# AfriCompta - handler of a simple accounting-system for "Gestion" # # What follows are some definitions used by other modules require 'digest/md5' # We want a simple time-print # class Time # def to_s # day.to_s + '/' + month.to_s # end # # def to_ss # to_s + '/' + year.to_s # end # end class Date def month_s %w(janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre)[month-1] end def to_s_eu strftime('%d/%m/%y') end def to_s_euy strftime('%d/%m/%Y') end def Date.from_s(s) # Do some date-magic, so that we can give either the day, day and month or # a complete date. The rest is filled up with todays date. date = [] if s.index('/') date = s.split('/') else date = s.split('-').reverse end da = Date.today d = [da.day, da.month, da.year] date += d.last(3 - date.size) if date[2].to_s.size > 2 date = Date.strptime(date.join('/'), '%d/%m/%Y') else date = Date.strptime(date.join('/'), '%d/%m/%y') end return date end end class SQLiteAC < SQLite def configure(config) super(config, 'compta', 'compta.db') end end class Float def round(precision = 0) if precision > 0 return (self * 10**precision).round / 10.0**precision else return super() end end end module ACQooxView def self.load_entities_old(preload = true) require 'africompta/acaccess' Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/entities/*.rb'].each { |f| dputs(2) { "Adding #{f}" } require(f) } end end