# # This file is part of ruby-ffi. # For licensing, see LICENSE.SPECS # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) require 'ffi' MemoryPointer = FFI::MemoryPointer describe "MemoryPointer#total" do it "MemoryPointer.new(:char, 1).total == 1" do expect(MemoryPointer.new(:char, 1).total).to eq 1 end it "MemoryPointer.new(:short, 1).total == 2" do expect(MemoryPointer.new(:short, 1).total).to eq 2 end it "MemoryPointer.new(:int, 1).total == 4" do expect(MemoryPointer.new(:int, 1).total).to eq 4 end it "MemoryPointer.new(:long_long, 1).total == 8" do expect(MemoryPointer.new(:long_long, 1).total).to eq 8 end it "MemoryPointer.new(1024).total == 1024" do expect(MemoryPointer.new(1024).total).to eq 1024 end end describe "MemoryPointer#read_array_of_long" do it "foo" do ptr = MemoryPointer.new(:long, 1024) ptr[0].write_long 1234 ptr[1].write_long 5678 l = ptr.read_array_of_long(2) expect(l[0]).to eq 1234 expect(l[1]).to eq 5678 end end describe "MemoryPointer argument" do module Ptr extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Platform::LIBC attach_function :memset, [ :pointer, :int, :ulong ], :pointer attach_function :memcpy, [ :pointer, :pointer, :ulong ], :pointer end it "Pointer passed correctly" do p = MemoryPointer.new :int, 1 ret = Ptr.memset(p, 0, p.total) expect(ret).to eq p end it "Data passed to native function" do p = MemoryPointer.new :int, 1 p2 = MemoryPointer.new :int, 1 p2.put_int(0, 0x5eadbeef) Ptr.memcpy(p, p2, p.total) expect(p.get_int(0)).to eq p2.get_int(0) expect(p2.get_int(0)).not_to eql 0 end end describe "MemoryPointer return value" do module Stdio extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Platform::LIBC attach_function :fopen, [ :string, :string ], :pointer attach_function :fclose, [ :pointer ], :int attach_function :fwrite, [ :pointer, :ulong, :ulong, :string ], :ulong end it "fopen returns non-nil" do fp = Stdio.fopen("/dev/null", "w") expect(fp).to_not be_nil expect(Stdio.fclose(fp)).to eq 0 unless fp.nil? or fp.null? end end