_of SugarCRM::User, SugarCRM::User.find(1) end should "receive a response containing all fields when sent #get_entry" do u = SugarCRM::User.find(1) assert_equal u.user_name, "admin" end should "return an array of records when sent #find([id1, id2, id3])" do users = SugarCRM::User.find(["seed_sarah_id", 1]) assert_equal "admin", users.last.user_name end # test Base#find_by_sql edge case should "return an array of records with small limit and an offset of 0" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:limit => 3, :offset => 0) assert_equal 3, accounts.size end # test Base#find_by_sql edge case: force slize size to vary up and down should "return an array of records with small offset and a limit greater than 5 but not divisible by 5" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:limit => 13, :offset => 2) assert_equal 13, accounts.size end # test Base#find_by_sql standard case should "return an array of records with high limit" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:limit => 12) assert_equal 12, accounts.size end should "accept a block" do # try small limit which will return result on the first result slice (and call yield block only once) count = 0 assert_nothing_raised do SugarCRM::Account.all(:limit => 2){|a| count += 1 } end assert_equal 2, count # try larger limit which will require multiple result slices to be fetched and yielded individually (yield block called for each result slice) count = 0 assert_nothing_raised do SugarCRM::Account.all(:limit => 12){|a| count += 1 } end assert_equal 12, count end should "retrieve all records (with no limit option) correctly" do count = 0 SugarCRM::Account.all{|a| count += 1 } assert_equal SugarCRM::Account.count, count end should "return an array of records when using :order_by, :limit, and :offset options" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 3, :offset => 10) accounts_api = SugarCRM.connection.get_entry_list('Accounts', '1=1', :order_by => 'name', :limit => 3, :offset => 10) assert_equal accounts_api, accounts end should "return an array of records working around a SugarCRM bug when :limit > :offset" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 10, :offset => 2) assert_equal 10, accounts.size end should "return an array of 1 record with :limit => 1, :offset => 1" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 1, :offset => 1) assert_equal 1, accounts.size end should "ignore :offset => 0" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 3) accounts_offset = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 3, :offset => 0) assert_equal accounts, accounts_offset end should "compute offsets correctly" do accounts = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 10, :offset => 3) accounts_first_slice = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 5, :offset => 3) accounts_second_slice = SugarCRM::Account.all(:order_by => 'name', :limit => 5, :offset => 8) assert_equal accounts, accounts_first_slice.concat(accounts_second_slice) end should "return an instance of User when sent User#find_by_username" do u = SugarCRM::User.find_by_user_name("sarah") assert_equal "", u.email_addresses.first.email_address end should "create or retrieve a record when #find_or_create_by_name" do a = SugarCRM::Account.find_or_create_by_name("Really Important Co. Name") assert_instance_of SugarCRM::Account, a assert ! b = SugarCRM::Account.find_or_create_by_name("Really Important Co. Name") assert a == b assert a.delete end end end