# -*- ruby -*- # # Rakefile for gettext # # This file maintains gettext. # # Use setup.rb or gem for installation. # You don't need to use this file directly. # # Copyright(c) 2005-2009 Masao Mutoh # Copyright(c) 2012 Kouhei Sutou # Copyright(c) 2012 Haruka Yoshihara # This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby. base_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(base_dir, 'lib')) require "tempfile" require "rake" require "rubygems" require "yard" require "gettext/version" require "gettext/tools" require "gettext/task" require "bundler/gem_helper" class Bundler::GemHelper undef_method :version_tag def version_tag version end end helper = Bundler::GemHelper.new(base_dir) helper.install spec = helper.gemspec task :default => :test ############################################################ # GetText tasks for developing ############################################################ poparser_rb_path = "lib/gettext/tools/poparser.rb" desc "Create #{poparser_rb_path}" task :poparser => poparser_rb_path def fix_racc_output_indent(racc_output) racc_output.gsub(/^ (end\s*\# module GetText)$/, '\1') end poparser_ry_path = "src/poparser.ry" file poparser_rb_path => poparser_ry_path do racc = File.join(Gem.bindir, "racc") tempfile = Tempfile.new("gettext-poparser") ruby(racc, "-g", poparser_ry_path, "-o", tempfile.path) File.open(poparser_rb_path, "w") do |poparser_rb| poparser_rb.puts(<<-EOH) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # poparser.rb - Generate a .mo # # Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Masao Mutoh # Copyright (C) 2012 Kouhei Sutou # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same # license terms as Ruby or LGPL. EOH poparser_rb.puts(fix_racc_output_indent(tempfile.read)) end end desc "Run all tests" task :test => "test:prepare" do options = ARGV - Rake.application.top_level_tasks ruby "test/run-test.rb", *options end namespace :test do desc "Prepare test environment" task :prepare => ["test:gettext", "samples:gettext"] end GetText::Task.new(spec) Dir.glob("samples/*.rb") do |target| domain = File.basename(target, ".*") GetText::Task.new(spec) do |task| task.domain = domain task.namespace_prefix = "samples:#{domain}" task.po_base_directory = "samples/po" task.mo_base_directory = "samples" task.files = Dir.glob(target.gsub(/\..*\z/, ".*")) end task "samples:gettext" => "samples:#{domain}:gettext" end desc "Update *.mo for samples" task "samples:gettext" [ ["main", Dir.glob("samples/cgi/{index.cgi,cookie.cgi}")], ["helloerb1", Dir.glob("samples/cgi/helloerb1.cgi")], ["helloerb2", Dir.glob("samples/cgi/helloerb2.cgi")], ["hellolib", Dir.glob("samples/cgi/hellolib.rb")], ].each do |domain, files| GetText::Task.new(spec) do |task| task.domain = domain task.namespace_prefix = "samples:cgi:#{domain}" task.po_base_directory = "samples/cgi/po" task.mo_base_directory = "samples/cgi" task.files = files end task "samples:cgi:gettext" => "samples:cgi:#{domain}:gettext" end desc "Updates *.mo for CGI samples" task "samples:cgi:gettext" task "samples:gettext" => "samples:cgi:gettext" ["untranslated", "backslash", "non_ascii", "np_", "p_"].each do |domain| GetText::Task.new(spec) do |task| task.domain = domain task.namespace_prefix = "test:#{domain}" task.po_base_directory = "test/po" task.mo_base_directory = "test" task.files = ["test/fixtures/#{domain}.rb"] task.locales = ["ja"] end task "test:gettext" => "test:#{domain}:gettext" end ["_", "s_", "ns_"].each do |domain| GetText::Task.new(spec) do |task| task.domain = domain task.namespace_prefix = "test:#{domain}" task.po_base_directory = "test/po" task.mo_base_directory = "test" task.files = ["test/fixtures/#{domain}.rb"] task.files += Dir.glob("test/fixtures/#{domain}/*.rb") task.locales = ["ja"] end task "test:gettext" => "test:#{domain}:gettext" end po_only_domains = [ "plural", "plural_error", "rubyparser", "test1", "test2", "test3" ] po_only_domains.each do |domain| GetText::Task.new(spec) do |task| task.domain = domain task.namespace_prefix = "test:#{domain}" task.po_base_directory = "test/po" task.mo_base_directory = "test" task.files = [] task.locales = Dir.glob("test/po/*/#{domain}.po").collect do |po| File.basename(File.dirname(po)) end end task "test:gettext" => "test:#{domain}:gettext" end desc "Update *.mo for test" task "test:gettext" task :package => [:gettext] YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| end