* Added gemspec for GitHub auto-creation * Added ActionMailer support * Added support for rails 2.3 * Removed render_parent for now (in edge rails version) * inherit_views allows inherited templates to be rendered where there is no action method * Vastly simplified internals, making use of the _pick_template single point of entry * branched fro rails 2.0 and 2.1 in rails-2.0-2.1, edge rails follows master branch * Now using garlic for CI * Compatibility update for the new ActionView::Partial refactoring. [thanks Chris Hapgood for reporting, and tracking down, the bug] * Compatible with both Rails 2.0.x and beyond - uses the template.finder object to find templates if that is available * Vastly improved readability of specs, and made them much more acceptance like * BC Alert! inherit_views has changed to keep up with edge rails internals. If you're using latest Edge, no problems. If you're using < 7413 then freeze to r390 of inherit_views