require 'tempfile' def print_help(options = {}) doc =<= | > | BEGINS_WITH | BETWEEN see Scan (SELECT ALL), QueryFilter (HAVING) = | <> | != | <= | < | >= | > | IS NOT NULL | IS NULL | CONTAINS | NOT CONTAINS | BEGINS_WITH | IN | BETWEEN see, ##### Pass to Ruby/Shell ##### Ryby query | ruby_script ex) SELECT ALL * FROM employees WHERE gender = 'M' | {|i| Time.parse(i) }; [ "1957-09-16 00:00:00 +0900", "1954-12-16 00:00:00 +0900", "1964-05-23 00:00:00 +0900", ... Shell query ! shell_command ex) SELECT ALL * FROM employees LIMIT 10 ! sort; {"birth_date"=>"1957-09-16", "emp_no"=>452020,... {"birth_date"=>"1963-07-14", "emp_no"=>16998, ... {"birth_date"=>"1964-04-30", "emp_no"=>225407,... ... ##### Output to a file ##### Overwrite SELECT ALL * FROM employees > 'foo.json'; Append SELECT ALL * FROM employees >> 'foo.json'; ##### Command ##### .help displays this message .quit | .exit exits ddbcli .consistent (true|false)? displays ConsistentRead parameter or changes it .iteratable (true|false)? displays iteratable option or changes it all results are displayed if true .debug (true|false)? displays a debug status or changes it .retry NUM? displays number of times of a retry or changes it .retry_interval SECOND? displays a retry interval second or changes it .timeout SECOND? displays a timeout second or changes it .version displays a version EOS if options[:pagerize]"ddbcli.#{$$}.#{}") do |f| f.puts(doc) f.flush unless system("less #{f.path}") puts doc end end else puts doc end end