import Controller, { inject as injectController } from '@ember/controller'; import Service, { inject as injectService } from '@ember/service'; import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { Mixin, get } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { runDestroy, buildOwner } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Controller event handling', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test Action can be handled by a function on actions object'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let TestController = Controller.extend({ actions: { poke() { assert.ok(true, 'poked'); }, }, }); let controller = TestController.create(); controller.send('poke'); } ['@test A handled action can be bubbled to the target for continued processing'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let TestController = Controller.extend({ actions: { poke() { assert.ok(true, 'poked 1'); return true; }, }, }); let controller = TestController.create({ target: Controller.extend({ actions: { poke() { assert.ok(true, 'poked 2'); }, }, }).create(), }); controller.send('poke'); } ["@test Action can be handled by a superclass' actions object"](assert) { assert.expect(4); let SuperController = Controller.extend({ actions: { foo() { assert.ok(true, 'foo'); }, bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); }, }, }); let BarControllerMixin = Mixin.create({ actions: { bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); this._super(msg); }, }, }); let IndexController = SuperController.extend(BarControllerMixin, { actions: { baz() { assert.ok(true, 'baz'); }, }, }); let controller = IndexController.create({}); controller.send('foo'); controller.send('bar', 'HELLO'); controller.send('baz'); } ['@test .send asserts if called on a destroyed controller']() { let owner = buildOwner(); owner.register( 'controller:application', Controller.extend({ toString() { return 'controller:rip-alley'; }, }) ); let controller = owner.lookup('controller:application'); runDestroy(owner); expectAssertion(() => { controller.send('trigger-me-dead'); }, "Attempted to call .send() with the action 'trigger-me-dead' on the destroyed object 'controller:rip-alley'."); } } ); moduleFor( 'Controller deprecations -> Controller Content -> Model Alias', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test `content` is not moved to `model` when `model` is unset'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let controller; ignoreDeprecation(function() { controller = Controller.extend({ content: 'foo-bar', }).create(); }); assert.notEqual(controller.get('model'), 'foo-bar', 'model is set properly'); assert.equal(controller.get('content'), 'foo-bar', 'content is not set properly'); } ['@test specifying `content` (without `model` specified) does not result in deprecation']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); expectNoDeprecation(); let controller = Controller.extend({ content: 'foo-bar', }).create(); assert.equal(get(controller, 'content'), 'foo-bar'); } ['@test specifying `content` (with `model` specified) does not result in deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(3); expectNoDeprecation(); let controller = Controller.extend({ content: 'foo-bar', model: 'blammo', }).create(); assert.equal(get(controller, 'content'), 'foo-bar'); assert.equal(get(controller, 'model'), 'blammo'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Controller deprecations -> Controller injected properties', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test defining a controller on a non-controller should fail assertion']() { expectAssertion(function() { let owner = buildOwner(); let AnObject = EmberObject.extend({ foo: injectController('bar'), }); owner.register('controller:bar', EmberObject.extend()); owner.register('foo:main', AnObject); owner.lookup('foo:main'); }, /Defining `foo` as an injected controller property on a non-controller \(`foo:main`\) is not allowed/); } ['@test controllers can be injected into controllers'](assert) { let owner = buildOwner(); owner.register( 'controller:post', Controller.extend({ postsController: injectController('posts'), }) ); owner.register('controller:posts', Controller.extend()); let postController = owner.lookup('controller:post'); let postsController = owner.lookup('controller:posts'); assert.equal( postsController, postController.get('postsController'), 'controller.posts is injected' ); } ['@test services can be injected into controllers'](assert) { let owner = buildOwner(); owner.register( 'controller:application', Controller.extend({ authService: injectService('auth'), }) ); owner.register('service:auth', Service.extend()); let appController = owner.lookup('controller:application'); let authService = owner.lookup('service:auth'); assert.equal(authService, appController.get('authService'), 'service.auth is injected'); } } );